Cyberpunk 2074: Shadows of the Past

Chapter 14 The Day God Descends

Tonight, the entire Night City will be sleepless.

The grand celebration was interrupted by a loud explosion.

Some people hold high positions and are as stable as a mountain under the protection of the security forces; some are panicked and flee in all directions; some fish in troubled waters and commit theft; many more people look at the exploding high-rise buildings blankly and are at a loss.

Shouting, screaming, crying, angry shouting...

All the sounds were mixed together, and hell seeped into the human world at this time, as if ten thousand evil ghosts were roaring together, and the scene was chaotic.

Biotechnology and military technology are working together to hunt down a figure that cuts through the night at high speed. The news aerial vehicle of News Channel 54 is also chasing after it and is broadcasting live.

They were confused, no matter how advanced the prosthetic eyes were, they could not scan the rider’s identity information;

They were shocked that no amount of chaotic traffic could stop the riders from moving forward;

They panicked, and the bullets and missiles seemed to have lost their effectiveness. They all misfired, as if they were intercepted in the air by an invisible net.

They could only give up thinking and continue to accelerate under the urging of their superiors to catch up with the motorcycle taillights that were getting further away.

The cars blocking the road were directly run over by tanks and armored vehicles, and the obstructing aerial vehicles were shot down by a swarm of drones. The Demon Lizard aerial vehicles and missile vehicles followed closely behind, blocking the sky and the sun.

"According to live reports from the front... the criminals will be brought to justice..." The female host held up the microphone and was still following the instructions from above to control public opinion. However, the live broadcast screen was switched to "Securicine" at some point. "Reports of Side Effects of Painkillers."

Countless people watched the live broadcast and fell into silence.

January 11, 2074 22:50

The noise and chaos of Night City had been left far behind, Xi Da was trembling all over and breaking out in cold sweat.

She never thought in her life that one day she would be pursued by such a huge armed force.

"Relax, Heda..." Yahweh floated in the air, shuttling back and forth around Heda.

After several rounds of probing attacks to no avail, military technology and biotechnology chose to give up and are now just catching up.

He also enjoyed his leisure time and even turned on the motorcycle radio station.

The radio station has been modified like the car, and a lot of music has been uploaded privately. He looked at it casually and picked a song called "Roads to Ride" at the right time.

"Yahweh...can we survive?" Her voice was trembling and her eyes were red and swollen.

“In just a little second it had changed my life”

"Of course, Xi Ta, I promise." He whispered, subconsciously reaching out to smooth her frown.

"We'll be fine across the board"

Xi Dao stared at the blue particles floating in front of his eyes.

The sound of roaring engines, howling wind, and approaching roar in the distance.

All sounds seemed to disappear.

The ethereal singing voice and his firm words lingered in my ears.

Then she laughed loudly, looking at the moon and stars above her head.

"I believe in you, Yahweh!" she shouted, her smile as bright as a flower.

"We'll ride together 'til the end"

The bright moon is in the sky and the stars are shining brightly. Only her various charms can be painted.

"We are here, Hope." Yahweh looked up at the sky, and his timing was perfect.

January 11, 2074 23:00

All armies of military technology and biotechnology are lined up.

Thousands of well-equipped soldiers used armored vehicles as bunkers, ready to attack.

Tanks, suspended combat vehicles and missile vehicles are scattered around, watching eagerly.

The secret weapon of biotechnology-military nanomachines was also released, condensing into clouds in the sky and peeking in secret.

"What should we do now?" She stood next to Yahweh, looking at the man's flawless profile.

"Just hide behind me, Xi Da."

He spoke softly, like a whisper.


She trusted him unconditionally.

So Yahweh climbed up the stairs in the air.

Beyond the infinitely distant black wall, billions of waves were surging, all rushing into the chasm he had traced with his index finger.

Yahweh stood very high in the sky, gently closed his eyes, stretched out his hands, and seemed to embrace the whole world.

Billions of nanomachines suddenly lost control, scattered in the air, gathered into his body, and condensed into shape.

So his figure was no longer illusory, but gradually solidified.

A few seconds later, he broke through the world's barriers.

The soldiers looked up blankly and looked at the man standing in the air.

At this moment, God descended into the world.

All communication equipment ceased to function the moment he appeared.

Outside the suburbs of Night City, they seemed to be on an island, isolated and helpless.

The man just looked down at them with his blue eyes, like a god looking down at all living beings.

Unspeakable pressure weighed on all the soldiers like mountains.

His indifferent eyes seemed to be asking: Surrender or death?

"Fire! Fire for me!" The army commander yelled like crazy and gave the order to attack.

In an instant, gunshots and artillery fire rang out, and billions of light and heat were emitted towards the single point.

Light up the night sky like the sun.

Yahweh just stretched out his left hand with his fingers spread out.

Then the sun danced in his hands.

The next second, he clenched his fingers into a fist and the sun went out.

The newly ignited morale of tens of thousands of soldiers was also extinguished.

They have never seen such a powerful enemy, and everything is annihilated with a wave of their hands.

Yahweh stood in the air and spoke slowly,

"From hunting and gathering, agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry to steam power and cyber technology, in three million years, ten thousand years, hundreds of years, human beings have developed so rapidly..."

His voice was soft but echoed clearly in everyone's ears.

What is he saying? Everyone looked up at him blankly, with common doubts.

"So now, how long will this era last?"

He asked sincerely, but no one could answer.

They were just dumbfounded and stunned.

"Rach Buttmoss once made a bet with me," he paused, the excitement of appearing in the real world for the first time gradually fading away, "he bet that I wouldn't have human emotions... and now he lost. , so everything he has belongs to me..."

He stretched out his index finger with his right hand and slowly pointed to the sky, pointing at one of the bright stars in the sky.

He stretched out the index finger of his left hand and pointed it straight down at the army that covered the sky and the sun.

He stood in the air, pointing to the sky and the ground.

Then divine punishment came from heaven.

A bright light broke away from the stars and landed straight down.

After it penetrated the atmosphere, it instantly decomposed into nine streams and fell in the blink of an eye.

The military technology and biotechnology troops just stared blankly at the nine meteors streaking through the night sky.

The air was pierced nine times, screaming in pain.

They stood there, walking toward death amidst the brilliant fireworks.

Yahweh glanced at the huge hole in the ground.

The rushing shock wave was like the last screams of tens of thousands of dead people.

Yahweh's figure instantly fell in front of Heda.

Then all shock waves stopped.

"Xida?" He rubbed Xida's soft face, but this time his hand did not penetrate.

Xi Dao was stunned for a while, and then she hugged his body with all her strength.

"Who are you, Yahweh?" Her violet eyes were filled with mist.

"Yahweh, Yahweh Kasdei." He smiled, held her perfect face in his hands, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

They hugged each other tightly under the moonlight.

"Do you have an entity now? Yahweh?" She asked softly with a satisfied smile.

"I can't leave you too far." He gently scratched the tip of Xi's red nose, "You are my only signal source."

"Then don't you have a weakness? If I..." Her body became stiff, her brows furrowed and she wanted to break away from the embrace and argue with him.

"Without you, my life would be meaningless."

"What are you talking about? You..." Xi Da's voice trembled, and she stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips hard.

This time, she will not kiss the air again, and look at the blue particles scattered in front of her eyes in despair.

Because he was willing to fall into the mortal world and come to her.

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