"What? What did you say?" Lin Lin was so surprised when she heard Secretary Chen's words. It was like a big stone pressed on a person's heart was put down. She asked with a happy face.

Secretary Chen replied impatiently again and said, "Miss Lin, people didn't sue you at all. Can you stop for a while now? Let me finish reading the indictment."

Lin Lin was overjoyed to hear Secretary Chen say this. She pulled up the trolley box in her hand and said to Xiao Hong, "great, Xiao Hong, let's go. We'll fly abroad an hour later and stay away from all this."

Looking at all this, Dong Wang stood straight and said, "Arlene, did you ignore me? Didn't you say you loved me? Didn't you say you regretted that you were too young, didn't know how to see people and didn't tell me? Arlene, tell me?"

Wang Dong's voice trembled and his body trembled. In a few minutes, Lin Xiaoyao suddenly felt that Wang Dong was much older. Just now he was still holding on like that, but now he seemed to have his soul taken away. Although he was still standing, he slowly withered like a punctured balloon.

Lin Lin saw that Wang Dong asked him like this and said with a sneer, "Lao Wang, you're so stupid. When did I love you? I never loved you. I've never liked you. I've endured nausea and slept with you for so long in recent months. Now, it can be over at last. I'm leaving!"

Wang Dong seemed to be hit hard and fell on the sofa. When he was sitting on the sofa just now, he was firm, magnanimous and domineering, but now he is really like a completely leaky balloon.

Although Lin Xiaoyao sued Wang Dong and came to catch Wang Dong this time, she was very distressed to see Wang Dong like this. Looking at what her aunt said, it was a sharp sword that stabbed Wang Dong's heart.

Lin Xiaoyao said to Lin Lin, "aunt, you're going too far."

Wang Dong seemed to be in the sofa because of his pain and injury. Wang Dong seemed to raise his head slowly and hard. His eyes were bright and scary. He stared at Lin Lin and said, "Arlene, what you said is true?"

In fact, without Wang Dong's confirmation, her aunt's behavior has already explained everything, and the people present have long seen that her aunt has not loved Wang Dong at all. Lin Lin is a selfish woman. Wang Dong was cheated by her feelings and fell into the trap of feelings.

However, Wang Dong seemed to want to reconfirm and want to hear Lin Lin deny what he just said, so he asked Lin Lin if what he said was true. Because he was hit by emotion, he was no longer the usual arrogant Wang Dong, nor the calm Wang Dong sitting in Mount Tai. He was just a poor emotional loser and beggar.

Lin Lin glanced at Wang Dong obliquely and said disdainfully, "what I just said is very clear. Didn't you hear it clearly?"

Wang Dong still stared at Lin Lin. Lin Lin was a little afraid of him. After all, he did something wrong. Dong Wang said, "Arlene, all the money has been transferred to your account..."

Lin Lin smiled and said, "is there any evidence? You take out the evidence." Lin Lin smiled proudly. She had thought of this step for a long time. Therefore, when the chief financial officer set the money out, she did not let the chief financial officer write it directly to her account, but let the chief financial officer write it to Dong Wang's account.

And she also used safety and caution as an excuse to ask Wang Dong not to call her directly,. Instead, she asked Dong Wang to call an underground bank, through which she paid her own account. For this reason, she also spent two or three million handling fees at the underground bank.

Wang Dong looked at Lin Lin and suddenly smiled sadly. His eyes were still bright and frightening. He smiled sadly and said, "Arlene, are you really such a person? Are my dreams in youth and the beautiful influence of my youth really such disillusionment?"

Lin Xiaoyao felt extremely distressed and worried when she saw Wang Dong like this. She knew that Wang Dong was a person who valued friendship. She was afraid that Wang Dong could not withstand such a blow.

Lin Xiaoyao said, "Uncle Wang..." he wanted to step forward to comfort him, but Leng Jichao held him. Leng Jichao knew that letting Dong Wang speak out completely at this time might be a spiritual outlet for him and a good way to alleviate the pain.

Wang Dong looked at Lin Lin straightly and didn't feel Lin Xiaoyao's worry and concern about him. He seemed to say to himself: "The shadow of my beautiful youth, the person I love, I am willing to give everything for all this and for this person. Just now, in the face of the bailiff and the indictment, I have not been afraid or regretted, because I thought I gained love and I thought it was worth it. But, Arlene, you tell me that all this is false now? I'd rather do it now Dead, I don't want to believe it's false“

When Wang Dong said these words, everyone present was moved. Although he was the main culprit of Wang Dong's corruption, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't hate her at all. Seeing the culprit, the worst was his aunt.

Leng Jichao was moved and admired by Leng Jichao's constancy and dedication to love when he saw that Wang Dong, who is usually a powerful and laughing man in the mall, showed such innocence and weakness in front of love.

Leng Jichao didn't like Wang Dong because he embezzled Lin Lin's money together with Lin Lin and the chief financial officer, but now he has completely changed his attitude towards Wang Dong.

Only president Li, seeing Wang Dong like this, thought to himself that Wang Dong is so smart and shrewd, but he is too stupid in this matter. Also, people like President Li, who only care about interests, can't know the value of feelings.

Lin Lin was afraid because Wang Dong said these words and because Wang Dong looked directly at her eyes. The ancients said that they were not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. After all, Lin Lin cheated Dong Wang too deeply. She cheated Dong Wang's pure feelings and put in the rest of his life and the achievements of his struggle.

In order to avoid this fear and this sense of spiritual debt, Lin Lin pulled up the trolley box and said to Dong Wang, "Lao Wang, I don't talk so much nonsense to you. Do it yourself. Xiao Hong, let's go!"

Xiao Hong is carrying two big bags and is going out after Lin Lin Lin.

But the captain of the bailiff brigade stopped them. He said with a solemn face: "Miss Lin, although Lin didn't sue you, you can't leave as an important witness and participant until you understand the case."

Lin Lin's face turned white. She said angrily, "why don't you let me leave? Why?" Lin Lin looked fierce, but she commanded SAPO to play muddy as soon as the key came.

The captain of the bailiff brigade said seriously, "sorry, it's stipulated in China's law. Please don't be impatient and stay temporarily. Maybe you can go abroad after the case is settled."

Lin Lin suddenly wilted and slowly put down the trolley case. The trolley case slid slowly down the floor and lay flat on the ground.

A good villa looks messy because of the arrival of so many people and the bustle Lin Lin and Wang Dong want to escape.

Wang Dong stood up slowly. He seemed to use a lot of effort to reorganize his own prestige and air. Lin Xiaoyao was worried about him, even more than 50 million for the company. Lin Xiaoyao sees Wang Dong walking slowly towards him. He is very slow. He falters a little because of the blow. Lin Xiaoyao wants to help Wang Dong, but Wang Dong refuses.

Lin Xiaoyao had to wait for Wang Dong to come to her.

Wang Dong walks up to Lin Xiaoyao and looks at Lin Xiaoyao firmly. Lin Xiaoyao saw the pain in his eyes after a heavy blow, but he had swept away the decline. Under such circumstances, Wang Dong still did not lose his dignity and dignity.

Wang Dong looked into Lin Xiaoyao's eyes and said, "Xiao Yao, Uncle Wang is sorry for you. Originally, after your grandfather died, I also wanted to help you, help you who just took office, and do a good job of our Lin family. The Lin family was made by me and your grandfather, just like my child."

Looking at Wang Dong, Lin Xiaoyao has lost his old arrogance and style, but still maintains his dignity and dignity. Lin Xiaoyao feels that he is much older all of a sudden, and Lin Xiaoyao feels his nose sour.

Lin Xiaoyao choked and said, "Uncle Wang......"

Wang Dong waved his hand and said, "I don't deserve you to call me uncle Wang. I'm sorry for Lin and you."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "Uncle Wang, don't say that..."

Dong Wang said, "Xiao Yao, I remember that I used to come to your house. At that time, you were young and your grandfather was young. What a beautiful golden age it was at that time."

Lin Xiaoyao understood what was the main purpose of Wang Dong's frequent visit to the house at that time, but Wang Dong only mentioned Lin Xiaoyao and his grandfather in this remark. It seems that because of pain, he did not mention the person who used to be the most important person in his mind.

Lin Xiaoyao said, "yes, Uncle Wang, I still often think of those years. I had no father since I was a child. At that time, I almost regarded you as my father."

Wang Dong smiled sadly and said, "well, it's all gone, Xiao Yao. Don't you know? What's the purpose of my frequent visit to your house? If you know, you won't look at me like this. If you know, you'll laugh at what a fool I am today."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "Uncle Wang, I know, I know, because of your youthful love. At that time, my aunt was still young and how beautiful. I know you loved my aunt. Grandpa hopes you can become his son-in-law, and I hope you can become my uncle."

Wang Dong said with a bitter smile: "But now it seems how ironic all this is. I've become a joke. Just now, I'm not afraid of President Li, bailiff or you, because I thought I had love and I got the love I couldn't ask for when I was young. But now, what a fool I am. I'm not afraid of anything, but It's the ending I'm most afraid of. "

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