Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 153 Can You Pretend I Haven’T Seen It?

Seeing Arthur making some moves, Pyrrha followed curiously.

During the time he returned to Night City, he had been studying some technical information written by Arthur.

Those things were so profound that Pyrrha even suspected that even the laboratories of large companies might not have such technology, and it didn't look like it was stolen or dug out from other places.

This made Pyrrha very curious about Arthur and wanted to find out how Arthur learned it?

Arthur did not stop Pyrrha's movements.

After all, Pyrrha can be considered his confidant after all.

Although this person seems to have no normal personality and is a big pervert, his character is still quite good.

At least Arthur gave him a large amount of money to go shopping, but he didn't disappear with the money.

It is quite difficult to be able to complete the task truthfully. At least there is no such person in Night City, even in the company.

Pyrrha stepped forward very rudely and took the big box from Arthur's hand, and Arthur used the password to open his laboratory.

As for why Arthur is unwilling to use fingerprints or pupils, there is nothing that can be done about it.

Almost all the skin on Arthur's body has been replaced, and even his eyes are prosthetic. There is really no way to use the original unlocking methods.

This may be a side effect of prosthetic technology.

"What's in here?"

Pyrrha shook the box as he spoke, listening to the banging and banging sounds coming from inside. The sound was very clear and reminded him of some bad things.

Arthur smiled, took off his fur coat, threw it aside and put on a white coat.

Looking at Pyrrha, whose face turned a little ugly, Arthur explained: "Silver Hand's bones."

After Pila heard the word "silver hand", her eyes suddenly lit up. Liang put the box in her hand on the table next to her. After opening the box, she immediately picked up the silver arm in the box and moved it up and down. caressing.

This kind of arm can be regarded as a relatively ancient style. At that time, the arms basically did not have artificial skin. It does not mean that it has not been developed, but everyone does not want to pretend, they just want to show off the cybernetic skin on their hands. Style stuff.

But later everyone realized that the technological development of Night City could only bring oppression to everyone, but could not provide everyone with convenience, and everyone began to hate this style.

Of course, it is also possible that you have returned to your roots after seeing too many complex things.

The reason why Pyrrha was so excited when she saw this thing was not because the arm belonged to Johnny Silverhand.

But because in the eyes of mechanics like them, this thing can be regarded as more or less an antique.

"Where did you dig this old guy out from?"?

"Let me tell you, I always wanted to be a rock kid, and for that, I still learned a lot of habits from Johnny Silverhand.

Pyrrha touched that arm, as if looking at her lost youth. Arthur shrugged and retorted: "You don't need sex and flashes, manic depression, lawlessness, and messy relationships between men and women again and again." , can also become a legendary rock kid.

Pila touched her nose a little and then said with a smile: "You know, Johnny Silverhand is a more traditional person, so I also learned from his traditional side.

Things that are too trendy are unacceptable to people like me. "

After Arthur washed his hands, he started the machine and used tools to throw all the bones of Johnny Silverhand into the machine.

The machine will filter out what he needs.

This is the change technology has brought to scientific research.

Arthur said while mixing the potion: "I plan to make this old antique reappear in the world."

Next to her, Pyrrha was sitting on a chair, holding Johnny's silver hand as a tickler to tickle her back.

"I have read your information on human cloning. Although I am not a biological person, I also know that you cannot reproduce Johnny Silverhand's consciousness, and the clone you made is just a material. , serving no purpose other than serving as a source of organs.”

Arthur glanced at Pyrrha meaningfully, then took out another chip from his pocket and threw it to Pyrrha.

"You decide whether to read this thing or not. This is Umbrella's top secret and my strongest research result. After reading it, you will never be able to part ways with me again, because I will definitely monitor you 24 hours a day." 365 days of non-stop pursuit.

"Even if you have a heated fight with those girls on Twisted Street, I will still attack you suddenly."

Pyrrha took the chip, looked at it, and couldn't help complaining: "Damn, so cruel?"

However, Pyrrha connected the data chip to his brain-computer interface without hesitation, because he was quite satisfied with his current life.

You don't have to go out to lick blood every day, you only need to study something you like, and you will get a salary every month, and it is no less than what you earn as a mercenary.

Although the products currently produced by the Umbrella Company are basically researched by Arthur, Pyrrha believes that as long as he is given a little more time to adapt to these rules and regulations, he will soon be able to come up with his own stuff.

Arthur had told him before that as long as what he developed was mass-produced by the company, he could take 10% of the net profit of the product as a reward.

Taking the chip he sold before as an example, Pila felt that even 10% would be enough for him to live comfortably for four to five years, six to seven years.

Where can I find this kind of job?

What's more, his former teammates also work in the umbrella company.

Although Arthur only said that he was selling himself to pay off debts, Pyrrha could tell that Arthur was taking care of Mann.

There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom: He who knows the current affairs is a handsome man.

He, Pila, could still carry his own. A thousand-mile horse often exists, but a Bole does not always exist.

So the moment Arthur pulled him into the Umbrella Company, Pyrrha had already decided to work for Arthur for the rest of her life.


After a while, Pyrrha pulled out the data chip. There was no detailed data involved in the data, just some basic introductions, and some demonstrable directional forces.

"I feel a little regretful now. Can you pretend that I haven't seen this thing?"

No kidding, this involves changing bodies.

Originally, Pyrrha thought that this technology might have some ethical issues. Although there were no ethical issues in Night City, it might become a point of attack for some people.

But Pyrrha suddenly shuddered when she thought of the human cloning technology prepared by Arthur.

This is not seizing the body, it is clearly eternal life!!!

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