Cyberpunk 2077: Sign In A God-Level Skill Every Day

Chapter 77 Shoot! Challengers in the Valley! (Please customize full subscription))

In the cheers of the people around, Jack Wells took off his coat and came to the middle of the street basketball court and said imposingly: "I'm Jack Wells from Heywood, who will play with me?"

Jack Wells' body and voice are very intimidating. When he howled like this, some boxers on the sidelines were a little eager to try.

Although it's true that this guy is a hot legend, but that's just in Night City, he's a total "rookie" here in Boxing

"Let me do it.

I saw a boxer volunteered to come up from the other side, and he was still wearing a boxing suit from a bar.

"Very well, our first fight was Jack Wells against Lawrence of the Rye Bar!"

The host's enthusiastic voice sounded.

"Lawrence is a well-known boxer in the River Valley. I don't know if Mr. William, the owner of the rye bar, would like to add some bonuses to this fight?"5

William is a big fat man with a beer belly, and said with a smile: "I will pay 2,000 euros, and I will win with Lawrence."

On the other hand, Victor also stated: "We also beat Jack Wells with 2000 Euros to win."

After the first bet on both sides, the official opening.

The people watching the excitement also squeezed some money out of their teeth, and then supported the boxer they liked.

The odds of boxing matches will not be calculated here, there is only a simple and crude way.

After the battle, the winner takes away all the money from the prize pool.

After a while, both sides bet.

Sure enough, the quantity on Jack Wells' side was much worse than Lawrence's.

It is not surprising that Jack Wells has a great reputation, but he is still a novice in the ring, so naturally he does not have any advantages.

Misty, who didn't understand the rules very well on the sidelines, said: "Victor, with so few people pressing Jack, will he lose?"

Victor smiled and said: "Misty, punching is not about size, from another point of view, Jack also has an advantage.

"His opponent's prize pool is very high. If Jack wins, then he can make a lot of money. As for strength, you don't have to worry about it. I have played with Jack before."

"This guy's fist is like a cannon, and it hurts to beat. 95

Lin Feng on the side is not worried about Jack Wells' strength. Tie Hanhan punches, how can it be interesting to chat with a girl?

Lin Feng asked, "How do you feel?"

Judy: "It's lively and passionate, a feeling that Lizi has never had. 35

Although Judy spends most of the time in the underground studio, sometimes she will go home a few times and stay in Lizi for a long time.

Deafening music, euphoric alcohol, and responsive service.

Too much, and numbness.

But street boxing is different, not so much bells and whistles.

Lin Feng said: "Judy, what do you think of being a boxing super dream?

Judy was startled: "V, you mean..."

"To make a brand-new Mewtwo with the theme of boxing, just like a desperate island, I will open a store for Mewtwo experience in a short period of time, and then the store will specially display your Mewtwo.

Lin Feng said: "How is it? Our chief Mewtwo editor?

Judy was so shocked that she was speechless. It turns out that Lin Feng has always remembered his ideals...

She has been editing Mewtwo for so many years and understands all the forms of Mewtwo production.

But she still hated this kind of Mewtwo, until the appearance of the Dead Island.

Lin Feng accompanied her to complete a series of research and development of the desperate island.

Finally Judy took a step closer to her dream.

And now, Lin Feng bluntly said that he wants to open a Mewtwo experience store, which will only display Judy's Mewtwo.

The meaning behind this is self-evident.

"This is my dream too." Judy said movingly.

"Hmm, so you have to nod to be my chief Mewtwo editor.

Judy laughed and said, "Okay, I'll be the chief Mewtwo editor. 99

As soon as these words came out, Lin Feng knew it was stable.

"It's not too late, let's start shooting the material now. Lin Feng took out the high-speed shooting camera that had been prepared for a long time.

Judy took the camera as if she took Lin Feng's hand.

The fight in the ring continues!

Before the fight, Jack Wells and Lawrence agreed on an old-school style of play.

In other words, pure fighting without using any prosthetics!

The authentic fight, the people watching can't help but applaud!

Victor all jumped up: "Well done Jack! Don't give him a chance to breathe, bombard him with a series of jabs.

In the ring, Jack Wells and Lawrence fought.

Jack Wells first hit an uppercut, disintegrating Lawrence's defense, and then when the door was wide open, he heard Victor's voice.

The gorilla clenched his fists tightly, and Jack Wells slammed a violent jab into Lawrence's face.

Before starting again, Jack Wells took the initiative to adjust the charged attack of the gorilla fist arm to the lowest level.

Therefore, Lawrence, who ate a face fist, was at most just a disfigurement.


Lawrence fell on the ring at once.

Jack Wells, like a qualified boxer, did not pursue the chase, and the host acted as an old-fashioned boxing referee.

"Lawrence, you have ten seconds to stand up and prove that you can still fight!

"Lawrence, are you alright?" the host squatted beside him and said loudly.

Lawrence's supporters on the sidelines were also ignited by the atmosphere.

"Lawrence stand up!!

"Lawrence, you are a warrior!" 9

"Come on!!

There were cheers on the sidelines one after another.

Buck and Victor were moved by the atmosphere.

William, the owner of the rye bar, also said loudly: "Lawrence, the rye bar is proud of you! 99

Despite everyone's encouragement, Lawrence still failed to get up.

Soon Lawrence was sent off the ring, and other cheers were given to Jack Wells.

"Is this old-school boxing?"

"I saw tears in my eyes, I haven't had a scene like this for many years!"

"It's all the fault of Huangban Company for creating a robot boxing match!"

"This is the real boxing match!

The soul of a city is not in the high-rise buildings nor in the city center, but in the streets and alleys!

Jack Wells made a great start, not only conquering the audience in the River Valley, but also making everyone recall it.

After a while, it was finally time for Lin Feng to play.

Lin Feng stepped onto the ring and said slowly: "My good brother just had a good fight, but I believe that the masters in the River Valley are not like that. Who else wants to come up?"

The street basketball court was full of people, and at this time a car roared from far to near.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a golden vehicle roaring and driving from a distance.

The car quickly stopped on the edge of the court, the door opened, and the people inside also got down.

"I wonder if I can join in the fun?" said a man with gold ornaments all over his body.

Lin Feng on the ring glanced at him and said, "Of course you can. 55

The audience on the side of the stadium is even more boiling!

"My God! It's Caesar!"

"Golden Caesar, I heard that he only loves gold!"

"It's actually him! The most powerful fighting king in the valley! 35

In Night City, the six major districts govern a lot of small areas, so if you make a name for yourself in some small areas, it will be very popular in other areas.

Just like Caesar who got out of the car, there are many fans even in the River Valley area.

Caesar stepped onto the ring and looked at Lin Feng and said, "I know you, V, the new legendary figure in Night City!

"Your strength is very strong, but not necessarily in the field of boxing, so I made a special trip from the Valley area to challenge you!""

In 2077, the Internet has developed to the extreme.

The news that Lin Feng and Jack Wells had a boxing match in the River Valley had already spread like wildfire in the nearby area.

This is exactly the effect Lin Feng wants, "Caesar, I accept your challenge, you can choose between old-school boxing and black boxing."

Caesar activated his body and warmed up slightly, "Only those scumbags use the mantis knives, and a real good man should punch to the flesh. 55

"Looks like tonight's 217 our unknown boxing match will have a very hot popularity! The legend of the night city vs. the upper valley fight king Caesar.

"Who is better in the end, everyone tells me with the chips in their hands!"

The host may have contributed the most bloody commentary of his career.

The people on the sidelines couldn't bear to lose money for a long time, and many Lin Feng and Caesar's prize pools also came out.

There is a lesson from Jack Wells. Lin Feng's approval rate has risen a lot, but it is still a blow to Caesar's high popularity.

Before starting the fight, Caesar signaled that he still had something to say, "I'll add a little bit of bonus money personally, if I lose, you will take my money and the car, but if you lose, you have to call me Caesar brother! "

The people of Night City put fame above everything else.

Lin Feng agreed and said, "Let's start then.

On the ring, the battle between Lin Feng and Caesar is imminent!

Caesar bounced around on the ring, showing off his agile movements.

In addition to punching, you need to be firm and ruthless, but also rely on good movement. A good movement can make people quickly approach the opponent, strike a preemptive punch, and quickly open the distance to reduce damage when you fall into a disadvantage. .

Compared with Caesar's flexibility, Lin Feng stands still like the old monk entering meditation.

Relying on his movement, Caesar came to Lin Feng almost instantly.

The sharp movement and continuous punching are the styles of Caesar's boxing. With these two skills, he is able to stand proud of the valley area!

In the erratic movement, Caesar turned to the right half of his body, creating the illusion of a power-packed right fist. Generally, this action is either a heavy punch or a preparation for a high-curve skill such as an uppercut.

Just when everyone thought that Caesar would throw a right punch, his left punch hit Lin Feng like lightning!

Caesar's proud skill, Fake Fist!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Caesar's punches are fast, and if he takes a punch, he will be pulled into his punching rhythm.

Lin Feng moved, and saw that he suddenly took a few steps back, dodged the jab attack, and then fought back!

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