Lin Xiaoyao nodded and said, "that's right..."

At this time, her strong and capable president image in front of outsiders was gone, leaving only the image of a weak woman, so helpless, so weak, distressing.

Leng Jichao then persuaded Lin Xiaoyao: "Yao Yao, if you think your grandfather knows something under the nine springs, you must hope that the company will flourish in your hands, and you will do well. Therefore, if you are indecisive out of personal feelings and don't quickly deal with the moths in the company, not only the company will be finished, but you will have a bad life and live on the streets."

Lin Xiaoyao asked hesitantly, "is it that serious?"

Leng Jichao said, "when something happens, we must think of the worst, so that we can be fully prepared to deal with it."

Lin Xiaoyao heard this theory for the first time. What she had heard before was that her three aunts and six wives advised people to think for the best in case of trouble. Leng Jichao was really different, and Lin Xiaoyao thought so.

Leng Jichao went on to say, "you see, the mastermind behind the scenes of the chief financial officer has dared to transfer such a large amount of money from the company and made false accounts in the past few months, which shows that he has paid no attention to you at all."

Lin Xiaoyao nodded and had to admit that Leng Jichao was right. Lin Xiaoyao felt that Wang Dong didn't pay attention to her. This failure to look at her was not to look down on her and despise her, but that Lin Xiaoyao was still the little girl who loved to eat lollipops and play with mud in his eyes. She couldn't control the affairs of these companies.

Lin Xiaoyao is still willing to believe that Uncle Wang loves her.

Leng Jichao saw that Lin Xiaoyao didn't speak, and then said, "look, Yaoyao, the large amount of money he transferred is not a small amount. I think anyone with some common sense knows that once you trace such a large amount of money, he will go to prison, but he still took the risk to do so. Why? It's because he is ready to take the company into his own hands."

"If you indulge or hesitate, you will give them enough time to commit crimes. At that time, they may transfer your property a little unknowingly. At that time, you may not be able to keep your current house and can only live on the streets. Do you think this is what grandpa wants to see? He will hope that his beloved granddaughter will live a better life What a tragedy? He made a will early to choose you as his successor, which is to trust your ability. However, do you deserve him for making the company like this? "

Leng Jichao said a long speech, and a series of questions, and the worst result made Lin Xiaoyao's face pale. Leng Jichao didn't expect that he had a set of sensational emotions.

Leng Jichao saw that Lin Xiaoyao's face had changed. He couldn't help laughing and said, "however, I'm most happy that you live in the street. I'll see if you can refuse to live in our lengfu!"

Lin Xiaoyao glared at Leng Jichao and thought that Leng Jichao really didn't have a positive type. He was quite serious just now. His words were very reasonable. Now he has become such a fool!

Leng Jichao got to the point and said, "so, Yao Yao, no matter what emotion you have in your heart and what reluctance you have in your heart, you really can't be so indecisive and soft hearted."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "however, Dong Wang is the elder of the company. He helped grandpa start the company at that time......"

Leng Jichao knows that Lin Xiaoyao wants to argue for Wang Dong. On the other hand, she also hopes that Leng Jichao can come up with more firm reasons to eradicate Wang Dong and resolve the tangles in her own heart.

So Leng Jichao interrupted Lin Xiaoyao without waiting for her to finish, saying: "Yao Yao, I think what you mean is that if Wang Dong is behind the scenes, you will have to eradicate Wang Dong. Although you can't bear it, Wang Dong founded the company with grandpa when he was poor at that time. Grandpa also has deep feelings for him. If you deal with him, kick him out of the company, or even let him go to jail, if your grandpa is still there, you will feel sorry It will be unbearable, won't it? "

Lin Xiaoyao nodded and thought, Leng Jichao is really smart. If there is a husband like this, what can he ask for? Unfortunately, such a handsome and smart person in front of him is not his own, so he couldn't help thinking of another burst of sadness. Lin Xiaoyao felt sorry for herself. She had no parents since childhood and is now alone. It's easy to fall in love with a man or someone else

Leng Jichao saw that Lin Xiaoyao nodded in agreement with his conjecture, so he went on to say, "Yaoyao, you should change your position and think about how Grandpa would deal with it when he was there. The company was founded by grandpa alone. Just like his own children, Grandpa will never destroy the whole company and damage the interests of so many people for one person."

"Well, if you can't bear it in your heart, the result is to let go of a person who does bad things and damage a large number of people who work hard. Then your kindness, your kindness and your unbearable in your heart will inevitably cause greater evil."

"What's more, you are so kind-hearted that you don't have the heart to stop evil deeds. Is it really for the sake of evil doers? Let me say for example, if this thing is really done by Wang Dong, I think Wang Dong probably occupies a very important position in your heart. So, is it good for you to let him do it?"

"Yao Yao, people always make mistakes. When they make small mistakes, they don't stop him, which leads to his incomprehension and stubbornness. Then they make bigger mistakes. It's not love him, it's harming him."

"Yes, he has embezzled a large amount of money from the company. If you don't trace it, he is bound to commit another crime when he has the opportunity. Moreover, it has a very bad impact on the financial department and even the whole company. Because everyone will feel that it doesn't matter if they do something wrong and won't be punished. Over time, the atmosphere of the whole company will be bad."

"As for Mr. Wang, I mean, if he is really Mr. Wang, although he is spending a lot of money now, I think if you forgive him for the sake of being the elder of the company, everyone in the company will be convinced. After all, he is the elder of the company. He can withdraw from the management of the company but retain his shares in the company. However, as he is more greedy, things will not be the same So simple, even if you want to let him go, the board will not let him go easily. "

"At that time, he will not only lose his shares in the company, but also be more likely to be imprisoned. Do you really have the heart to be so miserable and desolate at the end of his middle age and near his old age?"

Leng Jichao made such a long speech, and Lin Xiaoyao listened silently. She thought what Leng Jichao said was very reasonable and persuasive. It can be said that her tangled heart was completely persuaded by Leng Jichao. Lin Xiaoyao thought that Leng Jichao is worthy of being the president of Leng's family. He has such a big picture and long-term vision, but he feels inferior to himself.

Lin Xiaoyao said, "what you said is very reasonable. You are really good. I want to learn from you in this regard."

Leng Jichao had always heard Lin Xiaoyao's ridicule and ridicule. Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoyao praised him seriously and sincerely today. He couldn't help but be stunned. Then he laughed and said, "Yao Yao really wants to learn from me?"

Seeing Leng Jichao's look, Lin Xiaoyao knew that this guy was ill intentioned again, so she said, "no!"

Leng Jichao smiled and said, "well, Yao Yao, don't be kidding. Really, you should make a quick decision in this matter."

Lin Xiaoyao nodded and said, "well, OK, I see."

Leng Jichao said, "I wanted you to have dinner at my house these days, but you always said you were not free..."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "Leng Jichao, one of me is upset about this matter in the company, and I don't want to go to your house for dinner. The other, I said I won't go to your cold house anymore. I'm a single woman. People who really don't know think I have any purpose to go to your cold house."

Lin Xiaoyao wants to say that besides, Chen Muzi is also in lengfu. If she goes by herself, she may cause Chen Muzi's unhappiness. However, she is afraid of embarrassment and unwilling to destroy the beautiful and harmonious atmosphere at this time. Therefore, she didn't mention Chen Muzi.

Leng Jichao said, "who dares to say anything? Let her say what she likes! You are destined to be my Leng Jichao's woman in this life."

Lin Xiaoyao shook her head and said, "you are too overbearing." but this time the tone is different from the previous anger, which means gentle blame.

Leng Jichao said, "now it seems that I have to wait until you deal with this matter before going to my house for dinner. Otherwise, I'm always worried about you. I'm afraid you're soft hearted."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "actually, I'm afraid it's Uncle Wang. After all, I always regard him as my uncle or even my father. I really can't accept the fact that he betrayed the company. It hurts my heart."

Lengjichao grabbed Lin Xiaoyao's hand, comforted her and said, "Yao Yao, I know, Yao Yao, don't be afraid. I'm here anyway."

Lin Xiaoyao looked at Leng Jichao's gentle appearance and felt both happy and sad. The happiness is that in such a difficult tangle, Leng Jichao gave himself advice, encouraged himself and comforted himself; Sadly, this man's love for himself is true or false, and has he lied to himself?

Lin Xiaoyao said, "I've heard your analysis. I'm really right. I think tomorrow. When I return to the company tomorrow, I'll start and do what you say step by step. But I think if it's Uncle Wang, I'll try my best to protect him. I hope it's not him."

"En!" Leng Jichao looked into Lin Xiaoyao's eyes and nodded, as if he gave Lin Xiaoyao the strength to strengthen his confidence.

After dinner, they looked at the stars on the roof of the suite. It was a little cold at night in autumn. Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao embrace each other, looking at the stars in the sky and watching the time flow


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