Xiaoyu nodded and led Lin Yuan into the hut.

I saw that although the cabin was simple, it was very clean and tidy.

Xiao Yu seemed to be very sensible, and she immediately prepared tea for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan asked while drinking tea.

"Sister Xiaoyu, what kind of skills are you practicing? I think your aura is very powerful."

Xiaoyu seemed a little shy, she lowered her head and said.

"I just practice according to the exercises left by my parents. I don't know the specific exercises."

Lin Yuan's heart moved. He knew that although his cultivation level was not low, he didn't know much about the techniques left by Xiaoyu's parents.

He wanted to check out the technique and see if he could learn anything from it.

He took the technique and looked through it carefully.

However, what surprised him was that this technique was so mysterious that even he couldn't understand it.

This made him feel a little discouraged. He knew that his moral conduct was far from enough.

Xiaoyu seemed to see Lin Yuan's disappointment, and she said immediately.

"Brother, don't be discouraged. Although this technique is mysterious, as long as you have patience, you will be able to understand it."

Lin Yuan felt warm in his heart, knowing that Xiao Yu was comforting him.

He immediately cheered up and said, "Thank you sister Xiaoyu for your encouragement. I will work hard."

So Lin Yuan, with Xiao Yu's help, began to practice this mysterious technique.

He found that although this technique was difficult to understand, it was very practical.

He felt that while practicing this technique, his Taoism was constantly improving.

Time flies, and months pass in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yuan felt that he had gained some understanding in the practice of this technique, and his cultivation level had also been greatly improved.

He felt happy, knowing that his efforts were not in vain.

During this period, Xiao Yu also established a deep relationship with Lin Yuan.

She has regarded Lin Yuan as her own relative. She will prepare tea for Lin Yuan every day, and will also ask Lin Yuan some questions about cultivation.

But at this moment, bad news came.

The demon clan members have discovered this valley and they are approaching here.

Lin Yuan's heart sank. He knew that it was no longer safe here and he had to leave as soon as possible.

He immediately found Xiaoyu, held her in his arms, and said.

"Sister Xiaoyu, we are leaving here. You come with me, I will protect you."

Xiaoyu seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter, and she nodded immediately.

So Lin Yuan quickly left the valley with Xiao Yu.

The man in black looked at Lin Yuan and Xiao Yu's leaving figures and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

They didn't know what the identity of this little girl was that made Lin Yuan so nervous.

The two men in black looked at each other and immediately followed Lin Yuan.

They wanted to know who this little girl was and that she deserved such protection from Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan felt someone was following him. He was startled and immediately quickened his pace.

He knew that he had to get rid of these people as soon as possible, otherwise Xiaoyu would be in danger.

However, the man in black was getting closer and closer, and Lin Yuan's heart sank. He knew that this was not the way to go.

So he stopped and turned around, preparing for a possible attack.

Two men in black suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yuan. They held sharp swords in their hands and had a hint of murderous intent in their eyes.

Lin Yuan was shocked. He knew that these people were coming for him.

He immediately drew his sword and prepared to deal with the attack of the man in black.

However, at this moment, Xiaoyu suddenly stood in front of him.

"Brother, let me deal with them." Xiaoyu said firmly.

Lin Yuan felt warm in his heart, knowing that Xiao Yu was sharing the pressure for him.

He immediately said: "Sister Xiaoyu, hide aside quickly, it's dangerous here."

However, Xiaoyu did not flinch. She took a deep breath and began to activate the magic power in her body.

A powerful aura suddenly erupted from her body, and then a small tower with flashing light appeared in her hand.

This is Xiaoyu's magic weapon. Although it is only a junior spiritual treasure, it is already very precious to her.

She knew she had to go all out, otherwise she would put her brother in danger.

The small tower instantly flew towards the men in black, emitting a beam of light that enveloped them.

Then the small tower instantly enlarged several times, trapping the man in black inside the tower.

Lin Yuan was shocked. He didn't expect Xiaoyu to have such a magic weapon.

He immediately seized the time and launched several attacks in the tower, beating the man in black back repeatedly.

Lin Yuan was a little surprised by Xiao Yu's action. He didn't expect that this little girl had such a magic weapon.

But now was not the time to be surprised. He immediately seized the time and launched several attacks in the tower, beating the man in black back again and again.

Lin Yuan knew that if he wanted to completely deal with these two men in black, he must use Xiao Yu's magic weapon.

So he immediately said to Xiao Yu: "Sister Xiao Yu, you control the magic weapon, I will deal with them."

Xiaoyu nodded and immediately started to activate the magic weapon.

I saw the small tower flying to Lin Yuan's side instantly, and then a ray of light flashed, and Lin Yuan instantly appeared in front of the man in black.

"Suffer death!"

Lin Yuan shouted loudly and slashed at one of the men in black with his sword.

I saw the man in black blocking the sword with his sword, but there was only a "dang" sound, and his sword was knocked away by Lin Yuan's sword.

Then Lin Yuan slashed down with a sword, splitting the man in black into two.

The other man in black saw this and immediately wanted to escape, but the small tower instantly flew to his side and trapped him in the tower.

Lin Yuan instantly appeared behind the man in black and pierced his heart with a sword.

The man in black was full of unwillingness. He didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of two children.

But he also knew that all this was due to his carelessness, otherwise he would not be defeated so easily.

After dealing with the two men in black, Lin Yuan and Xiaoyu also breathed a sigh of relief.

They knew that all this was just the beginning, and there were more dangers waiting for them on the road to cultivation.

But they also believed that as long as they worked hard, they would be able to overcome these difficulties and eventually achieve their goals.

After getting rid of the man in black, Lin Yuan and Xiaoyu did not stop their steps.

They knew that there must be a more powerful force behind the man in black, and they must improve their strength as soon as possible to cope with greater challenges.

So, Lin Yuan and Xiaoyu came to a mysterious valley, where it is said that there is a kind of spiritual herb that can quickly improve cultivation.

After many hardships, the two finally found the spiritual herb.

However, when they were picking the spiritual herb, they encountered a ferocious monster - a three-headed giant snake.

The three-headed giant snake was very powerful, and Lin Yuan and Xiao Yu were no match for it.

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