Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 330 Accept The Commission!

"Okay, okay, then, young lady, what do you want to do?"

"You can call me a lark!"

Song Zhaomei said her code name without hesitation, but the current situation was obviously completely different from what she understood.

Arthur touched his chin and said, "So, Miss Lark, what do you want?"

Song Zhaomei hesitated for a moment and then said: "Now you are our only contact person above the ground. I need you to rescue the new Bald Eagle President! -"

Arthur looked at the high, airtight wall in the distance, and then looked at himself all over.


Arthur touched his chin and began to think.

Saving the president is both a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that Arthur has climbed to the top, but the bad thing is that this university is a military technology.

"Hmm...and what's your price?"

"As a citizen of New Bald Eagle..."

"Sorry, I'm from Night City. Night City is a free city, and the core bald eagle can't hit it with a pole!"

Arthur immediately shook his head. Don't ask this question to him, even if he asked the homeless people outside, they would say the same thing.

Because the new bald eagle is actually not a good thing.

To a certain extent, New Bald Eagle is much more disgusting than large companies like Military Technology and Huangcheng Group.

Because when companies ask others to do some things, they will say don’t worry, I will give you an offer you can’t refuse.

The new bald eagle will say, think about your family and so on.

.......what do you want?"

"Oh, let's talk about it. I'll see that little girl talk to her in person when the time comes, and I'll go there myself!"

Arthur smiled. He didn't know what he wanted yet, but this favor was not so easy to repay.

He wouldn't be Arthur if he didn't take a hard look at the new bald eagle!

Of course, Arthur doesn't actually need any high-end technology now, because the high-end technology system will provide it.

What Arthur lacked was raw materials.

In this world, whether it is water, food, or minerals, almost all are monopolized by large companies.

Not everyone can get favorable prices from these big companies.

Monopoly is about making money.

If monopolies can't make money, why do they spend so much time fighting corporate wars in the first place?

"Why are you standing here motionless?"

Arthur was standing there deep in thought, when Johnny Silverhand walked over wearing a tattered exoskeleton.

After seeing Arthur's appearance, he complained and took a sip of tequila.

Apparently this is his favorite drink.

Ever since he left the Umbrella Company, he felt uncomfortable every day if he didn't drink some wine.

It was as if he had been poisoned.

Arthur looked at Johnny Silverhand next to him and said: "Robert, now I'll give you a chance to return to the army!"

"No, no, no, no, no, I'm still planning to overthrow corrupt companies and governments. Now you want me to return to the New Bald Eagle's army? Don't you know I'm a deserter? I'm going to court martial!"

Johnny Silverhand immediately raised his middle finger, and then quickly disappeared in front of Arthur.

Arthur blinked his lips.

Then he shook his head, took a motorcycle from the side and sat on it.

This is the car that was originally given to Arthur by the Rangers Camp and was given to David by Arthur.

It's just that David hasn't been driving much lately.

So the key is back in Arthur's hands.

Arthur turned the accelerator, and the next moment he flew out, like a mad dog heading towards Dog Town.

Dogtown is a magical place.

In a sense, its existence gives the people of Night City a second chance.

No matter what big mistake you made in Night City.

As long as you enter Dog Town, you can escape everything.

Whether it's borrowing money from usury, leaking information, stealing company property, or having sex with young ladies for free.

As long as you enter this place, you can avoid more than 80% of disasters. The gangs outside do not exist here.

Except for the kidney removal of course.

It's actually not that difficult to get into this place.

Just like entering Night City, walk over, insert the scan, give your identity information, register your ID, and tell the reason for coming in. That's it.

The process is very formal.

This is of course because the people here used to be military technology or the military under the new United States.

Not some Six Street Gang.

He is a real soldier with an orthodox heritage!

As soon as Biao came to the entrance and exit of Dog Town, he found that the place was already under strict control.

There are two NCPDs around, one of them is talking to the ghost dog without knowing whether he is alive or dead.

The Nether Dogs are actually the troops under Hansen. They all use fluorescent green as their base color, which is so conspicuous that it almost glows.

Asking for flowers...

Whether it was weapons or body armor, Arthur even suspected that their underwear was the same color.

"Get out of here, this is Dog Town..."

Arthur knew exactly what was going on after just one casual sentence.

The new police officer in Night City, who did not know whether to live or die, wanted to execute his position in Night City to hunt down the fugitives, but the fugitives entered Dog Town.

As a result, when they wanted to enter, they were stopped by these ghost dogs.

So it should be theory now.

Song Zhaomei's figure suddenly appeared. She crossed her arms and looked around, then pointed to a remote road not far away.

"There is a passage over there that was used by others for smuggling. It has been blocked. If you want to go in, you can go over there..."

It sounds strange.

Obviously Dog Town is a big smuggling area, but the problem is that there are still people who smuggle things in from outside.

And it's also the sneaky kind.

Arthur looked at the alley in the distance and shook his head.

After all, he is a respectable person and there is no need to follow this path.

Arthur strode to the checkpoint like this. The ghost dog in front of him stretched out his hand and stopped Arthur's progress with a solemn look.

"Sir, the ticket inspection has stopped here. If you want to enter, you may be able to do so later."

Although he didn't know Arthur, he could scan that the other person's body was filled with prosthetic bodies that couldn't be named.

And coupled with that exoskeleton, it's a miracle that the other party didn't go crazy under such circumstances.

What should I do if my words are so intense that I irritate the other person?

Arthur took out a cigarette, lit it for himself and said, "Wait a minute, I'll make a call and have someone apply for my identity!"

Arthur directly dialed the number of Taipingzhou's middleman Hanz.

This guy used to be a person full of ideals.

He wants to change Taipingzhou, then change Night City, then change Bald Eagle, and finally change the whole world.

It's a pity that he only changed himself, so he became frustrated and became a middleman.

The other party lives in Dog Town, and he still has contacts and friendship with Se.

After all, Arthur's territory is here in Taipingzhou, and everything must be done with the owner's consent, right?

So Arthur felt that an identity was not a problem. .

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