Cutting off Hu Jiuxing's opportunity, he starts to kill the lucky male protagonist

Chapter 766 The second fragment, two nine-star opportunities (1/2)

Chapter 766 The second fragment, two nine-star opportunities

After that, the fragment did not speak again.

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at the fragment in his hand.

"I've seen it. I'll find a chance to go down and take a look."

It's a pity that the master did not tell the specific location, otherwise, he would have gone down long ago.

It's okay. Lin Yuan tried to send a message to Luo Xingshuang again, but there was still no reply.

"When the master comes back, ask where the secret realm is, and I will go there myself."

Although they have broken through to the Zhenwu realm, it is still not safe in this world.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan's mind moved, and he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice.

In the days that followed.

Lin Yuan has been practicing, his strength has not improved, but his vitality has improved a lot.

On the third day of Lin Yuan's practice, Ji Wuyan came back, and Lin Yuan immediately went to the hall.

But at this time, Ji Wuyan's face was even paler.

Jian Liu could not see Ji Wuyan's face, but he could feel that his breath was wrong.

Full of concern: "Master..."

Ji Wuyan waved his hand to indicate that it was okay. "Today I met two Tianwu Realm masters, and it took some effort."

"The magic array there may not last long. It is estimated that in two years, the Shenwu Realm will descend."

Ji Wuyan picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea and continued.

"It's a pity that there is no one in the sect who knows magic array, otherwise, people from that world would not come to Shenlu."

As he said, he sighed softly.

Lin Yuan's eyes were also thoughtful.

After a moment, he hesitated and said, "Can I go and see that magic array?"

Ji Wuyan's eyes were hesitant.

"With my current strength, ordinary Tianwu Realm masters are not my opponents, and facing Diwu Realm masters, I can easily solve them."

Lin Yuan said.

Seeing that Ji Wuyan was still hesitant, Lin Yuan continued.

"Maybe, I know that world."

Then, Lin Yuan told him about the fragments.

After hearing this, Ji Wuyan widened his eyes, looked at Lin Yuan in disbelief, and said anxiously.

"Show me your fragment."

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with doubt, but he still took out the fragment.

After seeing the fragment, Ji Wuyan showed surprise on his face. "There is also a fragment below, which is almost the same as this one."

"The aura above is the same."

The next moment, his expression returned to calm.

"Even if there is a fragment, it is useless. We don't know its use."

The reason why he was shocked was that Lin Yuan had a fragment in his hand.

But when Lin Yuan heard that there was a fragment below, he was happy.

After talking to Ji Wuyan for a long time, he let him agree to take him down.

"I'll talk first. When we get down, you have to follow me." Ji Wuyan said seriously.

Lin Yuan nodded without thinking.

"Then follow me." Ji Wuyan stood up from the chair and walked outside.

Lin Yuan and Jian Liu followed closely.

After coming out of the hall, Ji Wuyan flew towards the back mountain.

After bypassing several mountains, Ji Wuyan took them to a canyon.

Ji Wuyan took a look and jumped down.

Then he kept falling, and after falling for half a pot of tea, he landed on the ground.

Lin Yuan didn't expect that this canyon was so deep, but it was bright red below.

Ji Wuyan took them a few steps forward and saw a magic circle, and then walked in.

Looking at the magic circle, Lin Yuan squinted his eyes and walked in.

As soon as he entered, the space was distorted, and then he felt the heat.

Lin Yuan's mind moved, and his vitality protected his whole body.

"This is it." Ji Wuyan said.

When Ji Wuyan spoke, Jian Xuanming and Chen Qingya came over.


Seeing Lin Yuan again, he bowed. "Junior brother."

Lin Yuan responded immediately, looking around.

Only then did he realize that the space here was so large, already the size of the arena in the secret realm.

Looking up, he saw that there was a height of several hundred meters above.

The walls here are red, and there is a fragment at the top, flashing white light.

Seeing the fragment floating in the air, Lin Yuan's pupils trembled, and the fragment in his pocket actually wanted to fly out.

At this time, he didn't know what the consequences would be if the two fragments were combined, so Lin Yuan held the fragment tightly in his hand.

At the same time, his soul was always contacting the fragment.

But the fragment didn't make any sound, as if it was just an ordinary fragment.

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the fragment in his mouth again.

"This fragment has always been here."

"We tried to take it down before, but when we were about to get close, the fragment would fly away."

Jian Xuanming looked at Lin Yuan's interest in the fragment and then explained.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan nodded.

The next moment.

The fragment that was still floating in the air flew towards Lin Yuan at a very fast speed.

Lin Yuan's pupils trembled, and his body immediately retreated.

"We've been discovered, run." At this time, the fragment that had been silent all the time spoke.

There was still panic in his tone.

"What's going on?"

"There's no time to explain now. I wanted to remind you not to let you in, but the next moment, I lost consciousness."

But Lin Yuan's speed seemed very slow in front of this fragment.

After a while, it came to Lin Yuan's eyes, and the fragment in his pocket began to be out of Lin Yuan's control.

It wanted to break free from Lin Yuan's hand.

Lin Yuan's eyes changed, and he immediately stretched out his hand to grab the fragment.

But the fragment disappeared at this time.

Lin Yuan only felt that there was a cold thing in his pocket, touching his hand.

In this hot environment, Lin Yuan's hair stood up, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

Then, Lin Yuan's hand suddenly became empty, and the fragment disappeared in his hand.

When it reappeared, it was already above Lin Yuan's head, and the two fragments had merged together.

Others looked at Lin Yuan in shock.

"What happened, how did the fragment fly towards Lin Yuan all of a sudden."

Just as they were still shocked, the space around the fragment began to distort.

Then, a wave of air came, and the surrounding space began to break.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan immediately retreated.

The fragments disappeared after extending for several feet.

Then the fragments flew towards Lin Yuan and slowly fell.

Lin Yuan looked at all this, his eyes still a little confused.

"What is going on."

"The magic array here has been reinforced." Just as Lin Yuan was thinking, Ji Wuyan's exclamation came.

He was a Tianwu Realm warrior, the strongest in perception.

After the fragments emitted that wave of air, he felt the difference around him.

Jian Xuanming immediately sensed the surroundings after hearing Ji Wuyan's words.

"The surrounding space and the magic array have become stronger."

Everyone smiled, even Chen Qingya, who had always had a cold face, smiled.

"It has been repaired to..."

After a pause, Chen Qingya continued after carefully sensing it.

"Only the Zhenwu Realm can break through."

Hearing this, Ji Wuyan and the other two smiled.

Only Jian Liu and Lin Yuan didn't understand much of the situation.

At this moment, a familiar but cold voice sounded.

"Take me out."

Lin Yuan's pupils trembled, and there was surprise in his eyes.

This voice was still the voice of the fragment, but it became a little cold.

"Take me out."

Just when Lin Yuan was thinking, the cold voice came again.

Lin Yuan turned back from his thinking and looked at the fragment floating in front of him.

However, he did not answer, but looked at it calmly.

After watching for a while, Lin Yuan spoke. "Reason, why do you want to take you out."

"The space and magic array here are all repaired by this seat."

"You can choose to refuse, and this seat will immediately remove the reinforcement here."

Lin Yuan's eyes were thoughtful.

"Where is the person of the fragment before."

Lin Yuan was talking about the fragment that had been following him.

"Swallowed by this seat." The cold voice said lightly.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's eyes condensed.

"She was originally the soul of this seat."

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, reached out and grabbed the fragment, and then put it in his pocket.

"A wise choice." The cold voice was full of praise.

Lin Yuan's mouth twitched, and his face was speechless.

"If he didn't want to know what the use of all the fragments was after they were synthesized, he might not even care."

His eyes looked at Ji Wuyan again.

Ji Wuyan looked at Lin Yuan, opened his mouth, but didn't say what he wanted to say in the end.

After all, this was Lin Yuan's business, and even when it was his time, it was not good to ask too much.

Jian Xuanming stood up at this time with a smile on his face.

"The two junior brothers won the first place in the Hundred Dynasties Competition."

"Now the magic circle here has been reinforced, just in time to go back and celebrate."

Ji Wuyan and Chen Qingya also nodded and agreed to this proposal.

Before, because of the reasons here, there was no time to celebrate.

Now, Lin Yuan just came here, and this place was solved. This is simply the lucky star of the Wanjian Divine Dynasty.

At the suggestion of everyone, after Ji Wuyan shot a divine consciousness, everyone left here.

The celebration was held in the evening. Jian Xuanming went out of Wanjian Mountain to sell spiritual food, and Lin Yuan also asked his question.

"Master, where are Luo Xingshuang and the others?"

I had always wanted to ask before, but Ji Wuyan didn't come back.

Ji Wuyan's eyes were thoughtful, and then he pointed in a direction.

"Start from Wanjian Mountain and go east. When you see a purple light, that's the secret realm."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan nodded and looked in the direction Ji Wuyan pointed.

He planned to set off tomorrow.

Time passed quickly, and by the afternoon, Jian Xuanming had already returned.

Then, he turned into a chef and cooked there.

Everyone sat outside, chatting one by one.

Even Chen Qingya, who didn't like to talk, said a lot.

Ji Wuyan looked at the scene in front of him, with some memories in his eyes.

They haven't sat down and talked like this for a long time.

Time passed quickly, and it was night in the midst of talking and laughing.

Ji Wuyan's originally pale face also became a little rosy at this time.

As he laughed, Ji Wuyan's expression changed.

Everyone was stunned, turned to look at Ji Wuyan, and asked: "Master, what happened?"

"I suddenly felt like I was about to break through the Divine Martial Realm."

Hearing Ji Wuyan's words, everyone's faces were filled with excitement and joy.

Lin Yuan immediately stood up, bowed to him and said, "Congratulations, Master."

Seeing this, the others all stood up with smiles on their faces.

"Congratulations, Master, for breaking through the Divine Martial Realm."

Ji Wuyan smiled, stood up, and patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder.

"You are simply the lucky star of the Ten Thousand Swords Dynasty."

"Good things have never stopped since you came."

As he spoke, Ji Wuyan laughed.

At this time, Jian Xuanming came over with the prepared meal and said with a smile.

"Congratulations, Master."

Ji Wuyan was also happy, and he waved his hand and took out the good wine he had hidden.

He had kept this wine for hundreds of years, and he had never been willing to drink it.

Now that there were many happy events, it didn't matter if he took it out and drank a jar.

Soon, they spent an evening chatting and laughing.

It was not until the next morning that Lin Yuan opened his eyes and subconsciously touched his neck.

After drinking a bowl of wine yesterday, Lin Yuan lay directly on the table and then entered a dream.

This time, the dream changed and he became a soldier.

After killing countless people, he was hit in the neck and fell to the ground.

The enemy soldiers seemed to have identified his neck and kept chopping at him until Lin Yuan's consciousness dissipated, still watching.

He shook his head and muttered to himself: "The aftereffect of this wine is so strong."

Then he looked at the people lying here.

At this time, they all lay on the table with a little red on their faces.

At this time, Lin Yuan's eyes paused and looked at Chen Qingya with a red face.

At this time, Chen Qingya's face was no longer cold, and with her red cheeks, she looked a little shy.

Suddenly, he felt that his heart stopped beating.

He took a few deep breaths and came to his senses.

Then he stood up and called twice without any response from the people around him.

Lin Yuan walked to Ji Wuyan's side, carried him directly on his back, and then flew towards his wooden house.

After putting Ji Wuyan on the bed.

Lin Yuan came back and sent Jian Xuanming back to the room.

After sending Jian Liu back to the room, Lin Yuan looked at Chen Qingya lying on the table.

After sighing softly, he covered him with a robe and left down the mountain.

Now, he was going to the place where his master pointed to find Luo Xingshuang.

But Lin Yuan didn't notice that Chen Qingya opened her eyes and kept looking at the direction he was going.

"This Lin Yuan's character can actually resist your appearance."

At this moment, Jian Xuanming appeared in front of the table and looked at Chen Qingya with a smile.

"You are not drunk." Chen Qingya said calmly.

Jian Xuanming spread his hands. "You are not, and you are not drunk."

After a pause, he continued: "This Lin Yuan is good. I thought that after he won the first place in the Hundred Dynasties Competition, his character would change."

"Now it seems that I thought too much. Okay, I recognize this Lin Yuan."

Then he turned around and walked away.

After Lin Yuan left, he didn't know what happened behind him.

At this time, he was already flying at high speed in the direction of the secret realm.

After flying for an unknown period of time, he finally saw a purple light in the distance after three days. Lin Yuan immediately increased his speed.

Soon, he saw a mountain under the purple light.

This mountain didn't look high, just like a small mountain, but the purple light on it made the mountain look extraordinary.

And under the mountain, there was a city that looked only a few miles in size.

Lin Yuan didn't pay too much attention and flew directly towards the purple light.

Only when he flew in did he see clearly that the purple light was actually emitted from the mountain peak.

Lin Yuan flew in to check, but he didn't see that this was a secret realm.

"Brother, are you here to enter the Purple Light Secret Realm?"

Just as Lin Yuan was thinking, a voice came from below.

Lin Yuan looked up and saw an old man standing below, looking up at him.

Seeing his white hair and wrinkles, Lin Yuan's mouth twitched.

But judging from the other party's aura, this old man is in the late stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm.

Lin Yuan's figure slowly fell down and landed ten feet away from the old man.

"Brother, you are late. This Purple Light Secret Realm is only opened once every three days."

"It just ended yesterday. If you want to enter, you can only wait for three days."

The old man said to Lin Yuan in a gentle voice.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, and an expression of "I see" appeared on his face.

"It happened that I came here today, otherwise you would have to wait here for a long time." The old man continued.

Lin Yuan bowed to him.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

The old man waved his hand and said with a proud face.

"What's the difference between a fellow Taoist and a fellow Taoist? We are all brothers."

"Which city do you want to stay in?"

Lin Yuan bowed to him again and walked away.

As for the old man, he continued to walk into the mountains.

It didn't take long for Lin Yuan to arrive at the city.

After entering the city, Lin Yuan asked about the purple light secret realm, and it was exactly the same as the old man said.

Lin Yuan could only find an inn first, and then walked around the city.

Just then, Lin Yuan heard a familiar voice.

"This person's luck has soared recently, and he is about to get a nine-star opportunity."

Lin Yuan immediately observed the surroundings.

He hadn't heard any sound from the system for many days.

I almost forgot that he still has such a golden finger.

Finally, Lin Yuan saw the string of numbers above a young man's head.

This young man looks very ordinary, with no features on his face.

If it hadn't been for that system, Lin Yuan might not have been able to discover him.

Lin Yuan's eyes were fixed on the line of opportunity above his head, and he saw that the line of opportunity pointed at a vendor.

To be precise, it was a small wooden sword in the hands of a merchant.


Lin Yuan murmured to himself, with a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

Now, he has the most precious treasure of the Broken Sword, and ordinary swords cannot be valued at all.

But he still walked over.

And the young man, at this time, squatted down and looked at every item of the vendor.

The vendor was picking his ears. He was having a great time and didn't even notice that someone was coming to the stall.

Until the young man's voice sounded.

"How many yuan stones does this jade pendant have?"

The vendor who was picking his ears was suddenly frightened, with anger and impatience in his eyes.

"Two thousand yuan stones, no price reduction."

A trace of anger flashed across the young man's face, but it quickly disappeared.


"Show me the wooden sword in your hand." Before the young man could speak, Lin Yuan had already spoken.

The merchant's face was full of displeasure, but when he saw Lin Yuan's clothes and his hand with storage rings on his fingers.

His expression changed instantly, and he immediately smiled.

"I just hold this wooden sword in my hand and play with it. All the good things are in it."

Although he said this, he still handed the wooden sword to Lin Yuan.

The young man on the side looked at Lin Yuan with anger in his eyes.

"This is what I took a fancy to first."

Lin Yuan disapproved, took the wooden sword calmly, and then threw a thousand yuan stones directly to the merchant.

"This wooden sword looks good to me. I want it."

The merchant who took the Yuan Stone nodded immediately.

"Sure, whatever senior says comes true."

As he spoke, he put a thousand yuan stones into the storage ring.

"Senior, take a look, is there anyone here who can catch your eye?"

Then he gave him a thousand yuan stone. This was a big sum of money and he could never let him go.

Lin Yuan did not answer, but turned and left.

"That's what I took a fancy to first. Do you understand that it's first come, first served?"

The young man looked at Lin Yuan with anger on his face.

Lin Yuan was taking care of himself. He was lucky today. He had just entered the city and met Nine Stars.

The young man watched Lin Yuan ignore him and immediately walked forward.

Stretching out his hands, he stopped Lin Yuan and said angrily, "That move is mine."

"I bought this with Yuan Stone, why does it belong to you?"

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, the young man immediately took out two thousand yuan stones.

"This is two thousand yuan stones. It is twice as much as what you bought for the wooden sword in your hand."

Lin Yuan chuckled lightly and said, "I am not short of two thousand yuan stones."

Go around his body and walk towards the distance.

The young man's eyes flashed coldly, he snorted coldly, and turned around to leave.

"Forget it, it's gone if it's gone. I just sensed that there is still a treasure that is not weaker than the wooden sword."

In the young man's mind, a voice sounded.

The originally angry face softened a bit after hearing this voice.

Lin Yuan, who had just taken two steps, suddenly stopped and turned to look at the young man.

I saw a line of words on his head.

"It's actually Nine Stars again." Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with surprise.

Then he raised his feet and walked in his direction.

I saw the young man turning several times before stopping in front of an attic door.

Lin Yuan glanced at it, then raised his head and walked in.

After entering, Lin Yuan saw the young man looking around.

And the young man also saw Lin Yuan.

"What a coincidence."

Lin Yuan greeted with a smile.

The young man's pupils shrank, he snorted coldly, turned his head and walked away.

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at the chance line above his head.

I saw a line of opportunity pointing in the direction of the young man.

Lin Yuan walked over without any hesitation.

Seeing Lin Yuan coming over, the young man's face showed vigilance.

"What are you going to do?"

Lin Yuan ignored it and walked directly to a purple gourd.

Looking at the gourd, Lin Yuan felt a little familiar.

"It's like Nangong Yuehen's gourd."

Then he stretched out his hand and picked up the gourd.

When the young man saw Lin Yuana's gourd, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

It seems like something important has been lost.

And in his ears, that old voice came again.

"What the warrior is holding is the treasure I want to tell you."

"You must do whatever it takes to get this treasure."

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