Mrs. Wang smiled sadly and said, "I've been blessed with Lao Wang for most of my life. It seems that I still want to take refuge in my children in the future, but it's not as comfortable as my own home after all."

Leng Jichao didn't know that Arlene was Lin Xiaoyao's aunt. He was just thinking that, sure enough, the man had an affair, which increased the cost and forced him to break the law and commit a crime.

Mrs. Wang said, "Xiao Yao, I've been talking a lot. Are you tired of listening to me? Have dinner at home at noon? Your uncle Wang doesn't think he'll come back. I'm also a bitter water in my heart. I haven't had a place to tell for many days. Now it's easy to catch you, so I'll talk more."

Lin Xiaoyao knew that her aunt had contacts with Wang Dong. She was full of mixed feelings, but she tried to restrain her emotions. She smiled and said to Mrs. Wang, "aunt, just be comfortable. Don't worry. Things won't be as bad as you think. How can you say, you still have three children. We won't eat here. There will be things later."

Mrs. Wang wanted to keep them warmly, but considering that they might really have something to do, she said, "Oh, it's easy to come here. How can she leave without eating?"

Lin Xiaoyao said, "I really have something to do later."

Mrs. Wang said, "well, you are all important people in the company. If you don't have to force you to eat, you'll delay your business. A Xiang, a Xiang!" Mrs. Wang shouted at the door.

Ah Xiang came in and said, "madam, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Wang said, "you wrap two bags of cakes for Miss Lin and Mr. Leng to take on the road."

It seems that Mrs. Wang has been married to Dong Wang for so many years and still keeps her hospitality in the countryside, Leng Jichao thought.

A Xiang brought two bags of cakes wrapped in traditional kraft paper. Mrs. Wang stuffed Lin Xiaoyao and Leng Jichao with one bag each and said, "I didn't eat here. I'll eat this on the road!"

Lin Xiaoyao took the cake from Mrs. Wang and said, "thank you, aunt. Uncle Wang is really lucky to have you." Lin Xiaoyao was telling the truth.

Although Mrs. Wang has no culture, she is simple, runs a family, and is not stupid. She knows the way of the world and takes good care of her family.

Just looking at the respectful and affectionate attitude of Ah Xiang, a smart maid, towards Mrs. Wang, she knows that Mrs. Wang is much smarter than her crude appearance. Otherwise, the servants of this big gang are not easy to manage and control.

If Wang Dong had really married his aunt, he might not have been so good. Because Lin Xiaoyao knows that although her aunt is beautiful and educated, she is vain, extravagant, greedy and has no responsibility. This can be seen from the divorce of her aunt and her ex husband.

My aunt's ex husband is a handsome rich child, but because he was not well educated since childhood, his parents spoiled him too much and caught the problem of gambling. After his aunt married him, she not only didn't persuade him to reform, but also muddled along and squandered together.

When my husband died and the family economy declined, my aunt could no longer live that luxurious life. My aunt immediately divorced my uncle, who is now living in a poor slum.

After the divorce, my aunt immediately returned to her mother's house and continued to live a luxurious and vain life under the shadow of her grandfather. After his grandfather died, he also tried to rob Lin Xiaoyao of the right to inherit the company.

Lin Xiaoyao doesn't attach too much importance to wealth, but if the company falls into the hands of her aunt, it will fall down after a long time. The same is true of a family. It wouldn't be much better if someone like my aunt came to run the family.

Mrs. Wang was embarrassed when she heard Lin Xiaoyao praise her so much. She just said repeatedly, "where, Xiaoyao, you hold me too high." in front of the servants, she didn't say that Dong Wang disliked her.

Mrs. Wang took Lin Xiaoyao and lengjichao to the door and told them to be careful on the road and drive slowly. Lin Xiaoyao and lengjichao waved goodbye to Mrs. Wang.

In the car, Leng Jichao said to Lin Xiaoyao, "Yaoyao, it seems that we didn't come in vain this time. Wang Dong probably kept a woman outside, so he didn't spend enough money, so he embezzled the company's money. Now, Wang Dong has a motive to commit a crime, and the suspicion is even greater."

Lin Xiaoyao silently felt sad that the woman Wang Dong hooked up with was her aunt. Although she always knew her aunt's character and no longer had any hope for her in her heart, she still felt a sense of family shame once she found out that her aunt had done such things to destroy other people's families.

And she also knew that Wang Dong fell in love with his aunt at first sight. Shortly after graduating from University, Wang Dong worked hard with his grandfather. Once, Grandpa was ill and couldn't go out, but the company had another urgent matter to deal with. Grandpa asked director Wang to come home with the documents for discussion.

That day, Dong Wang entered the door and sat in the living room. When grandpa came out, his aunt was just dressed up to go shopping. When she passed the living room, she saw Dong Wang sitting there.

Wang Dong's aunt's eyes were wide-ranging, which was amazing. He was suddenly attracted by his aunt and fell in love with her at first sight. Although her aunt's character is not very good, she looks very beautiful and inherits grandpa's handsome appearance. Unfortunately, she does not inherit grandpa's smart mind and kind heart.

Since then, Dong Wang has visited Lin's house from time to time. Grandpa also saw what was on Wang Dong's mind and intended to set Wang Dong up with his aunt. However, my aunt didn't see Wang Dong at all and thought he was too rustic. Therefore, there was the matter that Dong Wang married his current wife.

Lin Xiaoyao knows that her aunt has come to hook up with Wang Dong for so many years. It is definitely not that she has any real feelings for Wang Dong, but that she has no inheritance right to the company. It is estimated that she can't make ends meet with her extravagant habits.

Now she is old and can no longer find a rich family. Therefore, she uses Wang Dong's feelings for her first love to embezzle the company's money for her to squander. Wang Dong was seduced away by his aunt because of the pure feeling of his first love in his heart from the beginning.

Lin Xiaoyao thought that Wang Dong might have suffered a great loss because of his aunt, so she couldn't help feeling more sad. So silent

Seeing that Lin Xiaoyao didn't speak, lengjichao turned to look at Lin Xiaoyao and said, "Yao Yao, what's the matter with you? Aren't you happy that things have made progress? Are you still sad for Wang Dong?"

Lin Xiaoyao said, "do you know who this woman named Arlene is?"

Leng Jichao said, "do you know this woman“

Lin Xiaoyao said, "it's my aunt. I'm really sad that she did such a shameful thing to the family. What's more sad is that my aunt actually has no real feelings for Wang Dong. She's just using him."

Leng Jichao nodded and said, "well, Yao Yao, this matter needs to be thoroughly investigated. It is also a kind of protection for Wang Dong!"

Lin Xiaoyao nodded with difficulty and said, "yes. That's the only way“

Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao sat in the palace for most of the day and came out. It was noon in the twinkling of an eye.

Leng Jichao said with emotion, "this time passes really fast. The fastest time is the time with Yao Yao."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "when I went to the palace, I didn't expect to sit for most of the day. Fortunately, I also found important clues. Unexpectedly, my aunt left the company, but she was still doing these things that endangered the company. Well, how did grandpa give birth to a child like her?

Leng Jichao comforted Lin Xiaoyao and said, "Yao Yao, don't be sad. Long Sheng has nine sons. They have their own differences. You see, aren't you very good?"

Lin Xiaoyao nodded, sighed and said, "how am I? Am I really good? Leng Jichao, I'm with you now. Didn't I just do the same thing as my aunt? Leng Jichao, why did you help me like this?"

Leng Jichao saw Lin Xiaoyao like this and knew that Chen Muzi's words still existed in her heart and had an impact on her. He said to Lin Xiaoyao, "Yao Yao, I tell you, you are completely different from your aunt, and you haven't hurt anyone. After a few days, when you finish this, I will naturally present the truth to you."

Hearing Leng Jichao's words, Lin Xiaoyao sighed deeply and leaned her head against the seat back of the car. She felt very tired, and her heart was the most tired.

Leng Jichao said, "Yao Yao, don't think so much. Now the top priority is to find a place to have a good meal."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "I want to go to the place you said for dinner. At this time, I just want to go to the streets to experience the warm taste of earthly fireworks."

Leng Jichao said, "OK, let's drive over and see if those snack stalls are open. By the way, didn't Mrs. Wang bring us cakes just now? Open them and have a try“

Lin Xiaoyao remembered and said, "yes, it's hard to patronize and forget this crop." then she carefully opened the paper package outside for fear that she might break the cake accidentally.

Lin Xiaoyao said, "are you hungry?" he wanted to take a piece for Leng Jichao to eat, and suddenly remembered that Leng Jichao was driving. If he wanted to eat, he would have to send it to his mouth. Such an action was too ambiguous, and Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help blushing again.

Leng Jichao didn't think so much and said, "I'm really a little hungry. Take one for me."

Since Leng Jichao said so, Lin Xiaoyao had to take one with one hand and the other hand carefully. For fear that the powder would fall on the car and be sent to Leng Jichao's mouth.

Leng Jichao ate it and said excitedly, "MMM! It's delicious!" he ate it and said, "MMM! It's really delicious. It has a taste of pure natural food carefully made."

After Leng Jichao said this, Lin Xiaoyao also ate one. She only felt that the sweet, soft and fragrant cake melted at the entrance. Lin Xiaoyao tasted it carefully. It seemed that it had a sweet taste of peanuts, sesame and osmanthus.

Lin Xiaoyao said, "it's so delicious. Mrs. Wang must have bought it from the countryside. Why don't I know such delicious food!"

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