Lin Feng laughed, "Ms. Stott, I wish you a good night."

After saving the incident, Lin Feng greeted him, and Jack Wells hurriedly walked directly to the car loaded with the prosthetic plug-in material with a small flat head.

The two of them got out of the encirclement of military technology, drove their car, and swaggered out of it.

Jack Wells said with some fear: "Grass! My palms are sweaty!"

Lin Feng: "Does your gorilla arm sweat?"

Jack Wells: "Cough, don't pay attention to these details, but to be honest, I came out and saw the old woman in military technology, I think we are all hanging up."

"However, V, you are really awesome. You got a few words to settle the matter, and you even got a car for nothing."

Listening to the praise of his good brother Jack Wells, Lin Feng is still very comfortable.

"Military technology cars are not bad, and there are queues when you drive out. You can just take it and drive it when you go back." Lin Feng said.

"V, are you serious?" Jack Wells couldn't wait, "Just drive out in this car, it's very effective in flirting with girls, and I won't go on a date with Misty in the future because the car is not suitable, and then take the subway. already."

"I have to take care of my brother's face, Jack." Lin Feng joked: "You go back to a repair shop, change the casing, and change the fuel injection device, and the car will be gone."

Jack Wells quickly gave a thumbs up, "V I am completely convinced, how come you are so talented?"

"It's not a day or two that I'm great."

The two of them drove to Watson City, laughing and laughing along the way.

When passing through the Sunshine Community again, Lin Feng got off the car and got all the prosthetic plug-in materials for a car upstairs.

Jack Wells happily drove the new car away.


In the top floor residence, just after Lin Feng took a shower, the communication rang.

[Caller Alert: Dexter De Sean].

"Good evening, Mr. V, how are things going?" Dexter de Sean's voice rang out.

Lin Feng said: "It's settled, Xiaopingtou is in my hands."

"As expected of a top mercenary, Mr. V's strength is too surprising. I will transfer the money later."

Lin Feng refused: "These days, who is going to transfer money? When we meet, we will directly cash."

Strange to say, in 2077, when technology is so advanced, most of the way to transfer accounts is cash.

There is no other reason. Money chips can be implanted with viruses. If the virus directly enters the brain, there may be no money and no people.

So all transactions involving money are cash.

Dexter de Sean said nicely: "Just do as Mr. V said, so let's meet in the next life now?"

"Tomorrow." Lin Feng yawned, "I was in the whirlpool helping the bloodbath just now, but now I'll be gone, I have to sleep."

Dexter de Sean's tone choked, but for the sake of the bigger picture, it didn't happen.

"Mr. V said, then please rest well."

After hanging up the black fat man, Lin Feng just smiled.

In the 2077 game, players have been in a state of working for "big men".

The most dangerous and hardest bones were gnawed, and the result was only the poor hard-earned money.

As for the best interest of course, the so-called middleman or the customer will laugh at it. Once the matter is exposed, for their own benefit, they will slash at the mercenary.

Lin Feng naturally wouldn't put himself in this situation.

Dexter De Sean, the Wild Board Company, Evelyn Parker, or military technology or other people or organizations of all kinds, don't even think about picking wool on Lin Feng.

Leaving these trivial matters behind, Lin Feng glanced at the prosthetic plug-in materials sent by Stott.

For work such as copying the 2077 prosthetic plug-in, as long as there are materials, it can be directly measured on Friday.

"Friday, it's over to you."


After a night of silence, Lin Feng fell asleep and woke up naturally the next day.

On the workbench in the weapon room, dozens of prosthetic plug-ins have been listed.

Lin Feng was also shocked when he got up and saw it. He thought Friday was talking about one prosthetic plug-in for one night, but unexpectedly, he used up all the plug-in materials that could be composed in one night?

"Friday, good job." Lin Feng praised.

"You're welcome, Mr. Lin Feng."

Lin Feng came to the workbench and picked up a prosthetic plug at random.

Whether it is the polymerization process, the release of energy consumption, as well as the continuous fission stability and high concentration, it is even superior to the Thunderbolt core given by San Della Dorset a few days ago.

You must know that the Thunderbolt Core is a prosthetic plug-in that has not yet been marketed by military technology.

Lin Feng was playing with the prosthetic plug-in, looking at the outline of Night City with bright eyes, a bold plan appeared in his mind.

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