To be honest, Arthur did not expect at first that Delamain would be arrogant after becoming a more powerful individual.

Arthur felt that maybe the depression caused by being the most polite taxi driver was too terrifying, or maybe he had seen too much human suffering and disgusting things between humans.

As a result, the other party became what he is now.

Arthur's words simply went beyond Delamain's theoretical logic. His core was running wildly, and the water pump that had just calmed down began to operate again, cooling his chip~.

To put it simply, Arthur almost burned out his CPU, literally burning it out.

Thomas next to him opened his eyes wide after hearing Arthur's words, looking at Arthur in disbelief.

What does it mean to be a human being?

What does it mean to experience human life?

So far, there is no technology in the world that can turn AI into a human being. To be precise, the conditions are not mature enough.

People in the world don’t have this motivation. Wouldn’t it be nice to have this time to study weapons to kill each other?

Why study turning AI into humans?

They are not the evil scientists in other cartoons who want to become creation gods or the like.

You can tell from the first glance that this thing has no money!


Thomas suddenly remembered what was recorded on the data chip Arthur had given him before.

At that time, he guessed that the organ cloning technology should be something stripped off from a more complete cloning technology.

Now combined with what Arthur said, that technology should be the human cloning technology I guessed.

But even to this extent...

Thinking of this, Thomas broke into a cold sweat on his back.

Because he thought of another thing, that thing is the biochip being developed by Arasaka Technology——Relic!

This thing claims to be able to record all the data in the human brain.

And keep the data in a readable state.

Since it is readable, does that mean it is writable?

If this thing is writable, coupled with the human cloning technology Arthur now possesses, immortality seems to be close at hand!

The cold sweat on Thomas's back was pouring out layer by layer, like a cave machine that never stops.

It only took a moment for the clothes all over his body to be wet.

But he has no time to care about these things now. Although he is a mechanical expert, this does not mean that he does not understand what eternal life means to human beings.

Whoever can possess this technology can become the largest company in the world!

Whether it is capital or shareholders and bosses in the real industry, they will be crazy about this technology, and they are even willing to abandon their entire wealth!

"Being a human... and experiencing life?"

"Mr. Arthur can really create some incomprehensible troubles. Since you said so, you must be capable of doing this.

"Well... I take back what I said before. Talking to you is still as refreshing as ever."

"Then what does Mr. Arthur want besides the previous conditions?"

Arthur suddenly smiled after hearing Dramain's words.

He knew that his guess was definitely correct.

In fact, Delamain's idea was very clear from the beginning, that is, he wanted to know more.

In this case, becoming a human being is something that can only be encountered but not sought.

This kind of thing should be quite attractive to the other party.

"Well, it doesn't matter because you are the first one I created... This word may be a bit too arrogant."

"Because you are the first AI person to appear in this world, you may need to be monitored by me."

"That is to say, Mr. Delamain, our umbrella company has decided to officially hire you as a consultant expert in our umbrella network department."

"We will provide you with a basic salary that is 15% higher than the market salary, plus an eight-hour working environment per day and benefits such as two days off every weekend.

"You need to live within the umbrella company, and you must follow my people every time you go out."

"At the same time, this set of procedures is reversible. I hope you will not do something irrational."

Arthur touched his chin and stated his conditions.

This is the first time he has used the Mengdie System in this world.

The main way to use the Mengdie system is actually to seize the body.

This process is very much like copying and pasting a computer program, or cutting and pasting.

…Please give me flowers…

However, the information provided by the system is very comprehensive. Use the information in it to slightly improve the Mengdie system.

It is not difficult to require the other person to stay connected to the Internet in order to experience a new life as a human being.

Taking this as an example and designing a few more backdoors would be simpler.

It is very difficult to make a product perfect, but it is really simple to add backdoors and loopholes to some products.

"I agree. My son's source code has been sent to your mailbox. You need to find a suitable home for him."

“If you don’t know much about servers, I can recommend some suitable products to you.

A short time later Delamain gave his answer.


Although his tone still had a touch of arrogance, it had recovered a lot.

Not as humble as before, nor as arrogant as after the fusion, Arthur felt that the other person was more like a normal person.

There is an illusion of talking to a company dog.

Arthur touched his chin and then continued: "Well, then you may have to wait another month for the cooperation to achieve this!"

After Arthur finished speaking, he waved to Thomas next to him and walked outside.

As for the future of Delamain Company, it has nothing to do with Arthur, but Delamain is not the kind of irresponsible person.

Should leave this company with a better subroutine.

As for the shareholders of Delamain Company?

Well... they don't care whether it's Delamain or Delamain who works for them.

Anyway, just make money for them.

And Delamain doesn't need a salary, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, all year round.

Where can I find employees like this?

The shareholders of those big companies outside don't know how much they envy the shareholders of Delamain Company, so don't be too picky!

After leaving a short distance away, Thomas finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Zhao! Do you know that if you show this skill, even Saburo Arasaka will kill you!"

Arthur lit a cigarette for himself, looked at him and said: "Well, I know, and I also know that the next day I will be shot forty-eight times and die of suicide, just as long as Mayor Knight!".

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