Lin Yuan was slightly startled after hearing this.

Only then did he realize that he was still wearing the clothes of a handyman disciple, so he calmly took out the token and handed it to the elder Jiangwu in front of him.

"Disciple just entered the outer gate today and hasn't had time to change clothes yet."

"go in."

The sloppy old man took the token from Lin Yuan's hand, looked at it casually, and then said lazily, "Outer disciples are only allowed to enter the first floor. After choosing which martial skill, you will put your token on it. will open automatically."


Lin Yuan nodded, took the token handed back by Elder Jiang Wu, and then strode into the martial arts pavilion.

The martial arts pavilion of the Cangtian Sword Sect is divided into seven floors.

Starting from the first level, each level up, the martial arts and techniques collected will be more powerful than the level below.

The handyman disciples are not qualified to enter the martial arts pavilion.

Outer disciples are only eligible to choose martial arts techniques on the first level.

Only disciples from the inner sect and above are eligible to enter the second and third floors of the martial arts pavilion.

Starting from the fourth level, only true disciples are eligible to enter and select martial arts techniques.

According to legend, on the seventh floor of the Martial Pavilion, there is a collection of the remaining pieces of Qingtian Dragon Transformation Technique. Only those who become the direct disciples of the sect master are eligible to go upstairs to study.

Lin Yuan was wandering aimlessly on the first floor.

"Iron-cutting sword technique, mid-level human level, too useless."

"The cloak hammering technique is a low-level human skill. I heard it was invented by a blacksmith. This one is even more useless."

"The fragmentary scroll of the Wild Wind and Falling Leaves Sword Technique, a high-grade human-level swordsmanship, is not bad, but unfortunately... it is only a fragment."


Lin Yuan glanced at the martial arts one after another. However, these martial arts were either unsightly or simply incomplete.

These are simply not something he can discern.

Before, Lin Yuan would have been thankful to have entered the martial arts pavilion, and would not have looked at these precious martial arts with such a critical eye.

But now, after switching to Qingtian Dragon Transformation Technique, Lin Yuan's horizons have also broadened.

Insane martial arts such as the Cloak Hammer Technique are a complete waste of training time, and he will naturally not choose them.

"From the looks of it, there are only the fragments of the high-grade human-level swordsmanship of Gust and Falling Leaves, and the mid-level human-level spectroscopy sword. It seems to be pretty good."

Lin Yuan quickly walked around the first floor of the martial arts pavilion.

In the end, after many comparisons, he chose the taller one from the short ones and selected two acceptable alternatives.

"After all, this is the first level of the martial arts pavilion. It's quite difficult to find passable martial arts skills."

Lin Yuan sighed secretly, and was about to get the technique, but at this moment, he saw an ordinary-looking young man, like himself, wearing the clothes of a handyman disciple, walking into the martial arts pavilion.


Lin Yuan was slightly startled when he saw the boy.

It wasn't because of what this young man was like, but because Lin Yuan discovered that a line of opportunity appeared on the young man's head.

"This person has been very lucky recently and is about to get a four-star opportunity!"

And the chance line extending from his body happened to be connected to a certain direction on the first floor of the Martial Pavilion.

"Four-star opportunity?"

Lin Yuan was slightly startled at first, but then he felt secretly happy.

He was worried that he couldn't pick out any decent martial arts skills from the martial arts pavilion. Unexpectedly, someone gave him a pillow as soon as he dozed off.

Immediately, Lin Yuan followed the direction of the chance line to find it.

Soon after.

Lin Yuan followed the line of opportunity and came to the bookcase in the corner of the first floor.

The line of opportunity extending from the boy happened to be connected to the sixth grid in the second row of this bookcase.

"The art of drawing a sword is a low-level human being."

Lin Yuan couldn't help but be slightly startled when he saw the information on the grid.

If it weren't for the chance line marked by the system, which was really connected to this grid, he would have doubted whether he was being deceived.

How could a low-level martial arts skill be rated as a four-star chance?

"No matter, take it first and then talk."

Although Lin Yuan was surprised, he did not hesitate and put down his outer disciple token directly in front of this grid.

After the token was placed, the restriction disappeared, and Lin Yuan reached out to take out the martial arts from the grid.

at the same time.

Lin Yuan noticed that when he got the "Sword Drawing Technique" martial arts book, the chance line on the young man's body suddenly disappeared.

And on his chest, an identical line of opportunity stretched out, connecting him and this martial art.

The young man whose opportunity was intercepted by Lin Yuan happened to come to this area when Lin Yuan got the "Sword Drawing Technique".

He didn't know why, but he felt a sense of loss in his heart.

It was as if something important to me had been taken away by someone else.

"Haha, it seems that I have been in retreat recently, trying to attack the first level of foundation building. I have wasted too much energy, and even my thoughts are a little abnormal."

The young man smiled honestly, and when he saw Lin Yuan looking at him, he nodded to him in a friendly manner. He did not realize at all that the opportunity that should have been his own had been cut off by him.

Lin Yuan expressionlessly picked up the book containing martial arts skills, turned around and walked outside the martial arts pavilion.

Just walked a few steps.

Lin Yuan met another handyman disciple head-on.

Moreover, the other party also has the words "fate" written on him.

"This person has been very lucky recently and is about to get a one-star opportunity."

Through the chance line extending from the system, Lin Yuan discovered that this person's chance was also connected to Wuge.

But seeing that this person's chance was only one star, Lin Yuan instantly lost interest.

Compared with the martial arts in his hand that could be rated as a four-star chance, one star was too weak to be worth mentioning.

What's more, the Wu Pavilion has a rule.

Each new outer disciple can only choose one martial art on the first floor of the Wu Pavilion.

I already have a better choice, so there is no need to go far away.

On the way out to register.

Lin Yuan met several new outer disciples with the word "Opportunity" on their heads one after another. However, the word "Opportunity" on these people, the highest evaluation of which was only two stars.

It was completely incomparable to the four-star chance in Lin Yuan's hand.

"There are only so many ordinary things in the first floor of the Wu Pavilion. It is already a great luck to be able to get a four-star chance."

Lin Yuan immediately figured out the key to the matter.

After figuring this out, he stopped wasting time in the Martial Arts Pavilion and quickly came to the martial arts elder. After registering his martial arts skills, he left the Martial Arts Pavilion and prepared to go to the mountain gate where the outer disciples stayed.

Just after walking out of the Martial Arts Pavilion.

Lin Yuan suddenly found that his outer disciple token lit up, and then a graceful outer sister walked towards him quickly.

"You are the new outer disciple Lin Yuan, right?"

"The accommodation has been arranged for you, at No. 12, Area A of the Outer Gate Peak. Do you need me to take you there?"


Martial arts levels: human, Tao, Xuan, and Tian.

The lowest level is human, and the highest level is Tian.

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