In fact, the feasibility of this plan is very low.

Unbelievably low.

Even if Hanako Arasaka didn't know that his brother was responsible for the life and death of Saburo Arasaka.

The probability that she believed Zhu Cun was only less than one percent.

Just think about it and you will know that on one side is your brother who you have been with for who knows how many years and who is related by blood.

On the other side are the lackeys who are wanted by their own group.

A casual thought should tell you which side is more trustworthy.

Not to mention that Hanako Arasaka actually knew about this matter. The reason why she was able to act calmly was because she felt that the overall situation was under control.

Actually she was wrong.

Hanako Arasaka seriously underestimated his brother, who used to be a spirited boy outside every day.

This brother of his has been out there for so many years, not just to pick up flowers and ride will-o'-the-wisps, but also to randomly find a few little girls to visit Lao Deng.

What he has learned the most in these years outside is that the attack must be terrible and how ruthless it must be.

The current Arasaka Yorinobu just hasn't come back to his senses yet.

As long as Hanako Arasaka threatens his plan, he will actually imprison Hanako Arasaka even if he does not kill him.

But giving it a try is always necessary.

There are some things you'll never know are possible until you do them.

If you do, it might turn into a corpse.

Of course, Takemura's purpose is not for success, but for revenge.

So the Avengers are dead when they die.

I have to say that the Neon Man’s view of life and death is very strange.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon, Hanako Arasaka on the opposite side woke up.

After taking a moment to look at her surroundings, she immediately returned to her calm state.

There wasn't even a hint of panic on his face.

He crossed his arms with his chest and was wearing a feather fabric.

It seems that Night City seems to be a little cold this year, and I don't know if it's because the rotten air conditioner in this shabby apartment has been running for more than ten years.

"Miss Hanako?!"

Takemura said hello after seeing this scene. This is a habit he has developed over the years.

A loyal dog must be raised from an early age to have this kind of aura.

After Hanako Arasaka glanced at Goro Takemura, his eyes narrowed but immediately returned to normal.

"I have nothing to talk to you Goro! You are now an enemy wanted by Arasaka!"

"If you let me go now, I can pretend that nothing happened and ensure that you can continue to live.

"Although my father's death has shown me that you are an incompetent bodyguard, I am still willing to let you go for the sake of your face over the years!"

What is it like to live in a wealthy family since childhood?

Is it cool?

If you want to say this, it's actually quite cool.

But actually living in this cyberpunk world and being born into a rich family is sometimes not a good thing.

Just looking at Hanako Arasaka's attitude, you know that she was kidnapped not once or twice.

Goro Takemura suddenly felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

For a moment, it was almost painful to speak. The blame that Arasaka Yorinobu put on him made him hesitate to speak.

Finally, Takemura stretched out his hand and then opened his palm. Inside was a Separation Core E.

"I know it was my fault in protecting him. It's my fault that Mr. Saburo Arasaka passed away this time!"

"Originally, I should have committed suicide by caesarean section to save all my dignity!"

"But I must make the truth known to the public. This is the evidence that that bastard Arasaka Yorinobu killed Saburo-sama!"

Goro Takemura handed the chip forward in his hand.

Hanako Arasaka immediately looked up and down Takemura Goro.

Why hadn't she noticed before that this guy actually had some talent for criminal investigation?

It is not an easy thing to find such evidence in such a large Night City.

Generally speaking, the larger the event, the less likely it is to leave any clues.

For example, if you send someone to assassinate a senior executive of a certain company, then of course the first thing to do after the assassination is to humanely destroy the killer.

By the way, I told him that after you leave, I will take care of your wife, so don’t worry about it!

The real world is not some royal comic novel.

There is no such skill as explosive seeding.

Hanako Arasaka stretched out his hand and took the chip, then looked up and down in his hand and said: "How do I know if there is any neurovirus installed in this? 17

In fact, Hanako Arasaka already believed that this was indeed evidence.

The reason why I believe it so easily is of course because dogs cannot lie.

Goro Takemura is the dog raised by Saburo Arasaka.

But this kind of thing is not something you can watch casually. If you don’t watch it, you can just pretend that you don’t know or don’t know.

I don't know what to do if I ask three questions.

But if she sees it, then she will be completely opposite to Arasaka Yoriken. This is not the Neon headquarters, but the Night City branch.

Although she firmly believes that she will not die, but...who knows?

"Miss Hanako, this is the evidence that I got with great difficulty, and I put in a lot of effort for it!"

"You can take a look. I guarantee with my life that there will definitely be no neurological virus in this!"

Takemura Goro suddenly became anxious.

He got this with great difficulty, so he also helped Arthur do several dirty jobs.

If he was really rejected, he wouldn't know where to cry.

What's more, he himself has no way to take revenge and can only place his hope on Hanako Arasaka.

After Hanako Arasaka looked at the chip up and down, he unexpectedly discovered that there was an octagonal logo on the chip.

This is not a separate chip produced by the Arasaka factory, but a specially customized product by another 940 company...

She always felt like she had seen it somewhere...

Just when Goro Takemura was spinning back and forth like his butt was on fire, just when Hanako Huangban was thinking about where he had seen this red and white octagonal logo...


"Hands up, this is Arasaka Security. Fearless resistance will have no effect!"

The next moment, a floating vehicle crashed directly into the open space next to it, accompanied by the roar of the floating vehicle's engine.

Warning sounds began to sound throughout the building.

The horn on the float car was howling desperately, and the red and blue lights seemed to blind people's eyes in this dark environment.


The next moment, accompanied by a steam-like sound, the hatch of the floating vehicle was immediately opened.

One after another, Arasaka security members holding heavy equipment and wearing body armor to wrap themselves up like dumplings slowly walked out of the car.

Every step was extremely firm, as if no one could resist their attack.

The elite aura was filled in an instant.

After seeing this scene, Goro Takemura immediately said to Hanako Arasaka next to him: "I will resign first. Please see this separation chip, Ms. Hanako. If I want to be disadvantageous to you, I would have done it as early as on the mountain carriage." Will take action!"

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