Nangong Li playfully hugged his arms, stroked his jaw with his fingers, and looked at Xia Qingluo with a smile. "Aren't you dreaming at your age, don't you want a romantic encounter, and we are qualified in all aspects. Why don't you hold on to small problems?"

"Because it doesn't make sense." Xia Qingluo suddenly looked up, the corners of her mouth popped up, and her eyes seemed to have a meditation that didn't belong to her age. "Don't tell me about the past life and the present life, I'm only responsible for my life."

Nangong Li's smiling expression slowly converged, and the thought of teasing the little girl also faded.

At this time, Xia Qingluo is like a green bamboo in the wind, tall and straight, tough, with proud character.

Even if the young man in front of him is customized all over his body, even if the car behind him is a limited edition luxury car, even if he has a good face and high value, these seem a little ridiculous in front of the 19-year-old girl in front of him.

There is such a kind of person in this world.

No matter how ordinary and ordinary she is, when she stands in the crowd, you can't help seeing her at a glance.

It's not about appearance.

That is a kind of bearing.

But the sea is full of rivers.

Nangong Li thought that maybe this was the reason why he couldn't let go for thousands of years.

Because girls with her character and appearance can be found everywhere in this society. No matter her character or words, some are even more ancient and strange than her.

However, once Xia Qingluo takes something seriously, her magnanimity will come out involuntarily.

Like now.

Xia Qingluo doubted his purpose.

Question his behavior.

Nangong Li was silent for a long time and said in a low voice, "you don't want to hear about previous lives. I have to say that there are always obstacles. Otherwise, why would I look for you? And I'm not the only one looking for you. The emperor named Yun qingrang has also found you. I think you have forgotten him. Now I think it's very good."

Xia Qingluo is a little upset. Her previous life is too far away from her. She doesn't want to know.

I'm too lazy to remember.

I don't want to talk to this man.

The stem of previous life and this life is so rotten.

"That's it. Thank you today." Xia Qingluo smiled, waved with Nangong Li and chased Du Xiaodu.

Looking at Xia Qingluo's slightly cheerful back, the color of Nangong's eyes darkened.

He knew Yunqing had let him find her.

I also know where yunqingrang lives.

Walking in the world for so many years, those big demons and small demons who can't fly have already returned to his door.

He has many eyeliner.

Naturally, I know more.

Although Xia Qingluo forgot what happened thousands of years ago, Nangong Li knew that she did not reject Yunqing's approach.

Is it fate?

Nangongli starts the car and drives towards the Pearl community.

In fact, this is Nangong Li, because Xia Qingluo can easily see the heterogeneous ontology now.

Therefore, the impression of Yunqing, who is dazzling and like a jade man, is much better than that of a red fox goblin.

At least, the same race.

Xia Qingluo suddenly stopped when she was about to go to Du Xiaodu in front of them. These people must ask East and West for a while. She didn't understand it in her own mind, but she didn't want to hear them chirp.

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