When Sze Nan was full, he helped Tian Guoguo, who had been spread into a Wang of spring water, clean and wipe her body. Then he took her out of the bathtub, wrapped her with a bath towel and put her on the bed. Tian Guoguo looked at Si Zenan, who was busy in front of him. His face was fresh and happy. On the other hand, he has no strength and can only be manipulated by him. Si Zenan's father Tian Guoguo changed his clothes in the morning and brought the dried clothes to help Tian Guoguo change his clothes. Tian Guoguo wanted to get rid of his bondage, but he was too tired to push away Sze Nan's hand. He could only let him tease himself. Si Zenan looked at the time. The sky turned yellow. It was getting late. He went to the cab, started the yacht and drove to the wharf. "Wake up?" Si Zenan pushed open the bedroom door and saw Tian Guoguo sitting in a daze on the bed alone. His voice asked her gently. When Tian Guoguo heard Si Zenan's voice, he recovered. In his mind, there was still a picture of two people naked and intertwined. He bowed his head shyly and didn't dare to look directly at him.

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