
"Don't what?"

"When I remember."

"OK." Yunqing asked to nod slightly, and the corners of his mouth were spoiled smiles.

Xia Qingluo pinched Yun qingrang's face. The thief said, "if you go out, remember to bring sunglasses."


"So as not to attract bees and butterflies."

Yunqing asked him to slowly hug Xia Qingluo and sigh, "it's good that you remember."

Without that memory, it's not easy to start over.

In particular, Xia Qingluo is very insensitive to feelings.

Thousands of years ago, he walked into her heart so quickly because she was lonely, unaccompanied and lived alone in another time and space. Therefore, Yunqing let Xia Qingluo fall in love with herself with all his love.

But in this life, Xia Qingluo lacks nothing.

It's easier said than done to make her like herself.

So all along, Yun qingrang's heart is anxious.

Now, it's in my stomach.

His palm moved, and a crystal clear white thing like lotus seed appeared in her palm.

"This is the heart of Han for five thousand years. It has something to do with the holy lotus in your body."

"Did you eat it directly?"

"Well." Yunqing asked him to nod, "this is the spirit of all things. Whether it is immortal or mortal, it will absorb it without any reverse phagocytosis and side effects."

Xia Qingluo picked up the heart of Han and put it into her mouth.

First a little bitter, then cool, sweet, like a wisp of ice in the mouth.

"Delicious." Xia Qingluo suddenly widened her eyes.

Looking at Yun qingrang, he wanted to be a snack.

Yunqing made me laugh.

Pinched her nose, "you think this is a sugar bean. Over the past tens of thousands of years, the Han in the pool has just formed such a grain."

"But I don't feel any change."

"What change do you want?"

"For example, with great energy, he rushed to the Dantian and gathered on his head..."

"Do you know where Dantian is?"

Xia Qingluo touched her belly and raised her eyebrows. "Here?"

"That's the stomach." Yunqing asked him to speak slowly.

"Hum." Xia Qingluo blushed.

"Don't hum. It's a concentrated solid. You'll see its beauty in the future."

"Didn't you just say you were leaving?" Xia Qingluo teased her mouth, stretched out her hand and hooked Yun qingrang's neck. "Every time, she said she was going to leave, but she had to linger for a long time."

"If you don't like it, I can be more straightforward next time."

"I like it." Xia Qingluo's nose is facing yunqingrang's nose. Her eyes flow and swing people's hearts and souls.

"Have a good rest. I'll take you out tomorrow."

"I have to work."

"Where is it?"

"It's the bookstore not far from here. The landlady and Nangong Li seem to know each other."

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Good." Xia Qingluo certainly agreed. This is her boyfriend. Such a top-notch boyfriend also has face. Xia Qingluo's eyes flow, "remember to keep a low profile."

Yunqing asked to nod.

This is not a problem.

He lowered his head and gently printed a kiss on Xia Qingluo's lips, like a dragonfly, but with unspeakable love, "have a good rest. I'm really gone this time."

With that, he pulled down the border, flashed and left Xia Qingluo's bedroom.

If he doesn't go, he can't guarantee whether he can really go.

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