Lin Lin said, "Oh, Lao Wang, you are too soft hearted and not decisive enough."

Wang Dong said, "well, my heart is soft. I am really soft. How can I bear it?"

The chief financial officer listened and thought that he must stand in line with Director Wang. Although it is said that Lin Xiaoyao is the president, in terms of real power and influence, he is still not as good as the elder Wang Dong. He must stand on the right team.

Wang Dong sighed: "It's just that I've been looking at the situation of the company recently. I want to find a way out for the future. I go outside and start my own company with my strength for so many years, so as to save my future shares from being lost in the end. It's just that it's not easy to leave the company for a while. Otherwise, people say that I'm so immoral, and I'm in a hurry to leave the company just after the boss's dismissal."

After hearing this, the chief financial officer woke up a little bit. The major events of withdrawing shares and leaving the company were revealed in front of him. It can be seen that Wang Dong didn't treat him as an outsider. He just jumped in his heart when he heard such important news.

"That's a good idea," Lin said

"I just don't have a lot of cash on hand," Wang said

Lin Lin said, "why is it difficult? The company's chief financial officer is here."

The financial controller was shocked when Lin Lin said this. The wine that was half awake can be said to be all awake this time. The financial controller thought, I said to invite me to dinner today, so I was waiting for me here. I couldn't help but be vigilant and alert again.

Wang Dong said, "well, it depends on whether Lao Chen is willing to work with us."

The chief financial officer listened to Mr. Wang's suggestion that he would work together rather than help. He thought, is there any advantage in Mr. Wang's plan? He couldn't help but resist at first.

Lin Linbai looked at Wang Dong and said, "if you don't say it, how can you know whether Lao Chen is willing or not? After all, it's a matter for everyone to benefit."

Wang Dong smiled and said, "OK, I'll talk to Lao Chen about my plans and ideas."

At this time, the CFO's wine had completely awakened. Although he felt alert and startled, he still smiled and said, "I, Lao Chen, are all ears to the great plan of director Wang and director Lin“

Wang Dong smiled and said, "Lao Chen, it's like this. You see, the current situation of the company is uncertain. We don't know where the company will go."

The chief financial officer shrewdly interrupted Wang Dong and said, "Wang Dong, but in recent months, the sales volume of many Lin's companies has soared, and the income has also risen a lot. I don't think Wang Dong has to worry."

Mr. Wang said, "Lao Chen, you've been wandering in the Jianghu for so long. Don't you see? What's the reason for the increase in sales of the company these days? Because, well, this little Yao caught up with Leng Jichao, the president of Leng's family. These people cooperated with our company on many projects because of Leng Jichao's face“

The chief financial officer has to admit that what Wang Dong said is right. After all, Lin Xiaoyao has just come to power for a few months and has not made any drastic reforms and achievements.

Wang Dong then said, "if the company lives on the face of others, the development of the company must not be long-term. Therefore, I am worried. I have worked hard with old president Lin all my life, and all my wealth is in this company."

"Although I love Xiaoyao in my heart, looking at her like this, to tell the truth, I feel it is difficult for her to manage our Lin family well. So I want to turn back quickly and start a company outside when there is a way in front of me."

After listening to Wang Dong's words, the chief financial officer thought that Wang Dong's words were more or less reasonable. If Lin Xiaoyao could really tie up with Leng Jichao, they would be better off. But who can say that? It's said that Leng Jichao has a son.

The chief financial officer said, "Mr. Wang, your concern is not unreasonable. But if Mr. Wang's shares are withdrawn from the company, I'm afraid the company can't get so much money for a while from my financial supervision. If Mr. Wang must withdraw the capital, the company will be evacuated nearly half at once, and Lin's family will really collapse at that time."

Dong Wang said: "Lao Chen, you've been a financial veteran for many years. You can see through the essence of things at a glance. Dong has great strength. I founded Lin with old president Lin. I don't know the truth of this situation. Therefore, when Xiao Yao just came to power, I can't withdraw my capital and take away my shares. One is that I'm worried that Lin will be unable to hold on, make Xiao Yao difficult and make old president Lin's spirit in heaven I can't be at ease. On the other hand, I'm afraid of being pointed out by outsiders that I'm not kind and unjust. As soon as the new Lord came to power, I wanted to leave and didn't think about how to help the new Lord. "

The chief financial officer flattered: "Dong Wang is really benevolent and moral. Ordinary people don't care about their own interests and think so much about others."

Wang Dong waved his hand, sighed and said, "well, I grew up watching Xiao Yao. How can I have the heart..."

Lin Lin said: "Lao Chen, Lao Wang wants to open a company outside, but he is too kind to pull out the shares. He doesn't have so much money on hand, so he can only let you help."

The chief financial officer looked at Dong Wang in embarrassment. He didn't want to hear Lin Lin speak. As soon as Lin Lin spoke, he was nervous and didn't know what kind of demands she would make.

Wang Dong said, "yes, so I want to ask Lao Chen for your help. Please give me some money in the company first. “

The chief financial officer took a breath and said, "Dong Wang, you've been wandering the Jianghu for so many years. Don't you know you're going to jail?"

Before Dong Wang could speak, Lin Lin rushed to say, "well, Lao Chen, you are too timid. As long as you do a good job in the account and make it clear, can't you find it out?"

Wang Dong glanced at Lin Lin and wanted to stop her from saying such incompetent words. However, Lin Lin's words were most like a machine gun and finished them all at once.

Wang Dong said, "Lin Lin, you can't say that. Lao Chen's concern is reasonable. Even if I don't want to be myself, I have to think about Lao Chen. I can't let him carry the black pot and bear unnecessary responsibility for me."

The chief financial officer was robbed by Lin Lin just now. He was very embarrassed. His face was red and white. Fortunately, Wang Dong said such considerate words and looked at Wang Dong gratefully.

The chief financial officer said, "Mr. Wang, it's not that I don't help you, but that this matter is really too risky. I think not only for myself, but also for you, Mr. Wang."

Wang Dong said, "I understand your kindness, Lao Chen. I'm not rash to tell you that I let you do this. I've thought for a long time and met all the conditions before I told you. Moreover, after all these years, you know who I am, and I will never treat you badly."

Lin Lin saw that Dong Wang said this, and then said, "Lao Chen, after all these years, you know who Lao Wang is and who I am? We won't treat you badly."

When Lin Lin said such words, she thought to herself that it was not Wang Dong alone. Lin Lin also did it with Wang Dong. The water is deep enough.

Lin Lin saw the CFO thinking, and then said, "Lao Chen, don't forget, I was kind to you. When you transferred the CFO, I said a lot of good things about you in front of my father."

The chief financial officer listened to Lin Lin and said with a smile, "yes, how can I forget Dong Lin's kindness?"

Dong Wang said: "I'll give you an analysis. You see, Xiao Yao didn't come to work for many days. He still works at that cold company. Cough, it's really a mess. Now, the company basically has the final say. You know, my share is the largest. Look at you, first, transfer tens of millions of dollars from the company to me. Let me quietly prepare a company outside. When you come back, you may not be able to check the accounts. At that time, over time, who will think of it and feel it? "

The chief financial officer listened to Wang Dong's analysis, but when he heard the tens of millions, he couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning. He said, "Wang Dong, these tens of millions are not kidding. I know that if you want to start a company with your ability, you must start a large company, but I really dare not do it. You know I've always been timid."

Wang Dong patted the CFO on the shoulder and said, "understand, Lao Chen, I understand your ideas."

The chief financial officer took a deep breath and thought the matter was over.

However, I didn't expect Wang Dong to say, "Lao Chen, you see, I'm planning for myself. You're getting old and retiring soon. You don't want to do it. I understand. Who doesn't want to retire peacefully and enjoy your old age? You don't need to plan yourself, but do you plan for your children and grandchildren?"

Although Wang Dong was born in the countryside, he was extremely smart and hit the weakness of the chief financial officer at once.

Wang Dong then said, "look at your son, Chen Deng. He is very good. He is a young man and works hard, but he is still at the bottom of the company. I don't mean that Chen Deng is not excellent, but you know how fierce the job competition in the company is. Although you are the chief financial officer, Chen Deng still works in the branch."

The chief financial officer sighed and said, "well, I'm good, but I'm too honest."

Although the financial controller knew his son's ability was mediocre, he was unwilling to admit it.

Wang Dong said, "honesty is good and a good quality. Your son Chen Deng needs a leader who appreciates him and a person to help him."

The chief financial officer listened to what Wang Dong said, smiled and nodded.

Wang Dong said, "I have met Chen Deng several times. He is a very good young man. I appreciate him in my heart and intend to help him in the next step."

The chief financial officer said, "thank you very much, Mr. Wang."

Lin Lin followed and said, "don't worry, Lao Chen. Your son will follow Dong Wang. He won't treat him badly“

The chief financial officer repeatedly said, "thank you, thank you, President Lin."

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