In Sunshine Community, Lin Feng was lying on the bed, playing soft music to help him sleep on Friday.

However, Lin Feng didn't feel sleepy at all, and he was deducing over and over what would happen at the Cyanbi Hotel in his mind.

If the butterfly effect doesn't work in this matter, there are two biggest obstacles to stealing relic.

One is the legendary Adam Hammer, and the other is that if the relic storage box changes during the firefight, the relic's activity will be reduced.

If you want to keep Johnny Silver Hand, you need to put relic in your brain.

But the problem is that doing so means loading your body with two consciousnesses.

This option won't work for Lin Feng, either he or Jack.

Even though Johnny Silverhand is a very good tough guy, a legend that everyone praises, it's not a reason to put him in the body.

In any case, Lin Feng would not accept and let outsiders touch his body.

This is the principle.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng called Friday, "Friday, is there a way for you to store a special kind of data?"

"Friday is searching, Mr. Lin Feng, one of the fission modes of nanoparticleization can accommodate all data transmission and keep the data constant, which is the best fit for Mr. Lin Feng's idea."

"Cheng, Friday, you make a storage device like this." Lin Feng said.

"Happy to serve."

After solving a major event, Lin Feng took advantage of the number of times the check-in refreshed.

"Sign in!"

【Sign in successfully! Get 10 cubic meters of portable space! 】

【Sign in successfully! Get the Perfect Anti-Hulk Armor! 】

The reward started, Lin Feng laughed!

It was said that his character broke out once, and the use of the four-dimensional pockets and the anti-Hulk armor that improved the combat power directly met Lin Feng's needs.

With the carry-on space, he can carry some things that exceed his own weight, so that he can take it and use it at any time.

Although the anti-Hulk armor also has some castrations, it is not as powerful as the original.

But it also really improved Lin Feng's combat effectiveness.

Is there any reason to be afraid of the speed of the knife when chopping wood?


The next day, next life bar.

It was already night when Lin Feng and Jack Wells came here.

"You know, V, the next life bar is an amazing place." When Jack Wells came here, he felt that his waist stopped a lot.

Lin Feng is very good at meeting the needs of Jack Wells, "Oh, let's talk about it."

"It used to be a mortuary. Even now, there are some medical equipment everywhere in the bar, and some skeletons soaked in nutrient solution."

"It's a bit of an afterlife. The most important thing is that the owner of the afterlife bar is Rogge, the most powerful middleman in Night City."

Lin Feng has cleared the game, and he is familiar with these things, but seeing that Jack Wells is in good spirits, he did not interrupt.

"Didn't you say Dexter de Sean is the best?" Lin Feng teased.

Jack Wells blushed and waved his hand: "De Sean, Wakako, the priest is naturally powerful, but not as powerful as Rogge."

The two walked around the building while talking.

Unlike other night city bars that put decoration on the front door.

Afterlife Bar is hidden in the building, and even the signboard is not set up. If you are not regulars, you can't find it at all. Of course, only regulars can enter.

When Lin Feng and Jack Wells came to the door, they saw a strong man standing at the door, the driver and thug of Dexter de Sean.

"V, this guy's eyes are really annoying." Jack Wells wrapped his arms around his arms and said, "What do you mean by those eyes? The protagonist who is here to do something big is here, won't you let him go?"

The bodyguard glanced at the two of them and walked inside, "You wait a while, and I'll make an announcement."

Seeing this, Lin Feng just smiled.

It seemed that it was his own way, which made Dexter de Sean unhappy, so he came to this first-hand report.

"Idiots just stand there and wait, V, taste the characteristics of the afterlife?"



When the two of them came to the bar, the girl at the bar greeted them and focused on Lin Feng, "You two handsome guys, what would you like to drink?"

Jack Wells' face was pulled down and he said, "Sister, am I not handsome? Why are you only looking at him?"

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out, what's wrong with the girls now, tough guys are not popular anymore?

The little girl at the bar chuckled, "The two handsome guys are of different types."

Jack Wells "..."

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing out loud, didn't this girl just say that Jack Wells is too confident.

Jack Wells scratched his head, "Stop talking about this, drink and drink."

"Two glasses of old-fashioned tequila with some beer and chili."

The little girl at the bar gave Jack Wells more eyes, "Two glasses of Johnny's Silver Hand, very tasteful."

"That's right." Jack Wells said: "Men, handsome or not is not the key, the key is connotation."

This Tie Hanhan still can't accept the fact that outsiders say that Lin Feng is more handsome than him.

Jack Wells turned to look at Lin Feng, "V, you know? The coolest thing about the afterlife is that the wine is named after a regular customer."

Lin Feng nodded and said: "This is an old rule in the next life, but if you want to name a glass of wine, it can only be a legend who died halfway."

"It seems that the two of you have done your homework." The girl at the bar said: "That's right. If you want your name to order the wine, you have to die first, and the more wonderful the death, the better."

"It's so cool, I want to give myself a set." Jack Wells said with some yearning.

This guy is not longing for death, but a legend to be remembered.

"Jack." Lin Feng patted Jack Wells and said, "After we finish this vote, we will be legends, and maybe we can use our names on wine."

"makes sense."

The little girl at the bar, while bartending, did not interrupt the conversation between the two.

In Night City, all the mercenaries have the names of legendary figures on their lips, and they will say that they will move the city of night after finishing the vote.

It's actually just bragging.

The little girl at the bar now doesn't know that it won't take long for a man who drinks in front of her to become famous throughout the night city.

"Two glasses of Johnny's Silver Hand."

Lin Feng and Jack Wells toasted, touched and said, "To the City of Night."

After a glass of wine, Jack Wells wiped his mouth and said, "Sister, can you write down my drinking method?"

The little girl at the bar nodded: "You say."

"One vodka, with ice, lime juice, ginger beer, and most importantly, some love."

"By the way, my name is Jack Wells."

"Hmm." The girl at the bar turned to Lin Feng again, "Do you want to remember a drinking method?"


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