"I recently bought a piece of land here in the Badlands..."

"Isn't it? You still need to spend money to buy a place like this. If you have more money, you can give it to me and I will help you spend it! I heard that you can make a lot of money recently!"

"Look at what you said, I'm just making a living. Besides, if I don't buy it, the people in Night City will make trouble for me. There are rules outside the city and there are rules inside the city."

Arthur shrugged and didn't care at all, while Mitch thought for a moment and then said: "Then you have to look at where you bought it. You'd better pray that there won't be any random knife guilds or ghosts at night. People are there. side."

"Otherwise things will get very difficult.

Arthur nodded. He also knew this situation, so he came to Adecado's side to roll around.

Wolves have wolf ways, rats have rat ways. For things like viciousness, if you go to a wanderer, then you are looking for the right person.

Arthur thought for a moment and then said: "It's right next to the biotechnology protein farm. It's relatively safe there, and there shouldn't be many people there.

Mitch nodded and couldn't help but smack his mouth.

"By the way, the protein from Biotechnology is really good. If you put that big bug into your mouth and bite it, it will be full of juice. If you are a neighbor with it, can you order more from the Biotechnology people?"


There is actually no real food in Night City, well, if your diet includes bugs, then there is food.

The main source of protein in Night City is the protein farm.

Biotechnology accounts for almost half of the city's protein supply.

The most popular but expensive products are made from high-protein crickets, while more expensive products are made from the kind of bugs Mitch talks about.

Of course, cheaper protein uses earthworms as a substitute.

Different proteins are available at different prices.

For example, the protein produced by earthworms naturally has an earthy smell, which is a kind of inferior protein. This does not mean that it is not good, but that it is not delicious, and it is also a marketing challenge.

Generally speaking, people in Night City usually don't think about where the food in their mouths comes from, because you don't need to think about it, you will know where it comes from as soon as you think about it.

At this moment, Saul came over from the side, hugged Arthur, and then touched David's head.

"Forget it about biotechnology digging into gold mines, does your umbrella company also plan to dig something out of this gold mine?"

David looked around at his surroundings with some confusion.

There is yellow sand everywhere. Can a place like this be called a gold mine?

Arthur rolled his eyes and said to Thor: "I'm different from you, I don't dig things or steal oil, I just do business.

Then Arthur looked at David and explained to him a little.

"This is a gold mine for the homeless because it's so chaotic and there are no rules at all."

"As long as you have fists, you are the boss!"

"As long as you are the boss, you can obtain a resource called manpower."

"Human power is the most valuable resource in the world. You can use these people for smuggling, or you can steal oil and mine, and then make a lot of money."

"Of course, all this is illegal, but there are no rules at all in the bad land, and no one will care about you."

"So this place is indeed a gold mine for real villains. "If you really put them in Night City, they might feel uncomfortable all over."

Arthur looked at Thor and said: "I need a group of people to help me clear my land, and I also need some people to help me dig the ground, weed it, level it and so on.

Thinking about it carefully, Arthur suddenly felt that he still had a lot to do.

Take walls for example. Not having walls in a bad land is equivalent to putting wealth in front of others.

Except for the biotech protein farm, because no one would go to the bad soil to steal bugs.

Those bugs need to go through special equipment to turn into edible protein, and then be processed into food.

Moreover, it is large in quantity and not expensive. If you have time, you might as well go to the garbage mountain and dig through the garbage.

After building the wall, Arthur still needed to build a few more houses.

Because it is impossible to pick them up and drop them off every day outside the Bad Land, they need to stay here in the Bad Land.

Just take one week off and one week off. After all, the environment in Badland is harsh and lonely.

Then the land still needs to be leveled. The current bad soil is so bumpy that it doesn’t look like a place for farming.

After doing this, Arthur thought that some guards might be needed, and some people would be needed to remove the weeds every day.

‥Ask for flowers…0

After all, improving the soil does not improve the crops, so once the soil is good, certain grass seeds will grow together.

There's a protein farm next door and maybe we need to kill insects.

When he thought about it carefully, there were too many things to do, and he had to find a contractor.

Thinking of this, Arthur looked Saul up and down and said rather playfully: "Have you ever been a contractor? Saul!"


Sol scratched the back of his head. He didn't seem to have this word in his mind.

But from the literal meaning, it means the boss of contract work?

"To put it simply, you may have to work for me in the next three or four months, and your entire family will have to work for me!"

"And you are the contractor. After contracting work here, you will go back to recruit your tribesmen or other wanderers to do work for you.


After a moment of silence, Thor scratched the back of his head.

To be honest, he was actually quite moved.

After all, not all members of a wandering family can find work.

For example, logistics personnel, children, and some wounded people.

If someone could take care of their entire family of wanderers, they wouldn't need to worry about food in a short time.

But now he has something to do...

To go to Liangshan, you need to pay a certificate of voting!

"Hey, actually I am also very conflicted. I really want to take over your job. You are not an outsider. You were also present at what happened last time. You should know and guess something, right?

Arthur nodded and then touched his chin and said, "The biotechnology side? You really chose this company!"

"But I think this is a very stupid decision. You should know that big companies have never regarded us as human beings. In their eyes, we are just a bunch of data."

"Are you sure you want to go through fire and water for them? You have to know that what you get in the end may be a piece of shit."

"This kind of thing happens all the time in Night City..."

There is never anything new in Night City.

There will always be some people who are deceived by the company like fools. The company will squeeze out the last bit of value from these fools and then throw them into the garbage mountain like garbage. .

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