Liu Yishou noticed Arthur's gaze, and he suddenly realized after being stunned for a moment.

As people age, they become more refined, but sometimes people can become more refined even without getting old.

People like Liu Yishou fight against each other every day, and their brains have to undergo a devilish training every day.

Naturally, I guessed why Arthur came here today.

Arthur immediately shifted his gaze and looked at the front desk in the distance, where a blue-haired woman was talking to the front desk.

Then the blue-haired woman left something and left, while Arthur narrowed his eyes.

"I bet you beasts like you who are locked up by the company will like the Ritz Bar more than me. If this is not a business reception, you can't tell which people you will lead directly to the Ritz."

Liu came over with a wine glass in his hand and just sat down when he heard Arthur's complaints and smiled without refuting.

The daily work pressure of the people in the company is as big and high as the garbage mountain outside Night City. If they don't vent, they will collapse long ago.

"An Xin, it's just two idiots who haven't negotiated well. The company Zeta can't see what kind of place Bald Eagle is now. I think it will be annexed sooner or later!"

Both Kangtao and Zeta were companies that established 593 later. To put it simply, they were rising stars. Arthur felt that Kangtao wanted to stay together this time, but it seemed that they failed.

Of course, Arthur also understood Liu Yishou's hidden intention, which was just to kill casually, so I pretended not to know.

"Huh? I don't even know what you are talking about. I've been a little deaf recently. I just came here to discuss Night City's policies with Mr. Mayor and see if there is any way to send me a pennant or something."

When Liu Yishou heard this, a lump stuck in his throat, and he couldn't even spit it out.

Good guy, are you the only one who still wants the pennant?

What does it say on the pennant?

‘Cyber ​​madman’, ‘murderer’, ‘five-star good citizen’?

In short, Liu Yishou felt it was inappropriate, not to mention that there were no banners in a place like Night City.

"It seems that Mr. Arthur knows the culture of the Dragon Kingdom very well. If you join Kangtao, how about I personally send you a banner? I will give you a codename of Wu'an Arthur.

Arthur almost spat out his whiskey when he took a sip of whiskey. He was still in Wu'an. This title was not suitable to be used on him. It was unlucky, very unlucky.

Su Qin was the first, Bai Qi was the second, in addition (bbdb) Li Mu and Xiang Yan both died miserably.

But Arthur also heard that Kang Tao had some ideas!

And the idea is big, and it seems like it is going to crack the back door of Arasaka Technology.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so eager to recruit troops in Night City.

Arthur didn't speak, but was quietly thinking about whether Liu Yishou was suitable for cooperation.

The other party has talked to this point, it is already a matter on the table.

The opponent needs an Adam's Hammer or Morgan's Blackhand to help with something that is highly dangerous and doesn't have much support.

As for's easy to negotiate, but big companies are basically arrogant, with the attitude that it's your honor to be my dog.

Kangtao is relatively good.

At least he didn't start talking to Arthur about how much it would cost to buy his ass.

Just as Arthur was thinking, Arthur saw a very familiar person at the front desk.

With a big golden arm weighing more than 300 kilograms, he is a black and strange flower among the middlemen in Night City.

Dexter Deshawn!

In Arthur's time, this guy had actually started his own middleman business, but at that time he was only slightly famous.

How should I put it, the most powerful thing about Dexter Deshawn is actually his mouth.

Other than that, it's basically trash.

The shot to V's head was probably the first shot fired by Dexter Deshawn.

Yes, the reason why he is weird is because he is completely different from other Zhongran.

He has never been on the streets before, never performed a mission, and has never had any conflicts with others in the open.

Every day, he looks like he has something to talk about and looks like a mercenary mentor.

Arthur looked at the little black man... The big black man took a cigar in his hand and went to the front desk to handle some things before heading towards the elevator.

It’s really stormy!

Arthur couldn't help feeling a little emotional. The other party probably wasn't here for Arasaka Yorinobu for the time being, but since finding a guy has returned to Night City, it means that the actors have all stepped onto the stage.

All it takes is the sound of gongs and drums to make an appearance and the show begins.

Arthur's eyes were a little complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I have a business recently, do you want to get involved?"

Arthur plans to share the business of cloning organs and take advantage of Kang Tao's success.

Let's see if it's possible to bite off a piece of meat from Arasaka when the show starts.

Liu Yishou put the wine glass in his hand on the bar, then crossed his legs, looking helpless.

"Mr. Arthur, I think I have said it thoroughly. What we want now is not the market or money, but a strong enough person. We have our plan."

Arthur narrowed his eyes and said: "You should know that I have my own company..."

"Are you talking about your small workshop that produces three-no advertising chips?"

How to speak?

How rude, my umbrella is a regular company registered in Night City!

Talking about small workshops is really ugly!

... He will become a giant in the future. I have this confidence, so I need to protect my own company. There is no reason to leave my own industry alone to help you...

Having said this, Arthur looked his hand up and down, the doubt in his tone clear.

"How should I put it? It's a big plan, but don't worry, it's not dangerous for you. As for the protective umbrella, we Kangtao will take care of it for you."

Liu Yishou's tone was extremely arrogant, but Arthur didn't care. This kind of corporate dog was not too common.

"Well, that's a good idea, but I'm not worried. You guys are the biggest rats in the world..."

"We are not, at least our country does not want to!"

Arthur was silent for a moment, then picked up the whiskey and took a sip and said, "Let's take a stake. You Kangtao will take 20% of the shares from the umbrella company. After that, no matter how much noise the umbrella company makes, you have to help."

"In exchange, I will help you with things in Night City, but be careful not to trouble me with small things. I'm very busy!"

Liu touched his few hairs and thought for a moment before picking up the wine glass and drinking with Arthur.

Pleasant to work with you, but what have you been busy with lately? Don't tell me it's those bullshit tasks. "

"I'm busy studying the matter of obtaining eternal life. Well, I already have an idea."

..... Your mental illness has not recovered yet. I suggest you go to the internal channel of our Kangtao Technology to see a doctor. ".

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