The unbearable voice reached Lin Xiaoyao's ears. Did these people bully her at home while she was away! Do you really think she's a decoration?!

"Lin Xinrui! Please clean your mouth!" Lin Xiaoyao opened the door and went in. She saw Lin Xinrui looking down at Lin Xiaoyuan sitting on the ground.

When Lin Xinrui saw her coming back, she glanced at her disdainfully. What's so great! She's just a fickle woman!

Lin Xiaoyao's eyes became colder and looked straight at Lin Xinrui. "Lin Xinrui, how can I not teach you a lesson? Don't forget, this is my Lin family, and there's no room for you to speak!"

"Hum! Lin Xiaoyao, you can say that you are the Lin family. What should you say when you got on the car with a man on a date that day?" she didn't feel ashamed, and Lin Xinrui was unwilling to be weak.

Lin Xiaoyao's eyes paused. Sure enough, Lin Xinrui was fishy. She was found by the reporter for some reason. Originally, she wondered if someone was playing tricks. Otherwise, she happened to meet those reporters. It was a high-end restaurant, and not everyone could go in and out at will. Now hearing Lin Xinrui's words, she is more determined.

That day, the reporter only saw her eating with men in the restaurant, but did not say that she got on the car with men. Lin Xinrui would say so unless she followed herself at that time.

Lin Xiaoyao approached her with a cold light in her eyes. "So, you called the reporter that day?"

Seeing that she was suspicious, Lin Xinrui immediately denied, "I don't know what you're talking about! Besides, why do you doubt me? If you want people to know, you can't do it unless you don't do it yourself!"

That day, when Lin Xinrui saw that Lin Xiaoyao had disappeared halfway, she wanted to ask her more about murongyan. Who knows, she couldn't get involved with a man in the garden. Finally, she got on the same car. She immediately followed up, but found that they had entered a couple's restaurant. She immediately called a reporter and thought she could finally see her infamous appearance.

Although I don't know what happened, it didn't cause an uproar, but at least Murong Yan knew it. Sure enough, Murong Yan was very angry and didn't go to Lin Xiaoyao, which made Lin Xinrui very happy. She always liked Murong Yan, but he wanted to marry Lin Xiaoyao, which made her unacceptable.

Seeing her eyes twinkle, Lin Xiaoyao has affirmed 70% or 80%, oh! So she calculated her! It's really a good means! Don't think she can fool it easily.

"Really? Lin Xinrui, I know you really want to get the property of the Lin family, but I tell you, people like you don't have to think about it. You plotted against me before and bullied Xiaoyuan today, I will write it down!" Lin Xiaoyao's words are full of sarcasm and mercilessly expose the hypocritical woman. She is not a soft persimmon. People have bullied her. She doesn't need to be polite to her again.

Lin Xinrui grits her teeth and stares at Lin Xiaoyao with a face of discontent.

"What do you want to write down!" came a low male voice.

Lin Xiaoyao looks at the gate.

Murong Yan appeared in front of her. He came in step by step, frowning and deep eyes.

Lin Xiaoyao wondered why he came. He said he didn't want to see himself yesterday and came today.

"Brother Murong!" Lin Xinrui suddenly turned her face and covered her eyes with a layer of grievance. Jiao didi ran to Murong rock. Her coquettish voice shocked people all over. Lin Xiaoyao only felt goose bumps.

What's wrong with this woman? Lin Xiaoyao can't stand the speed of her face changing.

"Brother Murong, my sister was so fierce just now. I just said she shouldn't go out with other men regardless of your feelings. She scolded me angrily. I'm so wronged!" Lin Xinrui looked bullied. Sure enough, Murong Yan's face was a little ugly.

Lin Xiaoyao is almost going to vomit. This woman is the villain to complain first. Her hypocrisy really makes people speechless. But Murong Yan seems to like her.

"Lin Xiaoyao! I didn't expect you to be like this. I'm so disappointed!" Murong Yan took a deep look at her and looked over Lin Xinrui who was about to cry.

"Xinrui can't see it. You actually slander her so much. You're too much!"

He said she went too far? Murong Yan, how are you! Squinting at the two people holding together, Lin Xiaoyao's heart was completely cold.

"Murong Yan, you've decided to stand on Lin Xinrui's side, right?" although she doesn't want to believe that people who used to be so warm will become like this, she won't naively think that everyone will always be good to anyone.

"Lin Xiaoyao, you have to have a bottom line if you don't want to be shameful. Now you have the face to question me for what you have done?" Murong Yan's cold voice pierced Lin Xiaoyao's ear. She couldn't believe what she heard. Would Murong Yan say that? He doesn't know the situation at all and doesn't want to believe her. Is this the person he wants to entrust his life to? Only now did she know how stupid her idea was.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Xiaoyao said slowly, "I see. Murong Yan, let's go. Since I'm such a shameless woman, we'll try to avoid seeing each other again in the future!"

Murong Yan clenched her fist. Did she admit it? "Oh, you admit you're sorry for me, don't you? You really impress me!"

"What's the point of admitting or not? I said I didn't have you. I still don't believe it. Since you have convicted me, it's useless for me to say more." Lin Xiaoyao said indifferently and turned away from looking at them. She was disappointed with murongyan. She thought that even if everyone misunderstood her, he must be the one who believed in her. After all, he was too naive.

Murong Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyao coldly. It was good. She dared to say to herself, "believe you? How can you make me believe that the photos were taken by the reporter, and you denied it."

"Yes, sister Xiaoyao, you've really gone too far this time!" Lin Xinrui took the opportunity to add a fire, took Murong Yan's arm and looked at her reproachfully.

"Shut up! If you're here to teach! Then I'm sorry. I don't welcome you here. The door is over there. Please feel free!" Lin Xiaoyao was disgusted by Lin Xinrui. She couldn't help getting angry and directly ordered to leave.

Murong Yan was originally angry. Now Lin Xiaoyao talks so arrogantly, and his heart is even more angry, "very good, Lin Xiaoyao!"

With full of anger, Murong Yan turned and left the Lin family.

Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Lin Xinrui proudly raised her head, looked at Lin Xiaoyao with disdain, and chased Murong Yan.

When they left, Lin Xiaoyao took a deep breath. Before Murong Yan came, she asked her servants to send Lin Xiaoyuan back to her room. She didn't want these words to have any bad impact on her sister.

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