He really said that. What should she do?

She is not as powerful as yunqingrang. Yunqingrang may imprison her or kill her directly.

At that time, she really had nothing.

Could it be like that?

What oppresses her chest and makes her unable to breathe. At the same time, a strong reluctance rushes to her heart. Why, why does Xia Qingluo live to let others think about her body and her yuan God?

Does she live for others?

No, no!

She Xia Qingluo lives for herself!

Xia Qingluo pressed down the anger and calmed herself gradually. She inhaled deeply, put aside her tumbling thoughts and looked at the clouds ahead. Here is her dream from reality.

If you want to go out, you should first open a door to your dream, and then go to Yitian's dream.

Yi Tian, Xia Qingluo smiled coldly.

Why did she forget this man.

Xia Qingluo closes her eyes and condenses gas to empty her mind.

Divine consciousness shines around like a searchlight.

With keen intuition, she stood in an open space, kicked it, and a door opened.

There, it was dark and only a faint light was shining.

She walked out of her dream and came to Yitian's dream.

There was a path with no end in sight. Xia Qingluo walked forward with some heavy footsteps. It was really a demon statue. Even his dream was so disgusting. Then she was shocked to find that she didn't know when a pile of dark shadows surrounded her. She couldn't see her face clearly, but it was very cold and terrible.

The dark shadow had no eyes, and its mouth was also dark. It was like a bottomless black hole, where wisps of black smoke came out from time to time.

Its mouth was not terrible to Xia Qingluo, but the dense dark shadow behind it, wriggling in the dark, a fishy smell came to his face, and the black viscous liquid flowed everywhere on the ground.

And those black things kept shouting, "hungry, hungry, hungry..."

A black tentacle suddenly grabbed Xia Qingluo's ankle. She kicked it with a frightened foot, but found that the other party rushed up to her like a tide.

Dense and disgusting wriggling, like insects. In the process of wriggling, some were torn and eaten, and then the same black things came out of their mouths and swallowed them.

Non-stop destruction, non-stop derivation, this way of reincarnation only belongs to the hungry ghost road.

All foreign spirits will be devoured by ghosts in the body hungry ghost road. All foreign creatures, because they are driven by hunger, have only their instinct to devour. The pain on their body has tortured them and made them unconscious.

Buddha said that the so-called hungry ghost is often hungry and empty, so it is called hunger; Fear, fear and fear, so it is called a ghost. This kind of ghost is weak and ugly, and everyone who sees it is afraid.

Hungry ghost road is also the way of Yitian.

He grew up eating people.

These evil spirits are where the soul of the people he has eaten can not transcend.

There was no specific concept before, but Xia Qingluo was still a little shocked and more angry when she saw such a scene today.

It is the kind of anger towards the people in the three worlds of heaven, demon and demon.

God has the virtue of living a good life. She used her divine power to make the world derive all kinds of elves, whether it is the snowy far north, the lush water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the deep sea and the vast desert. As long as she can, she will let there be mountains, water, green plants and lovely creatures.

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