Feng Qing hesitated, "Dad... I..."

Yunqing asked slowly, "just repeat what you just said to me."

The voice is as clear as the wind and the expression is as indifferent as the cloud.

Xia Qingluo looked at Feng Qinghe fiercely.

Seeing such eyes, Feng Qinghe retreated back. She looked at Xia Qingluo for a long time, and then looked at Yun qingrang, as if she was very worried, "... After all, she is the apprentice of senior brother. According to her seniority, she should call me martial uncle..."

Xia Qingluo sneered, but remembered the lesson of the last time and didn't show her courage. She just quietly looked at Feng Qing and how to make it up.

"So, today's affair has something to do with the little demon?" the headmaster asked with a frown.

The one on the side looked at the child lying on the ground and suddenly said, "I remember who this child is."

"Who is it?" the headmaster asked.

"When selecting a new disciple, I once saw him. He is the youngest son of the Chen family leader and a rare shuilinggen. I also want to take him as my own disciple."

It seems a pity to say that the extinction here shook his head, "Alas, it's really a pity."

The leader's face changed a lot. The Chen family is the largest family in Wangxian city. Now the owner is also the city owner, and Wangxian city is also the largest base of qingluan sect in the world.

They send disciples here, not to mention, but also provide a lot of resources to qingluan sect every year.

In the same way, qingluan sect should also provide protection for Wangxian city.

Most of the city guarding disciples there are disciples of the sect. They rotate every three years and are responsible for the safety of the whole Wangxian city and the normal trading order of the immortals.

But now such a big thing has happened.

The leader thinks it's a little tricky.

"If it weren't for this little demon's low cultivation, I also suspect that the provocation of Zhuang Li's ancestor in our sect recently has something to do with the rat King's arrogance today, but thanks to qingrang."

Martial uncle extinction said faintly.

She can't let Xia Qingluo stay in this sect, otherwise she will never find a chance.

The headmaster looked more and more serious and asked Feng Qinghe, "what's going on?"

Feng Qinghe took a look at yunqingrang and hid his love in his eyes. Instead, he lowered his head. The next moment Yunqing let a faint voice ring, "but it doesn't hurt to say that even my apprentice who violated the rules of the school will still be punished."

"Elder martial brother..." Feng Qinghe bit his lower lip, and then as if he had made up his mind to speak, "this is the case..."

"Since younger martial sister has scruples, I'd better come." yunqingrang suddenly interrupted Fengqing when she was just talking to him. At this time, Yunqing made the corners of her mouth smile, while Fengqing and looked at yunqingrang. She was intoxicated for a moment. Her face was shy and said softly, "elder martial brother."

The elder martial brother called out the feeling of sentimental, nine twists and eighteen bends.

It also made Xia Qingluo's chicken skin get up.

She felt a chill.

So she looked at Xiang Yunqing's concession. She wanted to see what Yun qingrang wanted to say.

Unexpectedly, yunqingrang turned his wrist and a black stone like thing appeared in yunqingrang's palm.

White as jade, the palm of the hand is black stone, so the contrast between black and white is more than shocking.

"Is this the demon pill of the rat king?"

Martial uncle Feng blurted out

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