Gather into a mass, then turn into a vortex and go towards the cave.

Yunqing asked to take it back.

These things won't leave here.

That cave is weird.

Those blue flying insects seem to be guarding something.

Under the collapsed mountain, there should be a mysterious array to suppress it.

Is it Pangu pool?

Yunqing was silent for a moment and said to Lin Ziao, "call Jiaxiu and ask him to come right away."

"OK, senior brother."

It has to be said that this communication tool invented by modern people is really easy to use.

In the past, the transmission of jade slips between immortals or the sending of letters by flying cranes needed to be limited by cultivation. It was impossible to control without reaching a certain cultivation.

This little thing can be used by anyone as long as there is electricity, signal and no threshold.

Although the signal here is weak, it's just a matter of moving the index finger with him.

Look at Lin Ziao on the phone. Yunqing let him touch his mobile phone and put it down.

Still not used to it.

Want to come, at this time, without him watching, Xia Qingluo naturally played.

Nature is playful and always needs people's supervision before they are willing to move forward step by step.

Yunqing let him smile and fly towards the whirlpool in the sky.

It's the same here as just now.

Deep and mysterious.

I don't know what's at the end of the black hole.

Maybe it's the unknown world, maybe it's the heaven that has been missing for thousands of years.

A few minutes later, Jiaxiu Tianjun flew over like a meteor.

As soon as he turned, he stood in front of Yun qingrang.

A sky blue casual dress looks calm and steady.

Yunqingrang never asked him how he spent the past thousand years.

However, I think I have experienced too many vicissitudes.

This trip to the world may not be an experience for Jiaxiu.

"Here I am."


"Is this the gate of heaven?" Jiaxiu asked yunqingrang.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Then what did you ask me to do?" Jiaxiu raised her eyebrows.

"Let's go and have a look." Yunqing asked her to speak faintly.

Jiaxiu felt funny and looked at Yunqing with disdain. "Don't tell me you don't dare to go alone, so hold me?"

Yunqing gave Jiaxiu a look of arrogance and asked calmly, "you are the emperor of heaven. Do you really want to stay in the world forever?"

"Of course not. Is it just about you?"

"I'll help you return to heaven, do what you should do, and the place of nothingness. I'll give it to you myself. Otherwise, when I fix the mistake, if I'm not there, it will cause the shock of heaven and earth."

"You let me control the way of heaven?" Jiaxiu Tianjun felt bitterly. "You didn't have time to teach me anything, and the person disappeared."

"It happened suddenly." Yunqing asked him not to look at Jiaxiu, but to stare at the vortex and his eyes flashed, "let's go. I'll teach you later."

With that, people have turned into a meteor and flew into the vortex.

Jiaxiu was naturally unwilling to show weakness, and then followed up.

Lin Ziao was surprised to find that at the moment when Jiaxiu flew in, the swirling black hole was slowly closed.

When the two figures disappeared into the vortex, there was no crack in the sky.

It's like the vortex just now never existed.

It also seems that it is a channel, just waiting for Yunqing to give way and Jiaxiu.

When they come in.

Naturally closed.

Lin Ziao didn't care. Elder martial brother said he would come back. Naturally, he would come back.

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