The roar of the float car always hovers over Night City, 24 hours a day.

As if it were adjacent to the coast, the invisible sound waves continued to surge all day long, ruthlessly splashing its own corpses to every corner of the Night City.

The government regards this phenomenon as one of the signs of the prosperity of Night City and is proud of it.

But for ordinary people who can't afford soundproof housing, this is just another annoying noise.

"The thirty-first floating car flew by..." Lucy looked out the window at the steel giant that flashed past and gradually disappeared into the wind and rain, silently remembering the number in her heart.

Only when you pay special attention to time will you feel that every minute and every second is extremely painful.

If you concentrate on doing something, time will fly by quickly. It might just be a blink of an eye, and the long wait is over.

A refreshing fragrance naughtily penetrated her nose, slid down the cavity and into her stomach. After a few naughty bounces, her stomach growled and she felt hungry.

"Lucy! Stop being in a daze! Dinner is ready!" Xi Ta ran over and dragged Lucy, who was dazed, back to the dining table.

Lucy just took advantage of the opportunity to get some fresh air and stayed alone by the window for a long time. Xi Ta called her several times but didn't hear her, so he had to grab her back to her seat.

"Hmph, look at the winter melon soup I carefully prepared!" Her long red hair had already been tied up while cooking. Gloria carefully placed the big pot on the table with a rare confident smile on her face. .

Although Gloria usually couldn't afford winter melon, this dish had been made countless times in her mind. Now that she has the opportunity to show off her skills, the results will certainly be worthy of her long-term efforts.

After all, the employee meals distributed by the company are really hard to swallow - those protein blocks and vegetable pastes taste like paraffin and taste lighter than water. They must be paired with the virtual delicacies stored in the head to be able to swallow them.

In comparison, today's dinner seemed even more sumptuous and delicious.

"It's better to enjoy hot pot when there are many people." Yahweh held the hot pot and slowly placed it in the center of the round table.

He has just been processing the base ingredients for hot pot for a long time, and can basically guarantee that the different types of synthetic meat will have a taste similar to real meat after being put into the pot.

This is why food with strong flavors is particularly popular in the snack streets of Night City.

Excessive spicy, sour, salty, and various other flavors can cover up the hidden industrial smell of synthetic foods and trick the brain into believing that what you are eating is real food and not cheap industrial products.

This is a poor compromise, a popular and effective form of self-deception.

"Okay! You can enjoy it tonight!"

Xi Da happily rocked back and forth on her seat, her slender fingers folded together into a fan to push the delicious air in front of her, and then she greedily inhaled it all through her nose.

She has always been like this, with no deliberate pursuit of material enjoyment. She can sit in a high-end restaurant and taste pure natural organic food elegantly, or she can also lie carelessly on the table like she is now, just for some Cheap synthetic meat and your mouth is watering.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why she is so lovable.

Lucy thought, glancing at Yawei who was busy pouring pieces of meat into the hot pot, and couldn't help but rub Xida's raised silver hair, and a lingering smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"'s such a rare delicacy." Gloria couldn't help but swallow her saliva, staring directly at the pieces of meat that appeared and disappeared in the boiling hot pot, and rolled up her hands and sleeves. There was no concern for image at all.

"Let me scoop up a bowl of winter melon soup for everyone first. You can eat it later when it's spicy." David looked helplessly at his mother who couldn't walk when she saw the delicious food. He also rolled up his sleeves and offered it to everyone. Provide services to the best of our ability.

"Oh, I haven't brought the dishes and chopsticks yet!" After hearing David's suggestion, Xida remembered that she had forgotten to bring the tableware to everyone.

"It's okay, I'll go." Lucy shook her head with a chuckle and pushed Xi Da back down as she was about to stand up.

After all, as a guest, you should take the initiative to do something to repay the host.

Lucy just doesn't like socializing, but that doesn't mean she's ungrateful.

"It really feels like a family." Xi Da looked around at the busy people at home, and a warm feeling came to his heart.

The memory of sitting around the table with my parents and eating happily is still vivid in my mind, but it seems as if someone has put a layer of film on it and it is no longer within my reach.

Fortunately, she met many people and made many friends.

It was as if the wounds in the soul were gradually healing, leaving only shallow traces.


An all-too-familiar voice woke her from her thoughts.

"The hot pot is ready. It's ready to eat."

Xi Da looked at the gentle smile on Yahweh's face, and caught everyone's kind gazes from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but smile with the same happiness.

"It's time to eat!"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and responded to Xi Ta's cute announcement with the sound of chopsticks clinking.

"By the way, Gloria, I forgot to ask you why you got promoted and got a raise." Xi Da patted the back of her head, and she didn't think of it until the hot pot was about to bottom out.

"'s a long story..." Gloria held her belly and burped lightly before she began to tell.

"It was only a few days ago, on the 18th..." Gloria recalled the details as she recounted, "The medical team I was responsible for received a mission from their superiors and rushed to the city center to clean up the scene... …”

That is to say, she has a strong psychological quality. If an ordinary person had just finished eating and recalled the tragic scene, he would definitely vomit.

"Various mechanical remains and human tissues were scattered all over the place..."

"The two Kangtao robots were cut in half from beginning to end and completely scrapped..."

"Didn't the news say that there is still a robot missing?" Lucy was also full, put down her chopsticks, and was listening to Gloria's story with interest.

"To be precise, we only found part of its body at that time... It was only after cleaning up the scene that there were several pieces of wreckage that couldn't be pieced together, and we discovered that there might be a third party..."

"Part of the body?"

"Hmm... I don't know why, but part of my head seems to be missing..."

"Is the important device stolen?"

"No, according to the subsequent report feedback, there is nothing valuable missing, at least that's what the white-robed dogs think..." Gloria scratched her head, "It seems that there is a slot missing at the back of the head. ? It shouldn’t be anything important anyway…”

"Anyway, I was rewarded by the company for 'the so-called cleaning up and handing over important items'..." Gloria sighed and tapped David's head lightly, "At least it can support us, mother and son... …”

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