In a flash, it's ten years! Ten years later, he used time to prove how much he loved her and his actions to prove that he loved her so much.

But now, she told him that she still had concerns. She was not ready to start a new life with him! How can he accept such a result! He loosened Lin Xiaoyao, who was trembling.

After all, he bowed his head: "OK! I'll give you time to adapt! Until you fully accept me!"

After that, he turned around and put his hands in his pants pocket, but clenched them tightly. A tear more dazzling than a diamond slipped from his face. At the moment, he felt self mockery. How could he do this for a woman.

Lin Xiaoyao knows what a blow it is to him.

After all, I hurt him. Lin Xiaoyao blames herself even more when she thinks of here, all she has done and everything he has done for herself.

She got up, hugged the man who hurt her from behind, and kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" as if all her efforts were not enough to make up for it.

Leng Jichao knew that he was already a loser in this long war of love, and he couldn't change in the end. However, he ignored Lin Xiaoyao's real ideas and the potential internal threat to Lin Xiaoyao.

That's why he later regretted that he didn't fully care about her and that he almost lost her forever.

Lin Xiaoyao is the same. She is very clear about Leng Jichao's feelings for her and knows that she loves him as much as he loves her.

But after all, separated by Chen Muzi and Lengfeng, she didn't dare to face it. She didn't know that Lengfeng was her own child with lengjichao.

I only feel that there is an inexplicable factor involved between myself and Lengfeng. I especially like Lengfeng, and she can also feel Lengfeng's dependence and love for him. Maybe this is mother and son connecting, but no one paid attention.

After that day, it was very calm and nothing happened. It seemed that everything was back on track and moving towards the original plan.

Lin Xiaoyao also recovered and began to be busy with her work. She officially entered Leng's group and became the sincere help of Leng Jichao.

At the beginning, all the employees questioned the woman. People who are on the top without any assessment are extremely despised in their eyes.

Listening to the gossip of the employees, Lin Xiaoyao did not change her face.

Day after day, the gossip never stopped.

"Alas, the president doesn't know what's wrong. Just take a fancy to a woman and bring it to the company."

"Yes, I don't know what the president's wife is thinking." the employee shook his head regretfully and deliberately didn't lower his voice to be heard by Lin Xiaoyao passing by.

Lin Xiaoyao, who had no response to these rumors, was suddenly stunned. Pictures flashed in her mind, all of which were by Chen Muzi and Leng Jichao, which made Lin Xiaoyao quite bored. For a time, there was a feeling called hesitation.

Maybe Leng Jichao really knows Lin Xiaoyao too well. From Lin Xiaoyao's frown and smile, he can see that Lin Xiaoyao is wrong.

"Xiaoyao, what's the matter with you? Are you not feeling well?" the gentle man turned around, walked behind the woman, stretched out his hand and pressed the woman's shoulders, and then smiled gently.

"Not everyone can have this treatment."

This is natural. In addition to his willingness to follow Chao Leng, who else can force Tang Leng's president?

In Lin Xiaoyao's heart, something called moving rose. Yes, this man paid too much for her, so much that she couldn't bear it, so she thought of letting go and had fear. But if she can't bear it, how can she afford him and the deep love in her eyes?

The best way to shut people up is to make them completely unable to find words.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyao flashed a firm color in her heart. From then on, she paid more attention to the cause of Leng group and left the company last several times.

However, her efforts were not recognized by the company's employees, and the gossip became more chaotic. After a while, "ah, you see, that woman stayed late in the company again."

Maybe someone asked for justice for her: "maybe she's working?"

You can hear someone's strange answer: "yes, the job of a woman like her is to serve the president well? Tut."

The constant rumors can't attack Lin Xiaoyao's enthusiasm. She knows that only when she really makes achievements can these people shut up forever.

Lin Xiaoyao took a victor like attitude and ignored all kinds of gossip. Leng Jichao was deeply surprised. It was not that he despised Lin Xiaoyao, but Lin Xiaoyao was not like this at the beginning. At the beginning, Lin Xiaoyao was a person who could be withdrawn by Chen Muzi's words.

But thinking of the possibility that Lin Xiaoyao could become like this, Leng Jichao's heart was so beautiful that he burst into bubbles.

Lin Xiaoyao can work so hard just to stick to him.

That's nice.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and lengjichao enjoyed the warm feeling of the sunshine outside the window.

"Ah, Leng Jichao, why are you sleeping again!" Lin Xiaoyao's slightly headache voice sounded in Leng Jichao's ear. Leng Jichao opened one eye and looked at Lin Xiaoyao with a look of annoyance. He even felt extremely cute.

Stood up, walked to Lin Xiaoyao's side, breathed in Lin Xiaoyao's face, bent down, looked flat with Lin Xiaoyao, and said in a shallow and slow tone: "Lin Xiaoyao, but no one has ever dared to talk to me like this."

Lin Xiaoyao pulled at the corner of her mouth. The next second, with a strong smile on her face, she stretched out her hand, touched lengjichao's head when she bent down, and then quickly dodged away. When he rushed to the door, he made a face at Leng Jichao, and then walked away triumphantly.

But what she didn't know was that Chen Muzi saw all this.

How did Chen Muzi come to this company?

She really can't stay at home. Some people in the company who dislike Lin Xiaoyao secretly sent the intimate photos between Lin Xiaoyao and Leng Jichao to Chen Muzi to let Chen Muzi know that the two people are also so close in the company.

How can she bear it?

So many years of hard work was destroyed?

Chen Muzi bit his lower lip and swallowed back the anger that had reached his throat. The fingernails were deeply embedded in the meat, then turned around and left resolutely, as if they had never been to this place.

Only a few employees saw Chen Muzi, and some people in the company knew Chen Muzi. Looking at Chen Muzi's lost back, his disdain for Lin Xiaoyao is more profound.

No matter who is right or wrong, public opinion will only help those who look like the weak, such as Chen Muzi.

However, before Lin Xiaoyao heard anything about Chen Muzi, she had already suppressed all the rumors in the company with her own thunder means.

She took out a plan and read it at the company meeting.

The idea of amazing talent and gorgeous inside surprised and praised some old people one after another. But some people who don't understand are laughing at Lin Xiaoyao and refuse to obey Lin Xiaoyao's arrangement. Lin Xiaoyao was not angry either. She found some honest people to accompany her to make this list.

Leng Jichao and Lin Xiaoyao, two business wizards, joined hands and won a big business that others couldn't work hard for in a short time. In business, no one knows them.

Their existence has enabled the already famous Leng group to reach its peak. All large and small enterprises continue to curry favor. If they want to break their heads, they have to have a little relationship with Leng group to consolidate their position.

The employees of the company marveled that this woman was not a vase brought back by the president from the outside, but a woman with real strength. So far, no one dared to speak ill of Lin Xiaoyao at will.

It's not too much for a woman with such ability to get Leng Jichao's love.

In addition, the financial resources of Leng's group have increased after making a large list. As soon as the people in the finance department were happy, they increased the wages of some employees involved in this list. I don't know how many people regretted that Lin Xiaoyao didn't listen to her words and laughed at her. Up to now, it has nothing to do with this list, and they have missed the one or two thousand bonus.

At the same time, with the strong financial resources of Leng's group, Leng Jichao's super business mind and decisive and vigorous work style, Lin Xiaoyao successfully recaptured her grandfather's industry, which undoubtedly solved Lin Xiaoyao's big worry.

This sublimated her feelings with Leng Jichao and deepened her love and trust in Leng Jichao.

As the relationship between Lin Xiaoyao and lengjichao heats up, Chen Muzi can't help it, but she never thought of a good way to let Lin Xiaoyao leave without missing flaws, and break her relationship with lengjichao, so that she can replace Lin Xiaoyao. But now, the only thing she can do is wait and see the change, and then quickly think of a panacea.

She told herself that she must not panic. Such an idea also calmed her down and made her think in the long run.

Time goes by little. For so long, the biggest event is the merger of Lin's group and Leng's group, which strengthens the position of Leng's group. With the company of Lin Xiaoyao, Leng Jichao feels that every day is a dynamic day, and he feels motivated by more work and more busy things!

After all, Lin Xiaoyao is now Leng Jichao's personal assistant and secretary. When I feel tired, I have Lin Xiaoyao's company and need Lin Xiaoyao to "recharge" him. When I feel that the work is cumbersome, I have Lin Xiaoyao's help, who is also an expert in business.

Every day, such work and life can not be more fulfilling. This is also the life Leng Jichao longed for. Although he was busy, he was full. The only regret is that Lin Xiaoyao has not been able to become his rightful wife.

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