"It's none of my business." Xu Le doesn't want to stay here for a moment. It's full of the smell of Lengji Chao Chong drowning Lin Xiaoyao. As soon as she turned around, Lin Xiaoyao stopped her.

"Do you know where the exit of the villa is except the gate?"

Xu Le's body stagnated. "There's only that gate. The rest are fences. You can't turn it out."

Lin Xiaoyao smiled bitterly, "what should I do?"

"That's your business." Xu Letou didn't look back and left the room quickly.

Lin Xiaoyao closed her eyes and hid her bright eyes in the deep sea, quietly searching for all possible ways to escape.

After thinking hard for a long time, Lin Xiaoyao finally had an idea. She didn't know whether she could succeed until she tried.

The night came quietly like a ghost. Lin Xiaoyao's heart was tangled like a cat's scratch. For many days, she still couldn't get used to what lengjichao did to her.

If the night is a ghost, Leng Jichao is the God of darkness.

Lin Xiaoyao waited nervously. As soon as she heard something at the door, Lin Xiaoyao unconsciously stood up and stepped back against the wall.

"Are you so afraid of me?"

Leng Jichao's words showed dissatisfaction. Deep black eyes looked straight at Lin Xiaoyao hiding in the corner.

Lin Xiaoyao just looked at him in fear and didn't dare to say more.

Leng Jichao stepped over and propped his hands on the wall, firmly controlling Lin Xiaoyao in his arms.

"Do you still have no impression of me?"

He thought that he could make Lin Xiaoyao remember her when he took her to the place he knew and did what he had done. How can a person lose such an important memory for no reason.

Lin Xiaoyao roared, "yes! I don't have any impression. Even if I did, I'd rather never know you!"

"What!" the result of the stern question is so ruthless?

Lin Xiaoyao didn't know that this sentence deeply stabbed Leng Jichao.


Leng Jichao scolded and smashed his fist on the wall behind Lin Xiaoyao. Lin Xiaoyao closed his eyes and didn't see the blood flowing from the knuckles of Leng Jichao's right hand.

Lin Xiaoyao took a deep breath. What should be faced should always be faced. Escaping will only bring Leng Jichao more progress. Therefore, when she opened her eyes, what Leng Jichao saw was still her unwavering determination.

"Good, good..." Leng Jichao felt powerless for the first time and dropped his arm. The blood trickled to the floor drop by drop and stained Yan Hong.

Lin Xiaoyao's eyes touched the touch of red. Then she bowed her head and shouted, "you're bleeding!" Lin Xiaoyao quickly sat Lengji Chao on the bed and rummaged through the cupboards looking for disinfectants and gauze. At the moment, she still has a little temper. Her head is Lengji Chao's injured right hand.

Such panic can't deceive people. Leng Jichao walked over and hugged her from behind.

"You have me in your heart, don't you?"

Lin Xiaoyao was silent.

Unable to get Lin Xiaoyao's answer, Leng Jichao kissed her hair heavily, "don't let me guess again, I'll go crazy."

Lin Xiaoyao can't remember what she said at last. She only remembers that she has been crying, while Leng Jichao quietly hugged and kissed her and fell asleep.

Suddenly, Lin Xiaoyao opened her eyes and her eyes twinkled, especially bright in the dark. She had to admit that Leng Jichao could touch her heartstrings more and more.

If you don't leave again, I can't imagine the consequences.

Lin Xiaoyao gently removed Leng Jichao's right hand, which was still wrapped with gauze. Faint blood stains could be seen. She was afraid of being soft hearted. Lin Xiaoyao took a deep breath and warned Lin Xiaoyao that you are the successor of Lin, not Leng Jichao's golden cat.

After getting up, Lin Xiaoyao picked up the clothes and shoes she had already prepared and walked out with light hands and feet.

It's time to move.

Because Lengji Chao Fen told him not to get too close to the house, Wang Zicheng and others stayed outside the villa, or he underestimated Lin Xiaoyao's determination to escape.

Lin Xiaoyao had already thought about it and hid directly in the trunk of lengjichao's private car at night.

Tomorrow, whether Leng Jichao goes to the company or looks for her everywhere, he can take her out. Lin Xiaoyao curled up and quietly hid in the narrow space, looking forward to the broad sky after dawn.

"Waste! Go find it!"

With a fierce drink, Lengji Chao's fierce eyes almost tore the prince to pieces. A living man would disappear out of thin air in the villa.

"Yes, we'll find it right away." Prince Cheng wondered. His security was so precise that Lin Xiaoyao couldn't escape. The only possibility is that she is still in the villa.

"Leng Shao, come and have something to eat." Xu Lemei smiled behind Leng Jichao. She didn't know that her appearance was too untimely.

"Get out!" Leng Jichao was so angry that he burst out of ice and awe.

Xu Le immediately kept silent and dared not speak again.

A terrible idea hovered in my mind. What if Lin Xiaoyao left? In Leng Jichao's heart, she can't be replaced, but what about herself? Could be replaced at any time.

Maybe it won't be long before the villa has not only other hostesses, but also other cooks.

Wang Zicheng took people to look for a circle. He looked for all the rooms and trees, and there was no trace of Lin Xiaoyao.

"It's hard for anyone to find someone." Prince Cheng's voice was not high, but it was very deterrent.

"Yes!" the men answered in unison, with a loud voice.

Even Lin Xiaoyao not far away heard it. Lin Xiaoyao couldn't support it. After a nap, she heard a lot of noise outside. When she heard the voice of Prince Cheng, she quickly covered her mouth and dared not go out.

Will they find it?

Soon, it was quiet outside again. Lin Xiaoyao's mobile phone had long been confiscated. I don't know when it is. The space in the car is narrow and stuffy. Lin Xiaoyao clenched her thin lips and counted silently in her heart.

Counting the time when Wang Zicheng left.

But she miscalculated one thing, that is, she underestimated her weight in Leng Jichao's heart.

Leng Ji Chao Wei narrowed his eyes, his well-defined handsome face was about to drip water, and his tall legs overlapped at will to listen to the report of Prince Cheng.

"It's less cold. I've looked for big places, but I haven't."

Prince Cheng knows Leng Jichao's temper too well. Lin Xiaoyao should really run out, otherwise Leng Jichao might do something crazy.

"Turn over the villa land and find her!"


Before Lengji Chao Lingli's eyes fell on them, several bodyguards quickly flashed out and walked out for a long time, which was a sigh of relief. The depression just in the house was really unprecedented. Do you have to serve this person with strong aura in the future?

I don't know if it was affected by lengjichao. The dark clouds over the villa became thicker and thicker, and the sunny day changed its face. It's like putting the whole villa in the haze.

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