At this time, a woman with the appearance of a small leader came out of the office in the real estate center. She was a small section chief in charge of the waitress. She used to blow the air conditioner inside and have some snacks. When she heard the noise outside, like a crowd gathering, she came out to see what had happened.

As soon as she came out, she couldn't believe her eyes. She saw Leng Jichao! What a handsome Leng Jichao. Naturally, people at her level had no chance to get in close contact with Leng Jichao, but she saw Leng Jichao from a distance when she went to a meeting with the director. Leng Shao glanced at the rumor. At that time, she was simply fascinated by Leng Shao's demeanor.

Today, I don't know which gust of wind blew Leng Jichao to their real estate center for work, so that she could see Leng Jichao at a close distance. The excited mood of the little section chief was beyond measure.

She was about to go up, but she saw her thin, yellow and stupid waitress crying. Lengjichao looked at the crying waitress with a cold face that was almost frozen.

The section chief knew that the waitress had always had a bad working attitude and was stupid and vain. She was arranged by relationship. Today, she must have offended lengshao.

So the little section chief went up to Leng Jichao, smiled and said, "are you lengshao?"

Lengji Chao smiled coldly and said, "Oh? There are still people who recognize me in this real estate center, this high gate and big yamen? I thought everyone in this real estate center was as bad and self righteous as this woman just now."

The section chief smiled and said, "I'm the section chief of this department. This little girl is under my hand. Did she offend you?"

Leng Jichao briefly told the little section chief about the matter. The onlookers also testified that the waiter's attitude was too bad to stand. Others shouted, "I came to this window to work before, and I was scolded by this woman many times. Such a person can't keep her! It's a disaster and I have to get out!"

After listening to Leng Jichao's description and the testimony of the nearby people, the section chief turned and looked at the waitress who was still crying. She made up her face with inferior cosmetics and looked even uglier.

The little section chief looked at the waitress and slapped her in the face with a backhand. She said sternly, "I don't know what's shameless, and I don't weigh my weight. What's it? I dare to look down on others, offend lengshao, and don't admit my mistake!"

The waitress was shocked when she was slapped in the face. Originally, in this modern society, we advocate equality for all, but our employees, not domestic slaves. If ordinary people are treated like this, they will at least brush their sleeves and leave. I quit. What can you do for me!

But it happened that the female service was a bully who was afraid of being tough and spineless. She was slapped and afraid of losing her job. Instead, she cried and said, "section chief, I'm wrong. I don't dare anymore!"

The section chief said sternly, "don't admit your mistake with me, Leng Shao, this young lady and this aunt!"

Leng Jichao waved his hand, meaning that she should not be upset when she looked in front of him. He directly picked up his mobile phone to call the secretary.

Mrs. Wang watched all this and knew that it was because Lin Xiaoyao and Leng Jichao wanted to protect themselves,. Originally, I was bullied by the waitress, scolded a few words, and I wasn't ready to talk back.

And the section chief slapped the waitress with his backhand to curry favor with Leng Jichao. It doesn't look like a good kind.

Mrs. Wang grew up at the bottom of the countryside and knew that it was not easy for ordinary children of ordinary families to have a job. The family didn't know how much it cost her to get the job. So he moved his heart and said, "Mr. Leng, I think the little girl was beaten and admitted her mistake. I think she will change next time and won't treat people like this again. I think we'd better let her go first."

Lin Xiaoyao said, "my aunt's heart is kind." she looked at the waitress and said, "unlike some people, she's really snobbish and has a very bad character!"

Leng Jichao said, "since Mrs. Wang said so, I'm too lazy to argue with people like her. Forget it this time." he put down his cell phone.

The section chief glanced at the trembling waitress and said in a harsh voice, "don't hurry, thank lengshao! You know? Lengshao is blowing a breath, and your whole family will fall! I don't know what to do!"

The waitress sobbed and said, "thank you for being cold."

Leng Jichao waved his hand impatiently. He was too lazy to see her ugly face and said, "if Mrs. Wang hadn't begged, I wouldn't let you go like this."

Mrs. Wang said, "Mr. Leng, Xiaoyao, we've finished this. Let's go quickly, leave this place of right and wrong, and hurry up to handle the equity transfer procedures. Lao Wang is still waiting for us."

Lin Xiaoyao and lengjichao nodded and walked out of the real estate center with Mrs. Wang. The onlookers unconsciously gave way and watched them leave.

The demeanor of Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao makes them secretly envy and praise in their hearts, but their eyes have been greedily following this pair of talents, which makes Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao feel like they are walking on the red carpet.

Some of them recognized Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao when the dispute first occurred.

So when Leng Jichao, Lin Xiaoyao and Mrs. Wang walked out of the door of the real estate center, they found that there were a lot of reporters carrying long guns and short guns waiting for them outside the door.

Mrs. Wang had never seen such a scene and suddenly panicked. Ah Xiang, who was waiting outside, hurried up, pushed aside the crowd and protected her hostess.

Leng Jichao also closely protected Lin Xiaoyao for fear that she would be ashamed and hurt in the chaos.

"Leng Shao, I heard that there was a corruption loophole in Lin's interior, and Lin's elder was jailed. Is this true?"

"Mr. Lin, as president of the Lin family, you personally sent the company's elders to prison. What do you think?"

"Mr. Lin, what procedures did you go through when you came to the real estate center? Did you transfer Wang Dong's real estate to your own name to make up for the loss of Wang Dong's corruption?"

"Will such a major change within Lin have any impact on Lin's future development?"

"Leng Shao, as an outsider of Lin family, why did you accompany Lin Xiaoyao? I heard that you participated in the whole process. Does this mean that Leng family intends to buy Lin family when Lin family is facing such a major change?

Leng Jichao protected Lin Xiaoyao and said, "no comment, no comment, please give way." then he hugged Lin Xiaoyao and pushed forward, but these reporters were very stubborn. Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao took a step forward, and they also moved a step. It simply formed a moving human wall, tightly surrounding Lin Xiaoyao and Leng Jichao.

No wonder they found such important news. How can they let it go? If they can get the exclusive news, it's a good chance to get a raise and become a baron.

Lin Xiaoyao and Leng Jichao also lamented the power of these reporter paparazzi. As soon as things came out, these reporter paparazzi got the news, and the news was quite accurate.

At this time, someone found the frightened Mrs. Wang held by Ah Xiang. No one cared about this ordinary looking woman in rustic clothes before. No one thought that Dong Wang's wife, who plays an important role in Lin's family, was such a simple rural woman. Therefore, at the beginning, the reporters didn't care.

Just seeing that there was nothing to do here with Lin Xiaoyao and Leng Jichao, the intelligent reporter saw Mrs. Wang who was frightened on the side and thought that it was said that Lin Xiaoyao and Leng Jichao came to handle the real estate transfer procedures of Dong Wang. Since the transfer procedures were handled, both parties must be present.

Now I only see Lin Xiaoyao and Wang Dong is in prison. Well, it must be Wang Dong's wife who came on his behalf. Is this rustic woman frightened by this formation Wang Dong's wife?

So a clever reporter immediately ran to Mrs. Wang, pointed a long gun at her and said, "are you Dong Wang's wife?"

For most of her life, Mrs. Wang has never been out of the door except to go to the market to buy vegetables and things. She has never seen such a strong hand. She is simply overwhelmed by fear.

As soon as the reporter ran to Mrs. Wang, a large number of reporters woke up. After all, Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao are people who have experienced such scenes for a long time. They are familiar with dealing with the media. I'm afraid they can't get anything out of Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao.

Moreover, Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao go to the news media many times. As the president of a large group company, they are the focus of the media and the common people, and sometimes they take the initiative to appear in front of the media lens for the development of the company. Therefore, it is not easy to interview them, but it is still common.

However, Mrs. Wang is different. Mrs. Wang has never seen the media and has no experience in front of the media. It is easy to tell the truth in panic. Moreover, as the protagonist of this incident, Mr. Wang's wife is naturally the focus of the public. It is said that this matter also involves Mr. Wang's affair, so his wife's attitude has attracted more attention from gossip people.

Therefore, all the reporters ran to surround Mrs. Wang.

Seeing this, a Xiang hugged Mrs. Wang more tightly. Although a Xiang was smart by nature and would be hot when it was time to be hot, he had never seen such a strong hand. Therefore, although he tried to be calm, he still felt nervous and trembling.

The reporters pointed their long guns and short guns at Mrs. Wang and shot questions at Mrs. Wang like machine guns, regardless of Mrs. Wang's personal feelings. That's how the reporters can do anything for the sake of hot spots and headlines

"Are you Dong Wang's wife?"

"Mrs. Wang, I heard that Dong Wang was jailed because of Miss Lin's eldest daughter?" the reporter simply determined that this was Mrs. Wang, so he asked regardless of Mrs. Wang's feelings.

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