Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 292 Do You Know You Have A Great Son?

Ike paused in front of the gate.

He wanted to take a serious step and return to that stable life.

Although that life is not that great, it is only a little better than the homeless people on the street.

There is such a home in a slum, and there is so little food to eat.

But...can we really go back?

What's more, he has such a high reputation in the factory, I am definitely much better than ordinary workers.

In fact, he vaguely noticed that there was something wrong with the company where he worked.

For example, employees frequently resign.

He had obviously only been working for a few months, but within these few months he would frequently suffer work-related injuries, and eventually disappear without a trace.

The people in management said they resigned.

But this kind of reason can only deceive those passionate young mercenaries in Night City.

It is impossible to deceive people like them who work at the bottom every day.

Because working in Night City is important.

It is the last piece of bread in the hands of the poor. For this piece of bread, the poor are willing to do anything. 11

Even if all the parts on his body are replaced, even if he needs a loan to buy a prosthetic body.

And he has only worked in the factory for about a year, but in a strict sense he is already one of the oldest employees in the entire factory.

It is precisely because of this that he became the leader of factory workers.

In addition to employees who frequently resign, the other thing is that the technical level has clearly exceeded the company's carrying capacity.

Logically speaking, intelligent robots can be regarded as the highest level of technology in the society of 2077.

But the problem is that although it is a small company, its main product is intelligent robots.

And the strange thing is that no one from Military Technology or Arasaka has ever come to walk their dog near this company.

He had heard that the Umbrella, which had recently become famous in Night City, was frequently visited by people with military technology and people from Arasaka.

Arthur was not in a hurry, just looked at the other person standing at the door like a sculpture, and said to Johnny Silverhand: "Have you seen your big boy?"


Johnny Silverhand was instantly confused.

Although he is sentimental and a scumbag, he pays great attention to his own safety.

After all, this is Night City, and viruses related to that aspect are quite popular in the entire Night City.

Many people have replaced their small steel cannons for this reason.

Although Johnny Silverhand has not changed, he usually also has safety facilities.

What's more, he was a person from forty or fifty years ago.

Where did such a big boy come from?

Even if you have one, that would be a great grandchild!

"Zhuo, look at what kind of human language you are talking about?"

"I've been sleeping in a coffin for forty or fifty years, so what? I can still worry about reproduction and giving birth to a child for you in that broken server?"

Arthur touched his nose awkwardly.

At the beginning, he just used Johnny Silverhand's genes out of curiosity.

It was impossible for Bartmos to use it. At that time, he could just go out and find a random worker in the laboratory.

So I just used what I had on hand.

"Ahem, that's Tony. He's the one who drinks drunkenly in the afterlife bar every day, saying that he is experiencing the meaning of life."


Johnny Silverhand basically goes to the Afterlife Bar to see Roger these days. Of course, he actually goes there to drink.

After all, there is nothing for him to drink in the Taipingzhou factory.

Arthur also does not allow his workers to drink on the job.

He was not allowed to enter Arthur's office, and the office staff in other offices did not have the habit of drinking.

So he usually goes to the kitchen to steal cooking wine and drink it.

After all, although Arthur's body is that of a Westerner, of course he doesn't actually have much meat, otherwise he wouldn't suffer from cyberpsychosis.

But Arthur still retained his eating habits. Fortunately, there are no dogs in Night City, otherwise dogs would have to raise their middle fingers to the food in Night City.

When you meet Rogge, don't you have to have a good time?

So he also had a little impression of the young man who drank crazily in the Afterlife Bar.

After all, it is rare for people to be so crazy about their lives.

"You mean that guy's name is Tony, he's in his twenties, and every day feels like he's living in the afterlife."

"If I don't get married, I don't know where I'll work. I have to drink every day and I'll be closed to the next life. I smoke until my blood doesn't have any platelets in it."

"I am very energetic every day and only sleep for 3 hours. Before going to bed, I must drink one cup and another cup of caffeine, and then drive for an hour or two until I am exhausted before lying on the bed. Isn't it difficult?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"How could this man be my son?"

Johnny Silverhand expressed his objections with a very surprised expression.

The more Arthur listened, the weirder his expression became.

If Johnny Silverhand hadn't said that he was talking about Tony, Arthur would have thought that Johnny Silverhand was describing himself.

To a certain extent, even with this indifferent attitude, Arthur didn't believe that he was not Johnny Silverhand's son.

The main reason why Arthur allowed the real-life version of Delamain, that is, Tony, to drink and die in the bar of the afterlife is that Arthur now has one more of him, no more and no less of him.

If the other party is addicted to wine and sex, it can also reduce the threat the other party poses to you.

What's more, if you want to understand human beings, you must understand human enjoyment.

As for human suffering….

Forget it, all the Satans in hell have to come to Night City to study and visit.

That kind of life is not what people should live, so there is no need to learn about suffering. It is good to watch videos and texts on the Internet.

"So, how does he not look like your son anymore?"

"Of course...well, it makes sense, I can't even refute it!"

Johnny Silverhand was immediately like a cat with hairy hair. He wanted to refute Arthur directly, but he hesitated for a long time, and finally sat on the chair dejectedly.

He thought for three or four minutes but couldn't find any flaws.

"No, nine out of ten points are wrong!"

"No matter how much he looks like me, he can't be my son!"

Arthur rolled his eyes and then said: "That's Draman, that talking broken car in Night City.

"I made a deal with him before. I used your genes to make a body for him to use."

"Later he was discovered by Rogge, so I said he was a clone cloned by Arasaka using your genes.

Johnny Silverhand's face turned dark instantly.

Although Dramain was not technically his son.

After all, the word "family" does not stop at bloodlines.

There is also an emotional investment in this.

This is especially true for an artist.

But even if he wasn't his son, his own blood was indeed flowing on him.

It seemed like he had to take some time to go back and take control.

Johnny Silverhand suddenly remembered Arthur's great son David.

That's a nice tool guy.

He felt that he also needed a tool to help him deal with some troublesome chores.

After all, his father is busy outside, how can his son be drunk and dreaming at home?

That's not fair!.

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