"Although I met many people for the first time on such an important occasion, in ordinary private, we have met more or less because we follow our elders to do business. We all look familiar and don't feel embarrassed. This also includes your former fiance Murong Yan, who is similar to me in age and participates in social networking as an heir."

Lin Xiaoyao didn't expect Leng Jichao to know Murong Yan so early, but it's not surprising that giants of two companies know each other, compete or help each other.

Leng Jichao said, "when my family knew the past and knew almost the same, I wanted to have a rest in the rest area. I poured a glass of red wine and went to the back garden to get some air."

Like listening to a story, Lin Xiaoyao listened to Leng Jichao tell about his past.

"I just slipped out of the back with red wine and came to a corridor leading to the back garden. I found a graceful woman leaning on the winding corridor," Leng Jichao continued.

Lin Xiaoyao listened with great interest.

Leng Jichao said, "this woman is only twenty-eight years old. She is wearing a black skirt. Her black thick shiny hair spreads like a waterfall. Her long hair reaches her waist and trembles slightly in the breeze blowing from the corridor. It is very beautiful."

"I was suddenly attracted, so I stopped and looked at his back. After a while, it seemed that someone behind me was looking at her, so I turned around. I saw her face, and I will never forget that moment in my life."

Lin Xiaoyao listened carefully, as if she were listening to a romantic novel, as if she were listening to a beautiful and mysterious love story, but she didn't know how to do it. She was a little sad and lost in her heart.

When Lin Xiaoyao faced Leng Jichao, what he heard from Leng Jichao's mouth was that Leng Jichao loved her and loved her most. Although Lin Xiaoyao often didn't believe it, Lin Xiaoyao felt sad today when he heard from Leng Jichao's mouth that he loved others so deeply.

Lin Xiaoyao said softly, "she must be very beautiful."

Leng Jichao heard Lin Xiaoyao speak. Just now when he recalled this relationship. Lin Xiaoyao never spoke. Therefore, Leng Jichao took back his eyes looking at the sea in the distance, turned his eyes to his face that has become more mature and charming after ten years of wind and rain, and said, "yes, she was so beautiful. At that time, she was like a flower in bud, and now she is like a rose in full bloom. She is really beautiful."

Lin Xiaoyao felt a trace of jealousy, and then she regretted and blamed herself for her jealousy. So she fiddled with the scattered hair, sipped coffee and durian cake, trying to hide her jealousy and divert her attention.

Leng Jichao continued: "I will never forget that moment in my life. She turned her face and looked at me strangely. After all, she found that I had secretly looked at her behind her for so long. Her skin was white, her eyes were dark, her eyes were bright, her lips were red and her teeth were white, and she wore a black skirt, which set off her noble and beautiful temperament. I looked at her. Her whole body 3 seemed to emit holy light, but I was a little ashamed by the holy light“

"I never thought that Leng Jichao would be ashamed of herself in front of anyone. When I looked at her, her face was like a bright moon in a clear night sky“

Listening to Leng Jichao's description, Lin Xiaoyao seemed intoxicated and heartache.

Lin Xiaoyao thinks she shouldn't be jealous, but she really feels her jealousy. Is she really in love with Leng Jichao? Even his past relationships are incomprehensible and unacceptable? But who is he? Really, Lin Xiaoyao can't help blaming herself.

In order to deceive herself that she was not jealous, Lin Xiaoyao took another bite of durian cake and said, "listen to your description, this relationship should be very beautiful“

Leng Jichao seemed to want to relax the regret and pain of loss and said, "yes, it's beautiful. It's really as beautiful as heaven“

Lin Xiaoyao looked at lengjichao's eyes and smiled at him and said, "go on, I think it's wonderful, like a novel." Although Lin Xiaoyao smiled, she tried to restrain her heartache. She felt her heart dripping blood, but she told herself that listening to Leng Jichao describe his love for others is a kind of experience for her heart. In this way, when Chen Muzi and Leng Jichao get married in the future, she won't feel too heartache. Yes, she should experience herself.

Whether it's the company or the feelings, Lin Xiaoyao treats herself so harshly. Maybe it's because she didn't have parents since childhood. Lin Xiaoyao lives very strong and is very demanding of herself.

Leng Jichao heard that Lin Xiaoyao asked him to go on, so he went on to say, "the girl turned around and looked at me strangely. After all, I was a little embarrassed. After all, I had watched others secretly for so long. I smiled at her. In fact, I wanted to talk to her enthusiastically and ask whose daughter she was, but I was afraid that I was too enthusiastic and rash to scare her at once Yes“

"When she saw me smiling at her like this, she politely smiled back at me. With her smile, I felt that the whole world was bright. I thought to myself, whose daughter is she? I've never heard that any family has a daughter of this age, and her temperament is so dust-free, which is slightly different from the proud temperament of ordinary family daughters."

"I went up, said hello and said," Hello! "“

"She will also say to me," Hello! "Her voice is gentle and beautiful. I think I've never heard such a beautiful voice since I'm so big“

"I said, 'it's so busy inside, miss. Why are you alone in this lonely corridor?'"

"Unexpectedly, she was young and quick thinking. She smiled and said, 'young master, aren't you so busy inside and running out?"

"I laughed and deliberately wanted to joke with her and said: 'how do you say I'm a young master? I'm not a childe. You look at me with red wine. I'm just an official. I just poured wine for the guests and ran out to steal it."

"She also smiled, revealing her neat white pearly teeth and said," does anyone wear Armani suits for Ying Shisheng? "

"When I saw her, I saw through my clothes at a glance, so I smiled and said, 'don't you know that the host gave me a fake Armani for face?'“

"She squinted at me, smiled and said, 'well, I'm also a maid. When I'm tired, I just come out to breathe and be lazy.'"

"When I heard her say this, I laughed and said, 'then we really have fate.'

Listening to Leng Jichao's description, Lin Xiaoyao said, "then you still fall in love at first sight“

Leng Jichao said, "yes, I fell in love with her at first sight, but I don't know if she was right for me. So I invited her to go to the garden, and she agreed. We walked side by side. The garden was very quiet, and the flowers sent out a quiet fragrance."

"I think I just drank some wine. I'm afraid the smell on my body doesn't smell good. I'm worried about smoking her. I never worry so much at ordinary times, but I worry so much in front of her, because I think she is so white and flawless and can't tolerate any stain."

"I asked her, 'do I smell a lot of wine?'"

"She sniffed, smiled and said, 'it tastes a little, but it doesn't smell bad.'"

"I'm relieved to hear her say that. I really want to know whose daughter she is, so I introduced myself and said:" Miss, I'm Leng Jichao, President of Leng's family. Shortly after I returned from studying abroad, can you tell me whose daughter you are? As far as I know, among the celebrities from all walks of life who came to the banquet today, no family has a daughter as old as you Son. '"

"When she saw me asking such questions, she smiled mischievously and said, 'didn't I tell you just now? I'm just a maid who comes out to be lazy.'"

"I knew she was teasing me, so I said, 'Miss, I'm serious.'"

"She also said positively, 'whose daughter am I not.'"

When Lin Xiaoyao heard this, she widened her eyes strangely and wanted to know whose daughter Leng Jichao loved and fell in love at first sight.

However, Leng Jichao, as if he were a storyteller, stopped to drink a cup of coffee, raised his wrist, looked at the million dollar watch in his hand, and said, "Yao Yao, it's late. Let's go on. It's too late to see the concert. I think we have to eat first, and then go to the concert."

"Oh, so......" Lin Xiaoyao said slightly disappointed, "I still want to hear you tell me who this girl is."

Leng Jichao smiled mysteriously and said, "if you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the next chapter!" then he stood up.

So Lin Xiaoyao had to stand up with him.

Leng Jichao thought that since Lin Xiaoyao can't remember that time, in Lin Xiaoyao's mind, the memory of their beautiful relationship has been erased, and whenever Lin Xiaoyao tries to recall, he has a headache, so it's better not to talk about it now, so that Lin Xiaoyao's head won't hurt again.

Leng Jichao thought, just wait for Chen Muzi to come out. Maybe Du Xin can cure Lin Xiaoyao's amnesia. At that time, they hugged each other and recalled their good relationship in the past. Isn't it a better thing?

So he ended his memory on the pretext that it was too late to attend the concert, and Lin Xiaoyao had to end with him.

When they came to the bar to check out, the landlady asked enthusiastically, "Miss, I haven't been here for ten years. Is durian cake OK? Does it still taste like that?"

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