So who would it be? Is it Lin Xiaoyao's aunt and cousin Lin Xinrui who came back to compete with Lin Xiaoyao for the inheritance of the company, hijacked Lin Xiaoyao and wanted to force Yao Yao to obey?

Leng Jichao thought like this and got nervous. When he picked up his mobile phone, he had to call Lin Xiaoyao. However, he saw that the point where Lin Xiaoyao positioned on the mobile phone was moving from the suburbs to the urban area, so he was a little relieved.

Since Lin Xiaoyao is now moving towards the urban area, the possibility of being hijacked will be relatively small, because the robbers can't rob people and return to the urban area after leaving the urban area.

Although Leng Jichao felt a little uneasy, he was still worried, so he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Lin Xiaoyao's mobile phone.

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao and Nangong Yu are on the bus home to the city after playing in the manor. Along the way, there was soft music in the car. There were stars and fireflies outside.

Lin Xiaoyao and Nangong Yu are intoxicated with the beautiful scenery of this charming suburb. The trees on both sides of the road are very beautiful, and the snow-white Tung flowers fall slowly in the gentle night wind. The air at night exudes a faint sweet aroma.

Looking at all the beautiful scenery, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help saying to Nangong Yu, "Nangong, let's stop here. It's really beautiful here."

Nangong Yu said, "OK, Xiaoyao, you and I are heroes, think alike!"

So I found a place to park the car. Lin Xiaoyao and Nangong Yu went under the tung tree and looked at everything quiet in the night side by side. The starry sky was so vast above their heads, and the Milky way was particularly obvious, like a crystal belt.

When Lin Xiaoyao was intoxicated, her mobile phone rang, breaking the quiet and beautiful atmosphere.

Lin Xiaoyao lowered her head and took out her mobile phone. When she saw that it was lengjichao's phone, she couldn't help shouting "bad".

Lin Xiaoyao doesn't know why. She is a little afraid of Leng Jichao. She is not really afraid of him, but feels that she is carrying Leng Jichao and Nangong Yu out to play. She is very afraid that Leng Jichao will be greatly angry and unhappy when she knows.

After all, the last meal between Lin Xiaoyao and Nangong Yu was strongly disturbed by him. Lin Xiaoyao has also fully experienced Leng Jichao's strong jealousy.

But Lin Xiaoyao thought again, no, doesn't he have nothing to do with him? He's not one of his own. Why are you afraid of him? Hum! I, Lin Xiaoyao, as a woman in the new era and the president of Lin's group, neither eat nor drink from lengfu. I'm afraid he will do something!

Lin Xiaoyao thought so, proudly raised her head and picked up lengjichao's phone.

Leng Jichao said anxiously on the phone, "hello? Is Yaoyao you?" when he heard the phone being answered, Leng Jichao was relieved again.

Lin Xiaoyao was ready and full of courage, but she didn't know what was going on. As soon as she heard Leng Jichao's voice, her heart was half short. She heard that he was not in the tone of blame, but in the tone of worry and anxiety, and her heart was half soft.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't have the tough and strong tone she had prepared, but only the soft tone and said, "well, it's me."

Leng Jichao listened to Lin Xiaoyao's tone and saw that Lin Xiaoyao answered the phone himself. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Yao Yao, why did you go to the western suburbs? It's so late? Are you all right? I'm still worried about whether your aunt and cousin are back, which is bad for you."

Leng Jichao's concerned tone was really worried about Lin Xiaoyao, which made Lin Xiaoyao's hard heart, which was half left, soften and melt all at once. The heart became afraid of Leng Jichao. He knew that she had gone to such a beautiful and romantic place with Nangong Yu.

Lin Xiaoyao said softly, "no, I'm fine."

Leng Jichao said, "why don't you stay at home and go out to the suburbs so late? I tell you, it's dangerous for girls to run out so late."

Leng Jichao scolded Lin Xiaoyao like a series of guns.

Lin Xiaoyao had to hesitate and say, "no, I came out with my friends." Lin Xiaoyao still didn't dare to give Nangong Yu out. I'm afraid Leng Jichao won't let go again, causing trouble to Nangong Yu.

Sure enough, Leng Jichao heard that Lin Xiaoyao went out with his friends. He was a little unhappy and nervous and said, "friends? What friends? Men and women?"

Lin Xiaoyao said, "Leng Jichao, do you care too much? I said earlier that I have nothing to do with you. Why don't you always understand? What kind of friends do I make? I have my own freedom, so you don't have to care so much!"

Leng Jichao said, "Yao Yao, so you're with a male friend?" he saw Lin Xiaoyao angry and didn't give in, so he continued to press her. This is Leng Jichao's character in dealing with Lin Xiaoyao. There is no room for a little sand in his eyes.

Lin Xiaoyao said, "I said, don't worry."

Leng Jichao was also angry, sneered and said, "OK, Yaoyao, I'll drive to you now!"

Lin Xiaoyao was afraid when he said this. She knew that Leng Jichao could do what he said. Although it's very late now, Leng Jichao said that he would drive to find her, and whether she hid at the ends of the earth, Leng Jichao will find her.

Lin Xiaoyao glanced at the positioning ring on her hand with chagrin. This priceless ring still shines and glitters in the faint starlight, like the brightest and most beautiful star in the sky.

Nevertheless, Lin Xiaoyao still wants to take it off and throw it away. It's all because of it that she is constantly monitored by the devil Leng Jichao! Unfortunately, the ring is like a root. It can't be taken off on Lin Xiaoyao's bamboo shoots like fingers.

Lin Xiaoyao said reluctantly, "don't come. I'll tell you, I'm with my faxiao, a girlfriend."

Lin Xiaoyao lied because she was really afraid that Leng Jichao would drive here and cause great embarrassment to herself and Nangong Yu. More afraid of Leng Jichao being jealous and angry and doing something bad to Nangong Yu.

You know, although Leng's power is great, if he hurts the less head of Nangong group, I'm afraid this estrangement and contradiction will be difficult to eliminate, Lin Xiaoyao thought. She didn't even realize that she was so thinking of Leng Jichao and Leng Shi.

Leng Jichao didn't let Lin Xiaoyao go because of her seemingly perfect lie. He continued to ask, "faxiao? Why haven't you heard of your faxiao friend before? Why is there a faxiao friend suddenly emerging now?"

Lin Xiaoyao had to say, "she just came back from abroad. I brought her to a restaurant in the western suburbs to eat and pick up the wind for her. Is there anything wrong?"

That sounds reasonable. And Lin Xiaoyao didn't completely lie. She did have a best friend abroad and hasn't come back recently.

Leng Jichao said, "Oh, well, your best friend, I want to see you. I'll drive there now!"

When Lin Xiaoyao saw that Leng Jichao was coming, she cried out in a hurry and said, "ah! Why do you do this? I'll talk to her quietly. What do you look like. It makes people laugh. She just laughed at me. Did she make any jealous boyfriend and keep asking. Where did you put my face? And we're going back. What are you going to do“

Leng Jichao thought for a moment and said, "that makes sense. Well, I won't go. When will I see you? When will she go back? I'll invite her to dinner“

When Lin Xiaoyao saw that Leng Jichao had to invite her friend who had never returned to China to dinner, she couldn't help but be afraid and said, "she will go back tomorrow. She has something to do when she returns home. Things have been done today and she will go back early tomorrow morning. People are busy. How can I have time to have dinner with you."

Leng Jichao couldn't help but feel a little helpless and funny when Lin Xiaoyao said so. What kind of person lengshao is. People have always been eager to invite him to dinner and want to get to know him, but his friend is good. He wants to invite her to dinner, but he is not free.

However, who makes her Lin Xiaoyao's friend? Because she is Lin Xiaoyao's friend, she has doubled her value in front of Leng Jichao.

Leng Jichao had to say, "all right."

Lin Xiaoyao was afraid that Leng Jichao would make any more moths, so seeing that Leng Jichao meant to retreat, she quickly said to him, "I'll hang up first. My friend laughed at me."

Leng Jichao said, "wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Lin Xiaoyao had just let go of her heart. She was brought up again and said, "what's the matter? Why are you so busy?"

Leng Jichao said, "Yao Yao, come to my house for dinner tomorrow."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "why? I won't go to lengfu again. I have nothing to do with lengfu. It's too embarrassing." she thought of Chen Muzi and insisted on giving her heirloom's bracelet to Mrs. Leng.

Leng Jichao said, "you must come! You can set the time! But you must come!"

Lin Xiaoyao said, "Leng Jichao, are you too overbearing? Can you manage if I don't go to your house?"

Leng Jichao was inconvenient to tell her her his thoughts and tricks. He said on the phone that he felt too unsafe, so he thought about it. He might as well ask his mother to call her in two days, so Lin Xiaoyao couldn't get rid of it out of his respect for the elderly and his mother's face.

So Leng Jichao said, "well, come back early, be careful on the way, and call me whenever you have anything."

Lin Xiaoyao hurriedly said, "OK, OK." she hung up in a hurry.

She hung up the phone, but she was relieved, as if she had been caught cheating and raped in bed by her husband.

She looked back and saw Nangong Yu frowning at her.

She doesn't feel a little embarrassed. Yes, she seems too concerned and too afraid of Leng Jichao.

Nangong Yu asked Lin Xiaoyao, "did Leng Shao call?"

Lin Xiaoyao nodded and said, "yes, let's go back." then she walked silently to the car. The mood of enjoying the scenery just now has disappeared.

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