Lin Feng: "See me? Jack, are you kidding me? Isn't our contact person outside always you?"

Jack Wells: "Who knows? People suddenly said they wanted to see you this morning."

Lin Feng: "I told you that I want to keep a low profile. You won't let me out with your big mouth, right?"

Jack Wells: "V, the conscience of the world, you like to keep a low profile and keep secrets, don't I know? I didn't miss a word."

Lin Feng: "Then he wants to see me?"

Jack Wells put down the food box and said, "V, Dexter DeSean is the most powerful middleman in Night City, even more powerful than Wakako and the priest. They are big people, and there are many ways to check us. "

"I'm all set, you can go to meet up as normal, just have a chat, there won't be any problems."

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "Then it's a bit unscientific for him to see me."

It's only been over a month since he came to Night City, and Lin Feng hasn't done much work other than saving Sang Della Dorset. As a result, Dexter de Sean found out? Is it to say that this guy's intelligence network and investigation methods are awesome, or that Night City has no privacy.

Forget it, just like what Jack said, the big man has a lot of tricks.

"He doesn't look for you or a bug?" Lin Feng said.

Jack Wells shook his head and said: "Bug, you can let her decipher some things, but it's too difficult for her to meet people, and Bug and De Sean also know each other. As for me, it used to be alright, but it's long overdue now. pissed."

Lin Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, "Okay, then in the position you gave me, I'll go see Dexter de Sean, Jack, you can go to Lao Wei and get an upgrade."

Jack Wells gestured ok: "No problem, V"

The two left the stall and got into the car together.

"Is this still my second-hand car?" Lin Feng looked at the many more parts on the car and almost didn't recognize it.

"A car is the face of a man. Since I can't afford a new car, I naturally have to make it better." Jack Wells got into the car familiarly and said, "I specially saved some money and asked my brother in the factory to repair it. Yes, it's all hard stuff."

"Just be happy." Lin Feng said.

After driving around the Watson area for a while, Lin Feng got off the bus halfway and went to meet Dexter de Sean next to the nearby Gramsci Burger.

As for Jack Wells, he went to see Lao Wei for an upgrade.

After getting off the bus, Lin Feng was walking on the street.

He rarely walks like this on the road in Night City, not to mention that he can't feel driving. If he doesn't drive and walk, he suddenly feels that the nearby tall buildings are taller.

That icy urban law hit me.

bang bang bang!

When passing through a bridge hole, there were several people on the street with guns and blood on the street basketball court under the bridge.

Lin Feng didn't have the habit of meddling, and walked away.

Soon Lin Feng saw a luxury longboard car on a street, with a strong bodyguard and driver standing beside the car.

The strong man saw Lin Feng approaching, and then opened the car door without saying a word.

There was a big black fat man sitting in the car, who looked like Harden in the previous NBA life.

"Hello, Mr. V."

Dexter de Sean said hello.

"Dexter de Sean, seeing is better than seeing once, hello." Lin Feng said, "So what, can you open the car window before we get down to business?"

Dexter de Sean looked at Lin Feng with great interest. He had seen many mercenary killers. No matter how much blood was poured out on the streets, those guys were weak in front of him, but Lin Feng would not.

"Come on, open the window and let Mr. V breathe." Dexter de Sean said, the driver in front immediately started the car and opened the window wider.

The smell of the top cigar in the cabin was blown away directly by the wind.

Dexter de Sean didn't care either, and he said, "I want to ask Mr. V a question before we talk about it."

"That's what you said." Lin Feng said.

"Would you like to be a nameless person, live in peace all your life, and wait for death by inserting a urinary catheter, or even if you don't live to the age of 30, you will be famous in history?"

Hearing this topic, Lin Feng said naturally: "I don't choose either."

"Oh?" Dexter de Sean raised an eyebrow, even though he didn't have one, "Can I hear Mr. V's answer?"

Lin Feng adjusted his sitting position, looked at Dexter de Sean and said, "My choice is to be a powerful person when I'm alive, and to be famous when I die. Besides, my kidneys are good, so I shouldn't use a urinary catheter."

"Haha." Dexter de Sean couldn't help laughing: "I've asked many people this question, and none of their answers are Mr. V's. It's so interesting."

Lin Feng said: "Chat, it's only interesting if you're interested. You can only play the piano to the cow if you're boring. So, Mr. De Sean, would you mind if I ask a question instead?"

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