Cyber Heroes

Chapter 559

His Excellency Feichert is really hard to describe his state. He is not distracted, nor is he not thinking. I obviously have a lot of thoughts in my mind, but when I finally want to transform it into language, it is empty, as if my mind is full of unexplainable "subjective emotions."

The camera of King Agni locked him.

This is already a very dangerous signal.

The King Agni treated his subordinates relatively generously, but he did not like incompetent subordinates and hated traitors even more.

If you can't answer well here, you will definitely die...


Even if this paragraph is passed, it is meaningless.

Hackers are one of the groups that are best at gathering intelligence. And the king began to manage the secret service in the old age, and the entire solar system has been crushed in the past two hundred years. If it really aroused his suspicion, then it would only be a matter of time before he and even the Six Dragon Sect were dug out.

It must be to "keep this trust", so that King Agni will continue to believe that "Six Dragon Sect is only a force organized by the radicals in the scientific research Knight."

If King Agni's knowledge of Six Dragon Sect exceeds this limit, the Six Dragon Sect will also be destroyed.

Even if he picks himself out now, the king may still find more clues in the process of destroying the Six Dragon Sect.

As for the idea of ​​"escape", it simply never appeared in Fichert's mind.

All airports on the moon, their management system is connected to the network, and there are other people responsible for inspections, every move is under the eyes of the king, he is prepared to escape from the moon with the impossible top secret vehicle.

And his prosthetic body is not a large prosthetic body with aerospace engines, it can leave the moon without assistance.

Even if he secretly saves such a body...

Is he crazy? When everyone is a Martial God, can a single player break through the blockade of the space fleet?

The only good news is that the Iron Heart Karmapa only needs to temporarily uninstall the body language patch pack, so he doesn't have to worry too much about losing control of his movements. Humans in this era don't have to worry about betraying themselves through physiological reactions such as cold sweats.

He turned on the synthesizer, and the white noise in it lasted for a full second.

Then he said: "This time is indeed my mistake. It is because of my lack of effort that caused such an embarrassing situation, the king...I am guilty."

The King of Iron Heart said these scenes and finally found a little calmness. He is desperately weaving language.

"Answer." King Agni continued: "Answer the question. Why did the Six Dragon Church attack the Knights of Yoho, and why do you know nothing?"

" I don’t know the specific situation at the moment, so I can only make guesses based on the known information.” The Iron Heart King said: “The Six Dragons of Yohe City did indeed make a deal with an unknown force. Yohe Knight The members of the Six Dragon Sect in the regiment will help them build a satellite station. As for what the Six Dragon Sect can get... I can’t intervene with my identity'over there.' But this matter is still handled by me. The operating records disclosed to the outside world, It was also faked by me. I mentioned this in the confidential report to the king. It is true."

The breathing light on the front of King Agni flickered for one second. "Confirm. Admit that this is true. In addition, it can be confirmed that the satellite station has been marked as'harmful', but there is no record of space-based weapons attacking that location. The reliability of this information is questionable."

A few hours ago, a terrifying internal strength expert shook the Earth-Moon satellite network with one person.

As confirmed by King Agni, that person’s internal strength showed obvious Turing lineage characteristics.

During this period, the data recorded and reported by the satellite network may not be reliable.

"This thing does exist, but the cause and effect I know is completely contrary to what the mob explained. In my impression, it is the Six Dragons Sect that controls the Yoho Knights and other forces. A deal to build this satellite station. The mob said that the Yoho Knight regiment reached a deal with Liulong Sect. This does not conform to the information we know."

Ajini King said: "Are you here? Said that the mob is not a force of the Six Dragon Sect?"

The Iron Heart King of the Six Dragon Sect lowered his head and said: "It is possible. But, in the picture just now, we can see that Youhe Knight The deputy head of the regiment, Ising Bluetooth·Teng is standing next to the mob."

"Ising·Bluetooth·Teng, the code name in Liulongjiao is Harald Sanren, it is indeed Liulongjiao. The backbone of the mob is undoubtedly. When the mob called Long Live three times, he stood behind the mob. I don’t think it can be completely ruled out that the mob is the probability of the Six Dragons."

"Just, The mob is suspected of the unfathomable lineage. With their ability, it is not impossible to disintegrate the security agreement and directly control the body of others. At this stage, we can focus on'that mob is not the Six Dragon Cult, but just wants to trap the Six Dragon Cult.' In this direction."

"Persuasive." King Agni commented: "That mysterious force negotiated with the Six Dragon Sect. This reason is logical, but it still cannot explain the network of Yohe City. "Instantly cut off" this question. If this is done by non-Six Dragon Sect forces, then this'non-Six Dragon Sect forces' has the power to subvert a city. But we don’t know anything about it, but the Six Dragon Sect and them It's on the line."

"I am also very confused about this." Feichert knew that the most critical part was coming. He must explain the question "why this dual undercover intelligence officer knows nothing about such key information".

The iron-hearted Karmapa, whose status is only under the Sect Lord and the holy envoy, said to Vulcan: "My status in the Six Dragon Sect is not high enough, so a lot of information cannot be contacted. Where are they specific? I don’t know much about one party’s connection."

Actually, that satellite station was entirely an internal project of Liulong Sect, and it was only temporarily taken away.

Fortunately, the Ironheart Karmapa made several forgeries out of his usual caution.

If you check from the Green Forest, as long as Tianji Sanren himself is not captured, you can only get the conclusion that "Heaven's Ji has seized the handle of a certain Six Dragon Cultivator." "Mysterious organization".

If you check from the official channels of King Agni, you will feel that "there is another force involved in this matter."

A few hours ago, another Turing lineage that the king personally identified appeared.

That fictional "mysterious force that fights with Turing lineage members" is just right.

Of course, this is not enough insurance.

Tiexin Karmapa added: "Of course, we cannot rule out another probability. Turing lineage intends to interfere with the Six Dragon Sect and control the Six Dragon Sect in his own hands."

King Agni was a little surprised: "Explain."

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