Cutting off Hu Jiuxing's opportunity, he starts to kill the lucky male protagonist

Chapter 107 Mysterious Ancient Sword, Cave Heaven Relics

Lin Yuan looked around.

After confirming that he had not gone the wrong way, he said to Lei Wanjun: "Go find something. My master told me a few places and asked me to go there."

The three of them nodded after hearing this.

Lin Yuan's words were ambiguous. No one knew about his experience in the secret realm of the cemetery, so they subconsciously thought he was talking about Xue Qinghan.

Among the masters of the seven peaks.

Xue Qinghan is the most mysterious one.

She knew about the secret realm of the cemetery and told Lin Yuan to get the opportunity. In everyone's eyes, it was a normal thing.


The four of them followed the map in Lin Yuan's mind and came to the tomb of a Dao Palace realm warrior.

Lin Yuan had already dug several graves before looking for the three people.

Therefore, he was already familiar with digging graves to find treasures. After bowing slightly to the tombstone, he immediately prepared to dig up the grave.

"Don't tell me, Lin Yuan is quite polite."

"Before you dig, say hello. Well, he is a very particular person."

Jiang Yingxu smacked her lips, took out a compass from somewhere, looked up and down, and said to Lin Yuan: "Lin Yuan, there are good things in this tomb."

Lin Yuan was slightly startled after hearing this.

He dug the grave.

Sure enough, it was discovered that in addition to the coffin, there was also a sword lying in the tomb.

Lin Yuan reached out to take it, but an unknown force on the scabbard flicked his fingers away.

"Spirit sword?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes. When he got the Longyuan Sword in the underground palace, he already knew that psychic weapons would screen their users by themselves.


Lin Yuan directly burst out with the fourth-grade sword intention, and with the blessing of the sword intention, he reached out to pick up the sword.

However, the invincible fourth-grade sword intention lost its effect here. Resistance came from the sword again, and it was more intense than before.

"Can't even get the approval of this sword with a fourth-grade sword intention?"

Lin Yuan's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt as if he had met a real person. The weapons used by Dao Palace warriors during his lifetime, and even the fourth-grade sword intent could not be recognized.

This ancient sword.

It will definitely be a more advanced spiritual weapon than Longyuan Sword.

"No way?"

The three people behind Lin Yuan were also a little surprised.

Among them, Chen Qingyu suddenly said: "Senior Brother Lin, I heard Master mentioned that Dao Palace level warriors usually only master the fourth-level martial arts ultimate intention. This sword..."

"Could it be a more advanced existence?"

"Before entering the secret realm, Master told me that there are several cave experts buried outside the Ten-Dong Tianling Tomb. Could it be that..."

Hearing Chen Qingyu's words.

Suddenly an idea flashed in Lin Yuan's mind.

He suddenly remembered that that guy Wang Teng seemed to have entered the secret realm this time just for the legacy of a certain Dongtian strongman.

Could it be...this is the Cave Heaven Relic that Wang Teng is looking for?

Lin Yuan suddenly had such an idea in his mind.


After thinking about it carefully, Lin Yuan felt that it was impossible.

After all, this is in the southern part of the entire secret realm. The location where Wang Teng and others searched for the remaining soldiers is in the middle of the secret realm. The distance is too far apart, and it cannot be the same one no matter how you think about it.

"It seems that this spiritual weapon cannot be conquered in a short period of time."

Lin Yuan shook his head. He tried a few more times, but they all ended in failure, so he simply stopped trying and put the sword directly into the storage ring.

He planned to wait until he broke through Tongxuan and understood the fifth-grade sword intention before trying again.

at the same time.

The area near Shidongtian Cemetery has been completely blocked by Xuanxu Sect disciples.

Jun Lingyun ordered the Xuanxu Sect disciples to conduct searches in batches.

He wanted to find the four guys who dared to provoke him and make them understand the consequences of irritating him.

"Where's Wang Teng?"

Jun Lingyun looked at a Xuanxu Sect disciple.

This disciple of the Xuanxu Sect had a good relationship with Wang Teng when they were in the sect. However, this time they entered the secret realm and the places where they were teleported were too far apart, so they did not act together.

"Senior Brother Jun, I don't know where Senior Brother Wang is."

"After entering the secret realm this time, I was teleported to the easternmost part of the secret realm."

The Xuanxu Sect disciple shook his head.

"I have issued a call to assemble, but the guy did not respond to the call. It seems... he must have encountered an accident."

Jun Lingyun pondered for a moment and guessed.

Before entering the secret realm, Xuanxu Sect had already ordered that everyone must abide by Jun Lingyun's orders. After seeing the command arrow, they must gather in Jun Lingyun's direction as soon as possible.

Now Wang Teng is not here.

Jun Lingyun speculated that he might have had an accident.

Although the two were at odds within the sect, Jun Lingyun was convinced that at this juncture, Wang Teng should not dare to disobey his orders.

"Send a few disciples and bring a command arrow to the central area to investigate."

Jun Lingyun thought for a while and ordered, "If you encounter four disciples of the Cangtian Sword Sect who are acting together, send a command arrow to notify them immediately."


The Xuanxu Sect disciples quickly responded.

Jun Lingyun didn't say anything more, but signaled to the disciple to step back, and then continued to explore the Ten-Dong Tianling Tomb.

To his regret.

Each of the ten caves in the Heavenly Tomb requires a corresponding token, otherwise it cannot be opened.

"There are protective formations in these tombs. If they are forcibly opened, it will only trigger the backlash of the formations."

Jun Lingyun frowned. He had studied formations and recognized that these tombs were all equipped with defensive formations.

"Those Cangtian Sword Sect disciples would not appear here for no reason."

"They came to the Ten Cave Heaven Cemetery, which means they have at least one of the tokens."

Jun Lingyun pondered in his heart.

In fact.

He was not angry at all because of the killing of the Xuanxu Sect disciples.

The reason why Jun Lingyun showed such anger was actually to use this reason to order all the disciples of Xuanxu Sect to search for the whereabouts of Lin Yuan and the other four for him.

No matter which tomb the token was in their hands.

Jun Lingyun was determined to get it.

He was about to enter the East Wasteland Holy Academy. With the magical power of one more cave heaven strongman, he would be able to gain a foothold faster after entering the East Wasteland Holy Academy.

"The four Cangtian Sword Sect disciples seemed to be led by a fifth-level Yuandan, and the remaining three were far above him, but they were willing to let him dispatch them."

Jun Lingyun recalled the previous details, and a sharp color flashed in his eyes.

At this time.

A late Xuanxu Sect disciple ran to the Ten Caves Cemetery panting and strode to Jun Lingyun.

"Jun, Jun Senior Brother, I, I..."

"Why are you so flustered?"

Jun Lingyun glanced at him, "Come back to breathe and talk to me."


The Xuanxu Sect disciple immediately took a few deep breaths, and after breathing evenly, he carefully said to Jun Lingyun:

"Jun Senior Brother, I was caught by the disciples of the Cangtian Sword Sect on the road."


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