Arthur scratched the back of his head when he heard Spanish. Although he didn't understand it, it didn't matter. Thanks to the popularity of brain-computer systems, most people in this world have been freed from the trouble of learning foreign languages.

The brain-computer system will translate what you hear and then output it to your prosthetic eyes, then you will have subtitles just like watching a movie.

Arthur pushed open the door of the prosthetic clinic and walked in. When he entered, he saw a strong man lying on the operating table. There was a trace of pain on the man's face, as if he had lost his partner, and Lao Wei held a hand in his hand. He was working nearby with a hammer and a few nails. He didn't know what kind of construction site he thought this was.

I have to say that the doctors in Night City are really awesome. They are really using local methods and they look extremely unprofessional.

But he can cure it well. To this extent, he is a miracle doctor.

Looking at the operation of driving nails into bones, the corners of Arthur's mouth twitched slightly because he recalled some not-so-good memories.

"Hey, Lao Wei, are you doing some decoration?"

Arthur, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but complained directly. When the buddy lying on the operating table saw Arthur, the corners of his mouth suddenly split open.

"Hermanos (brother), I told you that you came here for medical treatment. Look at Lao Wei's strong arms. He can heal you well at a glance, as if they are brand new from the factory."

Arthur's brows jumped again when he heard this sentence. Good guy, why is this sentence so unconvincing?

Look at the hammer in Lao Wei's hand, as well as the nails and the saws, scalpels and other things placed on the mobile trolley next to it. Just looking at it makes people's scalp numb. It's even more shocking than the scavenger's warehouse. .

If he hadn't really known Lao Wei, he might have been scared away by this sentence.

After hearing this, Lao Wei ignored Arthur, but looked at the guy lying on the bed and said, "Do you know what a black hand is?"

That guy was quite humorous. After hearing what Lao Wei said, he immediately became interested and said, "I know, Morgan is the mastermind!"

Victor's mouth twitched, as did Arthur's, and then he saw the hammer in Victor's hand tilted and hit the man's hand without hitting a nail.


The next moment, a miserable howl came out, just like killing a pig, which made Arthur feel a little trembling in his heart.

Sure enough, it's better not to offend the doctor or anything else.

Victor is so strong that he will probably need two more nails if he goes down at once.

"What's that? Lao Wei, you go ahead and do your work. I'm just here to borrow some equipment and process some things."

Arthur touched his nose awkwardly, then came to the workbench that Victor placed next to him, casually took out a normal chip from the drawer, placed it on the table, and began to modify it. stand up.

Although Victor is not a mechanic, it is actually quite normal for a prosthetic doctor to modify his prosthetic body.

Because there are always some people who have some weird needs, such as installing a small steel cannon or something. The one that normally leaves the factory is already very big, but they still think it is too small, and they insist on adding a layer of iron sheet on top. Something like that.

Even if you tell him that adding a layer of iron sheet will probably lead to poor heat dissipation and eventually a fire, he still insists on adding this layer of iron sheet.

The people of Night City always focus their attention on such strange places.

Victor didn't care about Arthur, he was messing around in his studio. We had been together for many years and he knew that Arthur sometimes liked to DIY some of his own equipment.

He just introduced his buddy lying on the bed to Arthur.

"This is Jack's new mercenary. If you have time, you can take him with you."

Arthur raised his head when he heard the voice. In fact, he had recognized Jack a long time ago, but if Victor didn't introduce him, it would be hard for him to say hello. After all, he wasn't familiar with others.

In Night City, if you are not familiar with someone, it is best not to greet them casually.

Because he is very likely to have something hidden in his mind, such as peeking at the widow taking a bath. Being suspicious, he is likely to give you a hard slap on your waist to show you that people can actually live without one waist. of.

"That's Arthur over there, a very old-school mercenary. When you were a child, he was galloping around the Night City. He is an out-and-out cybermaniac, but he is experienced enough to lead you as a novice. ”

After Victor introduced Jack, he introduced Arthur.

After Arthur heard Victor's introduction to him, he immediately complained: "My cyberpsychosis has been cured. Can you please stop mentioning this? My reputation will be ruined by you. The person I met recently Everyone says I have a cyber psychosis."

Victor's expression immediately changed when he heard this. Arthur was actually able to say such things. He stayed in his own prosthetic clinic all day long. He never left the front door or stepped outside, which was even more pornographic than a pornographic girl. Big girl.

It's obvious that Arthur's cyberpsychosis hasn't healed yet, and he caused some big trouble in Night City, so he was called cyberpsycho!

"Hello Jack, I heard that Mrs. Wells from the Wolf Bar has a child named Jack. Could it be you?"

"You know my mother?"

Victor smiled next to him and said, "Well, Arthur's name is on the blacklist of the Wild Wolf Bar, but that was more than ten years ago. Maybe the blacklist is no longer valid?"

Arthur shrugged and said: "At that time, I was obviously helping Mrs. Wells eliminate the threat, but Mrs. Wells actually put me on the blacklist. It is simply unreasonable. Fortunately, I am still a regular customer there."

After hearing this, Victor almost laughed angrily and told the truth about that year.

"What you mean by eliminating the threat is to use weapons of mass destruction directly in the Wild Wolf Bar, and almost bomb the Wild Wolf Bar into the sky?"

When Jack heard this, he was completely confused. Is this man so fierce?

You must know that Mrs. Wells is not an easy-to-talk character. Being able to open a bar in a place where there are more gang members than ordinary people is a symbol of strength.

What's more, Jack is still a member who quit the Valentino Gang. Is the gang a kind of toilet where you can get in and out whenever you want?

If everyone operates like this, how can Valentino dominate one side? You have to know that the little brother who died is very important.

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