However, she is very hungry now. Let's fill her stomach first.

At the restaurant, Leng Jichao ordered some of Lin Xiaoyao's favorite foods. Lin Xiaoyao thought that lengjichao was different from Nangong Yu. If it was Nangong Yu, she would bring the menu and respectfully let her order. And will quietly suggest that she order some dishes he thinks are good and taste them with her.

Leng Jichao is not like this. Every time Lin Xiaoyao can almost do nothing, Leng Jichao orders what Lin Xiaoyao likes to eat, and then orders what he likes to eat. Lin Xiaoyao thought, this is Leng Jichao's hegemony.

But now, whether it's bullying or democracy, what Lin Xiaoyao wants most is to eat quickly, because she's really hungry. Therefore, Leng Jichao's domineering and fast ordering also meets her current needs.

Lin Xiaoyao thought that if she was with Leng Jichao for a long time, she would become a fat man who couldn't do anything, because Leng Jichao really did everything for her. With Leng Jichao, she could even stop thinking at all.

Well, why do you think so? I had secretly vowed that I would never have a relationship with Leng Jichao in this life.

The order came up soon, and Lin Xiaoyao wolfed it down. After eating for a while, Lin Xiaoyao stopped suddenly and shyly. Because she found Leng Jichao with a smile, watching her eat like this.

She stopped and said with a embarrassed smile, "what are you looking at? I look ugly, don't I?"

Leng Jichao smiled and said, "well, it's ugly. The elegant and capable President Lin was completely different in peacetime. There was only a hungry little girl who devoured."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "fuck you!"

Leng Jichao said, "Yao Yao, promise me that in the future, no matter what circumstances, you should remember to cherish your body. The company's affairs are important, but the body is more important than the company and money."

Lin Xiaoyao didn't expect Leng Jichao to say such pertinent and warm words. She couldn't help crying. She lost her parents when she was a baby. And Xiaoyuan and grandpa depend on each other. Because of the problem of intelligence, from small to large, only Lin Xiaoyao cares about Xiaoyuan's share, but not Xiaoyuan cares about Lin Xiaoyao's situation, because Xiaoyuan doesn't have this mind at all.

The only one who can give himself warmth and love is Grandpa, but grandpa is gone. During this period, facing the internal and external troubles of the company, she has a sinister heart. It can be said that her heart is tight. At this time, she was very moved to hear Leng Jichao's warm and sincere words.

She looked at Leng Jichao and thought, is this handsome man really as hateful as she imagined? Are all the things he did and said that seem so sincere false? She couldn't help doubting herself.

Leng Jichao sees that Lin Xiaoyao's look has changed. He knows that she is moved and more sad. He doesn't want his beloved woman to be immersed in sad emotions. He held Lin Xiaoyao's hand and said, "well, eat well. After dinner, you have to admit your mistake."

Lin Xiaoyao broke away from Leng Jichao's hand and thought, damn it! This man was so warm and sincere one second, and became a rascal the next. It seems that he can't be confused by him!

Lin Xiaoyao always avoids Nangong Yu's closeness, but she always feels that Leng Jichao's closeness is a natural thing, although she has always warned herself rationally that she can't go on like this.

Lin Xiaoyao said, "Hey, Leng Jichao, you ordered so much, why don't you eat yourself? It's a waste, I'll tell you."

Leng Jichao laughed and said, "it seems that although President Lin is the president of a large group company, he is very frugal. Such a woman is good. Such a woman is very good at running a family when she marries home."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "Leng Jichao, if you talk nonsense like this, I won't eat it."

Leng Jichao said, "eat, eat, I won't say, I also eat, don't waste."

Then he lowered his head and ate.

Leng Jichao ate for a while, remembered and said, "Hey, Yaoyao, I recently found a place with delicious food. I'll take you to eat in the evening."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "where, why do you have to go at night?" Lin Xiaoyao was afraid that lengjichao would take her at night with some ulterior purpose, so she said so.

Leng Jichao felt Lin Xiaoyao's idea and said, "where did you think? You think I came to you just want you?"

Lin Xiaoyao blushed awkwardly and said, "you said it yourself. When did I say that!"

Leng Jichao saw Lin Xiaoyao blushing again, reached out and touched her face, approached her, lowered his voice and said, "I don't want you at night. I'll want you later!"

Lin Xiaoyao turned her face, broke free from Leng Jichao's hand and said, "hooligan!"

Leng Jichao laughed, but he still talked about the original topic and said, "the reason to go at night is that it is a snack street hidden in the alley, which only opens at night."

Lin Xiaoyao was intrigued and said, "there's such a good place?" like Leng Jichao, Lin Xiaoyao, a child of a rich family, has never seen or eaten these cheap and delicious snacks in the streets.

"Well," Leng Jichao nodded and said, "yes, I ate it when I passed there by chance." Leng Jichao didn't tell Lin Xiaoyao the real reason for getting there. "It's the first time for me to eat such a snack. It really doesn't taste the same as the restaurant we usually go to."

"Really?" Lin Xiaoyao was aroused by greedy insects: "I really want to go."

"Well," said Leng Jichao, biting a steak, "I'll take you in the evening."

Lin Xiaoyao said warily, "Oh, No."

Leng Jichao looked up at Lin Xiaoyao's alert and tight face, smiled and said, "don't worry, I won't do bad in public. I really take you to eat snacks."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "aren't you bad enough? Just say that in the morning, you let Nangong Yu down more“

"Lin Xiaoyao!" Leng Jichao looked down and said, "I haven't settled accounts with you yet. You didn't talk about me first."

Lin Xiaoyao opened her mouth to argue about something. Lengjichao quickly stuffed a dessert into her mouth and said, "we'll settle with you slowly and carefully later!"

Lin Xiaoyao is once again controlled by Leng Jichao. Although she hates herself for being bad, she has nothing to do.

After dinner, Leng Jichao settled the bill. Lin Xiaoyao wanted to settle the bill himself, but Leng Jichao Jian refused. Lin Xiaoyao knew that Leng Jichao didn't want her to compete with him to pay the bill, so she didn't insist anymore.

Lin Xiaoyao got into Leng Jichao's car and said to Leng Jichao, "go back to the company. Recently, there has been a financial black hole in my company. I have been checking this matter, which has put a lot of pressure on my heart."

In fact, Lin Xiaoyao's psychological pressure comes not only from the difficulty of dealing with this matter, but also from her personal feelings. She still has feelings for Wang Dong. When she was a child, Uncle Wang's kindness to her was still in her heart.

Therefore, now she is more and more aware that Wang Dong is playing tricks behind her back, and she is more and more sad and afraid to face it.

Leng Jichao asked with concern, "what's going on?" Leng Jichao didn't want Lin Xiaoyao to worry. He wanted to share and deal with it for her.

Lin Xiaoyao thought for a moment and said: "Thanks to you, during the time I left, the company's performance did not decline but increased. However, after I returned to the company, I found that although the performance increased, it was strange that the company's net financial income decreased. I looked carefully and knew that the company's reception fee had a huge expenditure in one or two months, even more than the reception fee in previous years."

As soon as Leng Jichao asked Lin Xiaoyao, Lin Xiaoyao told her everything about the company. She didn't know what happened. She would tell Leng Jichao, who had cursed in her heart for thousands of times and repeatedly warned herself not to get close. She didn't want to tell Nangong Yu, who always thought she was a good person.

It's not that she doesn't trust Nangong Yu. She absolutely believes in Nangong Yu's character, but she just feels that the internal affairs of the company should not be known to outsiders. Isn't Leng Jichao an outsider?

He is the president of Leng Shi. If he knows that Lin Shi has such a financial problem, it will be very disadvantageous to Lin Shi for the competition in the mall. However, Lin Xiaoyao doesn't know how to do it. She wants to tell Leng Jichao as if she wants help and support from Leng Jichao.

In fact, Lin Xiaoyao knows exactly how to deal with it, but she wants to escape emotionally. She doesn't want to face the fact that it is Uncle Wang who betrayed her, that is, the current director Wang. That's why although she has basically found out the details of the matter in the company, she hasn't started yet. She has always told herself that she has to wait for a better time. In fact, it's just a mistake It's just an escape.

Now she tells Leng Jichao that she secretly hopes to get helpful advice and courage to make a decision from him. She always feels that Leng Jichao can give her such courage.

Such a feeling is unreasonable and logical, because Lin Xiaoyao has rationally positioned Leng Jichao as a bad man, but now he seeks his help, but the emotional things are also unreasonable.

Leng Jichao listened to Lin Xiaoyao, frowned and said, "if there is such a problem, Lin's chief financial officer must be involved."

Lin Xiaoyao said: "that's for sure, but our Lin's chief financial officer is an old minister of Lin's for many years. He earns a rich monthly salary and is about to retire. He should not risk going to jail for this money and give up the high salary and comfortable retirement life in front of him."

Leng Jichao nodded, and Lin Xiaoyao added: "and he hasn't made any big mistakes in the company for so many years."

Leng Jichao said, "then do you suspect that others are manipulating and instructing behind this?"

Lin Xiaoyao said, "yes."

Leng Jichao asked, "did you find out who it is?"

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