Wall lamps, chandeliers, portraits and objects on the Duobao Pavilion were not spared from crushing after a violent shake.

Furniture, sofas, furnishings and green vegetation all flew up, fell down, and then fell on the ground. At this time, the villa hall is like a typhoon crossing.

Xiao hei and Nan Yan jumped up from the only sofa that didn't fly.

Stay away from the scourge of war.

Xiao Hei looked at Zun in horror. What's the matter? Shouldn't he come back in half a month? He came back in a few hours, and he was still so angry.

It's the first time Xiao Hei has seen him get so angry since he followed Zun,

The eyes seemed to become whirlpools in the starry sky.

The momentum of the whole body is like cold ice, like a sharp sword, and like a towering fire. It's thrilling to watch.

What's the matter? Is there something wrong with the original God of the female cochlea?

Nan Yan knew that his greatest dependence was his master. Was it the problem with the master's yuan God? She felt it carefully. No, it's good.

"Nan Yan, what's wrong with your master's Yuanshen?" Xiao Hei couldn't help but ask Nan Yan quietly.

Nan Yan shook his head and said quietly, "no, it's OK."

The clever little black realized in an instant.

Only one person can make you so rude.

Xia Qingluo!

Then he thought, no, your honor is on the top of the sky, and Xia Qingluo is in the human world, which is not thousands of miles away. What will happen to them.

With his mouth half open, he stared at the statue standing with his hands down.

Yunqing calmed down a lot after letting out her depression.

He stood at the gate, the lights in the house were out, and the moonlight like water shone in gently.

Sprinkled on him, also brought a room of desolation.

The night wind swept by, and the clouds made the clothes elegant.

After all, he is the God who lives with heaven. He hides all his emotions.

If Xia Qingluo is not in front of him, he can think well.

The most serious estrangement between the two people is not the female cochlea God who left the country, but that he wants to give Xia Qingluo's body to the female cochlea.

How did Xia Qingluo associate with this idea.

There should be a reason.

Xia Qingluo went to heaven in the place of nightmare. Then where did she go?

He said in a deep voice, "Xiao Hei, has Xia Qingluo ever been here?"

Xiao Hei was stunned and shook his head decisively, "I haven't been here."

"Is there anything unusual here?"

"Nothing unusual." Xiaohei opened his mouth with some uncertainty. After seeing Yunqing's unhappy look, he quickly added, "it was like being peeped at an hour ago, but I checked it and there was no one."

Yunqing was stunned.

An hour ago, the time was right.

According to the time of human world, Xia Qingluo should have just left the top of the sky at that time.

Leave the top of the sky and come here?

In a flash, he came to Xiaohei's face. His dark eyes fixed on Xiaohei, looking cold, word by word, "what were you and Nanyan doing an hour ago?"

Little black is a clever and cunning man. What else can't you understand when you hear such words.

This must be Xia Qingluo's divine sense. Unfortunately, he happened to hear Nan Yan's words.

Even he was frightened by those words, not to mention Xia Qingluo.

Xiao Hei wanted to slap himself and teach you how to talk to the witch. Then Xia Qingluo heard him.

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