Cyber Heroes

Chapter 535

The King of Speed ​​is a monument and a symbol on Martial Dao.

Today, when Martial Ancestor passed away and Martial God lost several times, the King of Speed ​​is considered to be the highest realm of external power that mankind can achieve.

There are more than many Martial Artists who strive for the goal of King Speed.

And now, such a person is thinking very seriously, whether he is at 10% of the speed king at his current level.

I also know whether he should be said to be "so arrogant" and dare to compare with the Martial Artist in the myth, or should he be "so unconfident" and only dared to mention a tenth specific data.

This sentence makes people laugh on two levels.

But Zhili Torrent's tone is so serious.

He seems to really feel that he should have one-tenth of the speed king, no more, no less.

"According to our scientific research Knight, this requires multiple tests and repeated comparisons to draw a conclusion. I think even Saint Aunt can't infer this kind of thing." Bai Sanren shook the head: "It's a pity."

Normal people rarely have the experience of playing against the King of Speed. People with this kind of experience are usually killed in seconds.

The speed king started very decisively.

It is said that Saint Aunt has fought with him several times and has seen the scale claws of martial arts, the speed king.

Although Zhili Torrent is thinking about whether he has 10% of the speed king, he himself also knows that he is not qualified to pick the War God speed king.

"That's just for the time being." Zhihu Fa didn't care about it. "As long as the project continues, my nerve reflex will continue to improve. The advantages of the innate talent and customized transformation of the speed king will be It's getting smaller and smaller."

The patrons of Kings Level 1 have customized genetic modification surgery. Calculations are carried out through huge intelligent computers and massive computing resources, and clones are used for experimental verification, which is a special genetic modification operation that only takes effect on individuals.

Such a huge resource almost exhausts the probability of the human nervous system.

Cooperating with the customized prosthetic transformation, the starting point of the kings is completely a level that ordinary Martial Artists cannot reach in their lifetime.

Bai San people know that some of the "Dharma Protector" group of fighting sects joined Liulong Sect for similar reasons.

The experimental in-depth transformation of Liulongjiao can further shorten the distance between ordinary Martial Artists and the kings.

The Baisanren laughed and pointed in a direction: "This is the road leading to the underground area. We have prepared some High Rank equipment over there, which were smuggled into this area before. High level goods. Let’s talk while walking. By the way, we will also show you the most comfortable meeting area of ​​our Yoho Knight group."

"Wait a minute, I still need some time to adjust." The protector jumped on the spot a few times, and then jumped back and forth, and left and right.

This is not his complete state. Zhi Hu Fa uses a powerful prosthetic body on the asteroid. However, in order to circumvent censorship, he temporarily abandoned the large prosthetic body, left the spacecraft near the Earth orbit, and entered Earth under the guise of a small meteorite.

This concrete body was prepared for him by the Knights of Youhe.

When I was speaking just now, the guardian Zhi Zhi also kept adapting to this body.

A few minutes later, he nodded to Bai Changkong: "Okay."

The two went all the way.

The entire Burgess shale area is covered by the Yoho City Central Building. This huge structure runs through the whole. Just to maintain the magnetic field everywhere in this building structure requires huge electricity to maintain it. A separate reactor is burning for this building.

If this building loses power, its underlying structure will gradually deform

and the ground floor space of this building is also divided into several parts due to the mountainous terrain of Fossil Ridge. A larger block.

"I thought it would be a mine." Zhihu Fa said: "It doesn't look like that."

"Where. The scientific research Knight team adopted the method for fossil excavation. 'Stable' strategy. Fossils that have been exposed, fossils that have been naturally exposed during the mining process, are indeed collected as soon as possible. However, we are not allowed to directly dig out the fossil field." Bai Sanren said.

Zhi protector is a little confused: "If you just collect it all, you can get a lot of meaningful information?"

"But it's hard for you to know what you missed. "Bai Sanren shook the head: "The technology of fossil collection and identification is constantly improving. It may be recognized today as'fossil surface attachments' that can be directly removed, and tomorrow will become important evidence that can prove biological habits. There are also molecular fossils, which may be damaged during the cleaning process or in contact with the air-but with the current technology, we can't detect this thing at all, so we have been ignorant, but people in the future can. We. We have to give people in the future a chance."

"But be that as it may, we have to mine. Exploring biological evolution is the most important business of Your Majesty, the father of all things, and it also matters. To the future well-being of mankind. The fossils mined every year will be subject to some preliminary research and records. After that, some of the fossils will be sealed as artificial amber, waiting for decades, a hundred years later, the scientific research Knight uses new technology to explore. And the other part will be subjected to destructive research such as slicing and chemical analysis."

"Of course, there were Knight apprentices who had not been promoted and took the risk to do mining."

Guardian Zhizhi was a little curious: "Then he was promoted?"

Bai Sanren laughed: "Dead."

Guardian Zhizhi pondered for a moment: "This fits Is the Dyson principle?"

"Theoretically, all the fossils owned by the Knights of the Yoho group belong to Your Majesty, the father of all machines. Collection behavior that goes beyond the regulations is naturally undesirable." Bai Sanren looked at the trilobite fossils with weird luster at his feet, said in a tranquil voice: "That's naturally damn it."

Zhi protector lifts the head, looking at the huge dome.

They are like ants between the palms of a giant.

The guardian of the Six Dragons Sect said: "That apprentice was a little too careless."

"Yes, it was quite careless."

The two have reached the edge of the fossil collection area. There is an elevator door there.

The guardian of the Six Dragon Sect and the scattered people went underground.


Outside the city, three people are approaching quietly.

Looking at the city like a barracks, Kane sighed: "Really don't think about it... At least you have to wait until someone else comes to meet?"

" don't let an opportunity slip by time." Xiang Shan said in a calm tone: "It is only now that the Six Dragon Sect is in a state of'I would rather lose something than be disturbed by others'."

That's why it's suitable to disturb at this time.

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