Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 314 The Encounter In Night City!

So the market and costs are all here.

Arthur is confident that he can build the largest weapons production base in Bald Eagle within a year.

Plus system help.

It is not impossible to grow into a world giant in a year and a half.

If Bartmos had been stronger and exploded in advance, people like Military Technology would not be able to notice him.

Then it doesn’t even take a year and a half.

In the next half year of brutal expansion, Arthur can grow into the world's top giant.

Arthur does not lack technology and skills, what he lacks is time and a stable environment.

But you have to grab these things on your own.

"The brave will be starved to death, and the coward will be starved to death. I am willing to help you take back the law enforcement power of Night City."

"But I have to take at least 30% of the quota in the ncpd. In addition, I have to add a little bit to your idea of ​​selling Night City at a good price."

"I need you to wait another year and a half before making a decision, and Umbrella will rise like a man who took the little blue pill.

"It's better to sell it to me than to sell it to military technology, isn't it?"

Night City can be said to be the most worth buying city in the entire world, and it is also the only city where it is possible to buy it.

As for other places, the new bald eagles would not sell their capital to Arthur anyway.

The reason why I want to buy 050 is because development requires talents. Talents are hidden among the population.

Behind military technology is New Bald Eagle, and the talents of New Bald Eagle are basically used by military technology.

This is true of Kang Tao, and so is Arasaka.

It's just that one has a keel behind it, and the other has neon behind it.

"Thirty percent... OK, I agree, but you have to promise me that this power should be handed over to me for safekeeping when you don't use it!"

Arthur shrugged his shoulders, nodded and agreed to the matter without hesitation.

Anyway, it’s just a pie in the sky.

When Arthur doesn't let his men move, can Lucius still be able to solve this problem?

This is obviously impossible.

So Lucius also knew that he was just putting all this above Arthur's character.

After a while, Arthur got a new notification plan and walked out of the door of the city hall.

As soon as I walked out, I saw many police officers patrolling and standing guard outside the gate.

One after another, the noise filled the surroundings, making it difficult not to listen.


"We firmly oppose combat aircraft carriers entering the seaside of Night City!"

"We firmly oppose the fifth corporate war!"

"We firmly oppose lowering hourly wages!"

"We firmly oppose the existence of Twisted Street!"

"We are determined... Zhuo, what do you say? Do you know that Twisted Street is the only meaning of my life in this world? Beat him!!!"

Arthur's mouth twitched when he heard it, and soon he saw that the crowd became a little confused.

However, order was restored after two or three minutes and the protest continued.

But they can only hold up signs at the door.

It can only be said that these people are still too peaceful.

Wherever he looked like the bald eagle of old, with a wave of his hand, a group of people rushed into the Capitol.

Not to mention these people are from the Capitol Building, they don’t even dare to attack the City Hall of Night City!

What a waste!

Arthur scratched his head and walked out quickly.

"Mr. Arthur!"

Just when Arthur was about to leave, a little old man wearing sunglasses appeared in front of Arthur.

Although the other party's transformation is quite deep, you can still tell the other person's race through his skin color.

Coupled with the black windbreaker and the lingering smell on his body, Arthur recognized him at a glance.

"Police Officer Han?"

Arthur looked up and down at the other party in confusion, not sure what the other party wanted to do with him.

But what is certain is that the other party is definitely not from Lucius's side.

"Mr. Arthur, I suggest you not to get involved in some meaningless things."

"This won't do you any good. People who are nosy in Night City can easily die, don't you think?"

Officer Han still looked indifferent.

It seems that this is the only way to highlight his abilities.

Arthur looked at the other person up and down. He still overestimated the quality of the people in Night City.

Maybe it's because Arthur has had more contact with high-level people recently. He either drinks coffee or is polite every day.

Now, Arthur was actually a little angry when he suddenly met an rude and low-quality person.

Officer Han's eyes were also full of warning.

Obviously, if Arthur does not agree to the other party's words, the other party is likely to attack Arthur in some special areas.

Of course, this kind of thing is extremely common in Night City.

It's nothing more than dirty tricks such as paying for murder, poisoning and assassination, which doesn't bring much publicity.

"Zhuo, who the hell do you think you are?"

"Go home and eat the donuts your mother made for you, and don't block my way out here!"

"Look, there's a cow in the sky. If you keep blowing it, it's going to explode!"

"And if you stop blocking me again, I guarantee that you will appear in that smelly ditch at this time tomorrow to have a good feel of man and nature!"

Arthur rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand, and pushed Officer Han aside.

He was such a bastard that cats and dogs dared to come to him and say these weird things.

Neither Arasaka Yorinobu nor Arasaka Michiko dared to do this to themselves.

These vile things still dare to brag here.

But Arthur had just reached out and pushed, and Officer Han fell directly in front of Arthur.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

"The police are being attacked, the police are being attacked, call for backup, call for backup!"

Officer Han was seen lying on the ground and immediately covering the arm that Arthur had just touched.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and started howling at the top of his lungs.

Those who didn't know better thought that someone wanted to do that to him.

The corner of Arthur's mouth twitched, and his face instantly turned dark.

"Okay, okay, you're playing like this, right?"

This scene was so magical that Arthur didn't even think such a thing could happen in this world.

Arthur had heard others talk about this kind of thing before traveling through time, but he had never encountered it before.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter these things after entering this cyberpunk world!

You must know that the people in Night City are extremely irritable, and they will directly take action if they disagree. Whoever wins will be able to pronounce justice on his behalf!

In this kind of environment, who dares to touch porcelain? If you touch porcelain, you have to go directly to find your grandmother.

But today this kind of thing really happened in front of Arthur!

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