Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 305 Silence And Explosion!

Mann looked around and saw that there was no intact corpse. He couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"To be honest, you are really mentally ill. How could anyone kill someone with such violent means?"

"Can't you bring a gun? If you really have no money, why don't I buy one and give it to you?"

Arthur shook his head and took a deep breath of cigarette before slowly blowing out a smoke ring: "That thing doesn't work!"

As he spoke, Arthur took out his golden fist blade.

"This thing kills you with one strike. I prefer close combat! What's more, as you know, guns can't keep up with my speed. They're just rubbish. I'll find a good gun for you later."

Mann's face suddenly turned red.

He just uses a gun now, doesn't that mean he's also trash?

But what Arthur said was correct, and he couldn't refute it.

The guns in this world are actually very powerful, but for powerful people, these guns are very useless.

There are three main types of guns in Night City.

One is a kinetic weapon, the other is a technical weapon, and the other is a smart weapon led by Kang Tao.

Kinetic weapons are very simple. In fact, they are not much different from the guns in the world before Arthur traveled. The only difference is that you can use a special plug-in to calculate the ricochet point of the bullet, so you can point east and hit west.

Technical weapons use electromagnetic energy to push all-metal ammunition to extreme speeds, which can usually penetrate rock or walls.

Smart weapons are actually not very smart. They use bullet-tracking technology. The firearm body is just a carrier used to process data and stimulate the launch of ammunition.

But no matter which one they are, these weapons are too weak for Arthur. The first point is insufficient speed, the second point is insufficient power, and the third point is insufficient ammunition.

Insufficient speed means that the speed at which these bullets are fired cannot keep up with the speed at which Arthur's enemies run away.

Like Adam's Hammer, he can easily dodge these bullets, no matter what kind of firearm it is.

The second type is that it is not powerful enough. For example, Adam's Hammer is covered in metal blocks, even if other agents are wearing protective suits or special prosthetics.

One or two bullets are simply not enough to kill.

There is also not enough ammunition, although you can increase the amount of ammunition by connecting to a special expansion magazine.

But with too much ammunition, it becomes extremely heavy.

Arthur didn't want to carry a huge backpack all over Night City.

Therefore, these points led him to only use the mantis knife or fist blade in his hand.

Because there is nothing that can be done about it.

But it's not that Arthur doesn't have guns on his body. He also has a small pistol. He plans to shoot himself in the head one day when he does many evil things and a righteous person comes to his door.

Your own sinful life can only be ended by yourself.

Arthur's eyes lit up and he opened all the surrounding doors, and the numb women slowly walked out of the observation room.

He looked at the bloody scene outside without any expression.

Arthur stretched out his hand and opened a cabinet next to him. There was a researcher in a white coat hiding inside.

"Oh, you're not hiding very well. Remember to hide better next time in the hide-and-seek competition. I won this time!"

"Please let me go, who are you..."

"Then as punishment..."

Arthur ignored the whining of the researcher in a white coat and threw him directly to the ground.

He stretched out his feet and crushed the opponent's limbs.

The sound of broken limbs filled the entire space, and the women seemed to be awakened by these sounds and slowly looked at the researchers who were lying on the ground and wailing.

Arthur blew out a smoke ring lightly, glanced at the time below himself and said, "You still have about fifteen minutes. After this matter is over, I will give you a new life, maybe... Maybe you can start over?"

"But before starting again, you may need to let go of the past, so please do it yourself..."

After Arthur finished speaking, he turned around and walked away, taking three or two steps to the side of the elevator to make room for these women.

Mann even kicked the researcher before leaving, followed Arthur and took a deep breath of his cigar to clear his lungs.

"I didn't believe people in the factory said you were a savior before, but now you look like a savior."

"Zhuo, if you talk to me about being a savior again, I'll fight you! Believe it or not, I'll fire you?!!! Do you know how to talk to the boss?"

Arthur was furious. He could endure anything but this savior.

What world do you want to save? What Lord do you want to save?

Does this world still need saving? Does this world still need a savior?

This world does not need saving, so it does not need a savior!

Arthur wants to replace Saburo Arasaka, not overthrow him!

…Please give me flowers…

What a savior!

"Haha, it's whatever you say. Boss has become a little more humane than before since you returned to Night City."

Arthur rolled his eyes immediately. He felt that he had to recruit some company dogs.

Because corporate dogs have no bottom line.

But the company dog ​​is not without its advantages. His advantage is that he has no bottom line.

Therefore, corporate dogs with no bottom line lick people in the same way.

After all, when you talk and do things in the company, even if you go to the toilet to pee, you have to think carefully about whether doing so will be harmful to yourself.

Use any means to climb to the top of these tall buildings.

Isn't it just kneeling and licking?

If it really doesn’t work, you can still sacrifice your butt!


"Do you think they will take action?"

Mann saw Arthur staring at the opposite side, and also focused his eyes on the group of women.

The prosthetics on these women were of a type he had never seen before.

Of course there is no company logo on it either.

You don't need to think about it to know that it must be a small-batch product that came out of the laboratory.

And in the small open space on the opposite side, only the researcher's wailing was left.

The other women kept staring at him without making any move.

It was obviously very noisy, but Arthur felt unusually quiet.

Time passed like this minute by minute, and soon there were only ten minutes left in fifteen minutes.

Arthur stretched out his hand and said loudly: "You have five minutes left. In five minutes we will leave here. After five minutes, you will get up even when you go to bed at night and can't help but slap yourselves in the mouth." Son, do whatever you want to do quickly!"

Arthur urged him a little, and sure enough, the next moment, a blond girl slowly walked out of the crowd.

She did not let out a shrill howl and rush forward, but silently walked up to the researcher, squatted down, picked up the other person's hand, and then bit it hard.


The researcher screamed suddenly, but the girl did not stop and still bit firmly and hard.

She even grinded her teeth and finally bit off a piece of meat from the man's hand. The girl chewed it hard and swallowed it.

Silently, he stepped over the researcher and stood in front of Arthur. .

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