As Shangguan Yi finished speaking.

A ray of sky fire was like a shining sun, falling from the sky and hitting Lin Yuan.

This flame energy machine locked Lin Yuan tightly, giving him a feeling that even if he fled to the end of the world, he would never be able to escape.

Not only that.

The dead soldiers sent by Jiang Yingfeng had also blocked his retreat.

At this moment, Lin Yuan could be said to have no way to heaven and no way to earth.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Yuan would die, he suddenly gritted his teeth and jumped into the teleportation circle.

The next second.

Lin Yuan's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Also disappearing together was the teleportation circle that had completely failed.


Lord Nu Yan, Shangguan Yi, who was hanging in the air, suddenly frowned. The sky fire he fired unexpectedly failed.

He immediately became a little angry and landed in the air. After landing, he glanced around and immediately discovered the completely abandoned teleportation circle.

"You're lucky."

A coldness flashed in Shangguan Yi's eyes.

With his knowledge, he could recognize at a glance that Lin Yuan escaped through the teleportation circle and teleported away at the moment when the sky fire fell.

"Senior is also here to kill Lin Yuan?"

Upon seeing this, the dead men of the Jiang family stepped forward to ask.


Shangguan Yi snorted coldly, didn't bother paying attention to the Jiang family, and left directly in the air.

Lin Yuan entered the teleportation array.

His eyes suddenly went dark.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a paradise.

There are elixirs and fairy grass everywhere here, surrounded by aura that forms water mist, and a spiritual spring flows, just like a fairyland.

"This is?"

Lin Yuan frowned, and after looking around, he found that the nine-star chance line had been transferred to his body at some point.

Follow the chance line on your chest.

Lin Yuan discovered that the opportunity was in the direction in front of him.

It's just that the line of opportunity is almost endless, connecting to a distance invisible to the naked eye. Lin Yuan can't judge what this opportunity will be.

He thought for a moment and quickly walked forward along the line of opportunity.

at the same time.

Outside the secret realm of the wilderness.

Lu Tianqing looked at the secret realm restriction in front of him, with a flash of anxiety in his eyes.

It had been three full days since they arrived in the Great Wilderness Secret Realm.


Even the mysterious Dean Xue cannot directly break the restrictions outside the Great Wilderness. He can only eliminate them bit by bit through powerful cultivation.

"Dean Xue, how long will it take before we can enter the secret realm?"

Lu Tianqing asked with a frown.

He was already a little impatient with waiting. The thing in the secret realm of the Great Wilderness was the treasure that his master requested.

There must be no accidents in this matter.

"Early tomorrow morning."

Dean Xue’s voice was extremely calm.

Lu Tianqing took a deep breath after hearing this. He did not urge or say more, but calmed down and waited quietly.

Just don't know why.

There was a vague strange feeling in Lu Tianqing's heart. He couldn't explain the reason, but it made him feel uneasy for no reason.

The deserted city.

Xu Qingyue heard that Lin Yuan was out of the city, and heard from the old servant in front of her that Lord Nu Yan, Shangguan Yi, personally went after Lin Yuan.

Her face suddenly turned cold.

"How is Lin Yuan doing now?"

Xu Qingyue asked with a frown.

"I don't know yet. I heard that Venerable Nu Yan did not kill Lin Yuan, and he doesn't know where Lin Yuan went."

The old servant of the Xu family replied respectfully.

Xu Qingyue took a deep breath and said coldly: "People from the Chuan family are ordered to go to various teleportation formations to guard Lin Yuan. When they find Lin Yuan, they protect him as soon as possible."


The Xu family's old servant hurriedly responded. At the same time, he asked curiously, "Miss, this old servant is too talkative. This Lin Yuan is..."

"He is the future uncle of the Xu family."

Xu Qingyue's reply was very soft, but her expression was very firm, "Go ahead. Besides, I want this Shangguan Yi to die within three days."


The old servant of the Xu family responded. He was about to leave when he was stopped by Xu Qingyue again.


"Miss, do you have any other instructions?"

The old servant asked doubtfully.

"Don't touch Shangguan Yi yet. Lin Yuan... doesn't like others meddling in his affairs. I'll leave that guy's life to him personally."


Lin Yuan walked along the line of opportunity.

He found that the paradise he entered was particularly vast.

He has been walking for three full hours since he came out of the teleportation array, but the scene in front of him has never changed.

If there is no chance line guidance.

He almost wondered if he was just trying to beat the wall.

We walked for more than half an hour.

Lin Yuan finally discovered that the outline of a city wall appeared not far away.

He immediately sped forward.

Come to the city wall.

Lin Yuan suddenly discovered that the city wall was ten times higher than that of Dahuang City. Standing under the city wall, he could not see the edge when he raised his head!

The chance line passes through the city wall and points directly to the inside of the city.

Lin Yuan found the city gate, only to find that the gate was made of an unknown material and was extremely strong. It could not be shaken with his own strength.

The height of the city wall exceeds several hundred meters.

Now, although Lin Yuan can achieve volley in a short time through the Qingyun Step, he is still unable to cross such a height.

Just when he was puzzled.

Lin Yuan noticed that there was a small groove above the city gate.

The shape of the groove looked familiar, a palm-sized sword-shaped hole.

"This shape... is right!"

Lin Yuan suddenly remembered that when he was tested by the old man behind the second door of the Bronze Ancient Palace, he had obtained a small bronze flying sword.

He immediately took out the flying sword and found that the size and thickness just matched the groove on the city gate!

Lin Yuan was shocked.

He didn't expect that this bronze sword, which he had never known the use of, was actually a key, a key to open the gate of this nameless ancient city!

After Lin Yuan put the key on.

A rumbling sound came from the bottom of the city gate.


The city gate was slowly lifted, and Lin Yuan strode into the city gate.

He followed the opportunity line all the way, deep into the center of the city, and came to a majestic palace.

What surprised him was.

Such a majestic palace, at the deepest point, was actually an extremely simple thatched hut.

The opportunity line extending from Lin Yuan's chest was connected to this thatched hut.

Without any hesitation, he stepped into the thatched hut.

As soon as he stepped into the thatched hut, Lin Yuan suddenly felt as if he had entered another world.

This feeling was similar to when he entered the ancient palace world, or when he entered the sword world opened up by the Purple Star Saint.

This was a river bank, deep and green in the night.

Lin Yuan's pupils suddenly contracted, and then quickly expanded.

More than ten meters in front of him, a woman in red clothes and white hair stood with her back to him.

This figure was slender and graceful, with long legs, a wasp waist and a big peach, but Lin Yuan did not have any evil thoughts at all.

This feeling was just like when Lin Yuan faced the Purple Star Saint, no, the feeling from the woman was far more mysterious than the Purple Star Saint.

At this time.

The woman slowly turned around.

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