Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 238 Can You Give It To Me?

Arthur was just about to enter the bar when he saw a guy with tattoos all over his body nodding towards him.

"May you never return to the arms of the goddess!"

Well, this is still a devout believer!

Arthur's mouth twitched slightly, but he still responded politely: "The Death Star is above, I hope you won't be chased by the goddess."

In fact, the goddess of death is a very charming god, and her followers are very wide.

Not only in the Heywood area, but also in the entire Night City, even the entire Bald Eagle and neighboring countries, there are believers of the goddess Bride.

Of course, when the new gods snatched away believers, it meant that the old gods were left out in the cold.

The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church even wanted to fight another holy war to get rid of the alien gods.

It's just a pity that it's the year 2077, and no one wants to follow a guy with no prosthetic body on the battlefield.

What’s more, Jesus and Christ did not come down from heaven to join the battle themselves.

So everyone advised the pope to be more generous and hope that this would be an open and tolerant world.

Arthur had just entered the Wild Wolf Bar when he found Takemura sitting in a corner talking to a guy in a suit.

Arthur didn't want to get so close to a company dog, so he sat directly next to him. He was about to order a glass of whiskey when the voice came.

"Oh, isn't this the child of God, Arthur?"

"I thought you wouldn't like coming to places like this after you became a millionaire. It seems that human nature can't be changed, right?"

Arthur turned around and saw that it was the priest. He was a little surprised that he was in the Wild Wolf Bar. But when he thought about it carefully, he took Mrs. Wells to the factory in Taipingzhou.

It is normal to entrust the priest to take care of it here.

After all, a bar that can provide a steady stream of money is the gang's favorite place.

Because you might be able to sell something else in the bar.


Don't get me wrong, everyone in Night City knows that Ye Zhicheng's food is just to fill his appetite.

If you don't want to be a jet-setter, don't taste it carefully.

"Father, I thought you were going to fight with those guys at the door who believe in the goddess of death. It seems like you are the more enlightened type."

"Oh? You mean the one outside the door? You may have forgotten that I also came out of Valentino, so I am not a devout Christian.

You are not a devout believer, what kind of priest do you think you are?

Arthur felt really sorry for those who had been sent away by the priest.

After all, those people would definitely never see Jesus.

"I have a task for you here. Are you interested in making some extra money?"

The priest didn't pay attention to Arthur's strange expression, but directly issued the mission.

Arthur glanced at him and then turned to look at Zhucun sitting in the distance. It seemed that the other party was about to be solved.

"I came here this time because I have something to do, so I may not be able to pick it up."

The priest glanced at Zhucun and said: "It should be quick for you, but it may not be over for a while. When old friends meet, they always have to chat a little more, right?"

Arthur's mouth twitched slightly after hearing these words about meeting old friends.

He believed that the old friend in Zhucun would never like this word, because Arthur could already see that the old friend's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Takemura seemed to be a traditional villain in Night City, with a sarcastic smile on his face, and he didn't know who was the good guy and who was the bad guy.

But it really doesn't look like this will end in a short time. After all, Takemura is a person who likes to have everything under control.

This is a bad habit left over from my days as a bodyguard.

Therefore, in order to ensure the stable progress of memorization, Takemura will carefully plan every step and try to account for everything.

It really shouldn’t be over without three or four hours.

"Okay, so what do you want, Father?"

"A client wants to acquire someone else's earthly treasure, specifically, you are going to steal one of Kerry Rodeon's guitars.

"Um, Charter Hill?"

"No, no, no, I don't want you, a crazy child of God, to go to that place and kill everyone. It's actually No. 1702 on the 17th floor of the Lobos Street apartment building."

Arthur scratched his head, feeling offended.

But the priest continued to preach: "There was a rock band in the 1920s called Wudai!"

"You may have heard of them. They're just a bunch of kids with no energy to use. They smoke too much and think they're making music."

"For some reason, people still listen to their songs to this day, so the world has to end, and there are only a few days left."

Arthur scratched his head even more when he heard this.

If Johnny Silverhand had to twist off the priest's head here, and then yell crazily in his ears: "...Do you fucking understand music?"

"There is a crazy fan who collects a lot of band merchandise. His name is Gaston Slayton. He is a crazy fan. You go and get his guitar, and then the money will flow into your account like a river."

Arthur touched his chin and was about to nod in agreement, but found that he didn't seem to have signed in today.

"Sign in today!"

[Ding~Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and gaining music knowledge!]

Arthur only felt that his brain was swollen, and he also had a lot of music knowledge in his brain.

It's a pity that these gadgets are not of much use in Night City.

He also wanted to awaken the sleeping people.


"Well, can I take this guitar?"

The priest was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he learned from the mercenary that the mercenary wanted something from his employer.

He has been an intermediary for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a case.

At this moment (Zhao Li's) almost burned out his CPU.

After a while, the priest took a sip of whiskey and said: "Are you also a fool of that band...ahem, fan?"

Arthur touched his chin, remembering the scene of Johnny Silverhand running around with his penis exposed.

"Well, I'm probably not a fan of that band!"

The priest scratched the back of his head, and after a while he said: "If you want it, I'll just cancel this mission, just say that the guitar was stolen by someone else, and I can't find its whereabouts yet. "

"But Arthur, can you be more reliable? Have you forgotten your principles as a mercenary?"

Arthur shrugged, picked up the priest's wine bottle, and blew into his mouth.

The priest drank from a wine bottle, which of course belonged to Arthur.

"You think I want to be a mercenary? Not yet...forget it, you don't really understand.

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