This sentence made the pupils of the boy who was about to transmit the message shrink.

He bowed his body and smiled.

"How could it be."

Lin Yuan withdrew his killing intent on the boy and said in a light tone.

"When did you know it?"

The boy's pupils shrank, and then he said calmly.

"When did you know it?"

Lin Yuan waved his hand.

"Let's go, take me to the treasure house of the Lord of the Black Domain."

The boy immediately nodded and bowed.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

At the same time, he wiped the sweat from his hands.

After passing various guards, Lin Yuan also came to the mansion of the Lord of the Black Domain.

At this time, the boy spoke.

"I know another secret, I don't know if it can be exchanged for my life."

Lin Yuan turned his head to look at the boy, and did not answer his question, but asked.

"What's your name."

The boy immediately replied: "My name is Nangong Yuehen."

At the same time, he looked at Lin Yuan cautiously, fearing that he would kill him.

Lin Yuan said calmly. "You can tell me the secrets you know now."

"I know where the real treasure house of the Lord of the Black Domain is."


Lin Yuan was stunned when he heard this.

The young man continued, "The treasure house outside is just some ordinary things."

"And his real treasure house is hidden in the yard where he lives."

After saying that, he stared at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan's expression was a little strange after hearing this.

Why do people in the Black Domain like to hide their treasure houses in the yard.

He turned his head and stared at Nangong Yuehen, with a sneer on his lips.

"You said it so easily, I'm afraid there is a trap inside."

Nangong Yuehen's expression was unusually calm at this time.

"Yes, when someone enters the treasure house, the Lord of the Black Domain will know."

Lin Yuan looked at Nangong Yuehen meaningfully.

Nangong Yuehen's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth.

"I know how to get in, but after the matter is done, you have to help me get a treasure."

Lin Yuan looked at Nangong Yuehen, with a smile on his face.

"You actually know quite a lot."

Lin Yuan stopped talking and motioned Nangong Yuehen to take him to the room of the Lord of the Black Domain.

With the jade pendant, Lin Yuan also came to the yard very easily.

When he came in, Lin Yuan found that there were flowers and plants, rockery, and pools here.

The whole room was filled with birdsong and fragrance, which was completely different from the outside.

After Lin Yuan looked around, he motioned to Nangong Yuehen.

Nangong Yuehen also understood, took out a jade bottle from the storage ring, and sprinkled a lot of white powder on his body.

"There is a group of man-eating bats in it, this thing can prevent them from attacking us."

After speaking, Nangong Yuehen handed it to Lin Yuan.

After Lin Yuan looked at it and confirmed that there was no problem, he sprinkled it on himself.

Nangong Yuehen came to a pool.

Then he took out five red flags and inserted them around the yard.

Looking at his skilled movements, Lin Yuan looked at Nangong Yuehen meaningfully, but didn't say anything.

What he wanted now was the treasure.

Even if they meet the Lord of the Black Domain, it doesn't matter. At most, they can use the Holy Spirit Body.

Soon, the space suddenly began to fluctuate, and a space vortex appeared next to the rockery.

Nangong Yuehen looked at Lin Yuan and said.

"It's in here."

Then he walked in.

After Lin Yuan's soul explored it, he confirmed that there was no problem and followed him in.

The next moment.

They appeared in a cave.

Just as they entered, the dense red eyes in the sky opened.

After opening for a second, the bats in the cave closed their eyes one after another.

"It's in front."

Nangong Yuehen said, pointing to the front.

Lin Yuan grabbed Nangong Yuehen with one hand and rushed over instantly.

Even if he didn't use his vitality, the speed was very fast.

Soon, Lin Yuan saw that there was a big door in front of him, which emitted a faint golden light, like a solemn temple.

"I can't open this door, you have to open it yourself."

"But don't worry, there is no consciousness left by the Lord of the Black Domain."

"As long as you don't alarm the outside world, it's okay no matter how you open it."

Nangong Yuehen answered carefully.

Lin Yuan frowned, and murderous intent suddenly appeared on his body. His eyes turned cold when he looked at Nangong Yuehen.


Nangong Yuehen flew backwards and fell heavily on the ground.

Lin Yuan turned his head to look at the door and used the power of his soul to explore it.

After confirming that there was no consciousness left as Nangong Yuehen said.

Lin Yuan shot out a stream of energy to isolate the sound, and then took out the Great Wilderness Sword,

The tenth-grade sword intent burst out instantly, and slashed at the door with a sword.

And this glorious door was instantly shattered in front of Lin Yuan's sword energy.

It was completely like a decoration.

I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable. Looking at the broken door, Lin Yuan was stunned.

But in order to be cautious, Lin Yuan still carefully explored it.

Lin Yuan then realized that the Lord of the Black Domain did not leave his divine sense on the gate, but on each treasure.

This way, even if the treasure was taken away, the Lord of the Black Domain could find it quickly.

Lin Yuan ignored the treasures and went around looking for Yuanshi.

As for the treasures, he would take them when he left.

Nangong Yuehen looked at the entire treasure house in shock.

This is not a treasure house, it is simply a palace.

At this time, he looked left and right, completely treating himself as a child, not like a warrior in the True Martial Realm.

After Lin Yuan searched for a long time without finding the Yuanshi, he only saw a storage ring.

Lin Yuan guessed that this should be used to store Yuanshi.

As Lin Yuan broke the barrier above, he also saw the Yuanshi inside.

Lin Yuan roughly calculated that there were about 300,000 Yuanshi.

He turned to look at Nangong Yuehen and said, "Take your treasure quickly, I'll take the rest."

After hearing this, Nangong Yuehen immediately went to take a gourd treasure.

When he was about to touch it, Nangong Yuehen turned to look at Lin Yuan and asked with some doubts.

"If I take the treasure, will the Black Domain Lord know it?"

Lin Yuan said calmly. "He already knows."

After Lin Yuan cracked the ring, the Black Domain Lord who was looking for Lin Yuan stopped.

Then he turned his head and looked behind him.

"Someone moved my treasure house."

The next moment

He did not chase Lin Yuan and immediately headed towards the direction of Black God City.

His speed was even faster than when he was looking for Lin Yuan.

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Nangong Yuehen's pupils shrank.

Originally, he just wanted to ask, but he did not expect Lin Yuan's words to make his heart slow down.

Lin Yuan's expression was calm.

"You dare to enter here by yourself, and you are still afraid of the Lord of the Black Domain."

Nangong Yuehen's face instantly turned bitter.

He must have come here prepared, and he also knew that the Lord of the Black Domain would not come back in a short time.

But now it won't be long before the Lord of the Black Domain will come back.

I'm afraid they will die miserably.

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