The doctor was very surprised.

"Hey, why are you sneaking around in there with a prosthetic body? Did you do something?"

Seeing Rocky coming out, the Tiger Claw member who accompanied him couldn't help but question him.

Generally speaking, few prosthetic doctors in the underground clinics in Night City are clean. If you are not a particularly familiar doctor, it is the right choice to be wary of him.

But Rocky is obviously not one of them, and he doesn't like others questioning him.

Glancing at the aggressive Tiger Claws, Rocky said coldly: "First, you can question my skills, but you can't question my character. If it weren't for Wakako, I would have asked you to get out now.

Of course, if what you mean by tampering is to completely refurbish the prosthesis, then I did it."

After saying that, Rocky ignored him and started installing the prosthesis.

The man didn't expect Rocky to respond like this, and after hearing Rocky's reply, he didn't say anything else.

It was indeed as he said, at least the prosthesis Rocky took out looked brand new instead of being replaced with a worse second-hand one.

As for whether it was replaced with other qualities, you will know it after the prosthesis is installed.

The process of installing the prosthesis is not complicated. For a skilled prosthesis doctor, it is as simple as changing a SIM card for a mobile phone. Soon Rocky completed the installation.

As the prosthesis was connected to the personal system, various parameters were read one by one, and it was indeed his original prosthesis.

"No problem, it's my prosthesis. But why does it look so new?"

After feeling the brand new Mantis Blade prosthesis, the Tiger Claw Gang member lying on the operating table couldn't help but wonder.

And Rocky calmly explained: "My store focuses on conscientious business. We repair the prosthesis and provide you with a full set of maintenance for free."

After hearing Rocky's explanation, the customer immediately felt that this business was worth it. Not only was the price right, but the service was also in place.

Then Rocky began to implant the bionic skin into the prosthesis and repaired the damaged parts. So far, the entire operation process was perfectly completed.

Looking at the intact and brand new prosthesis, the customer expressed great satisfaction. After receiving the transfer, Rocky sent the two out of the store.

"If you are satisfied, remember to call more people. We guarantee affordable prices and thoughtful service." Before the two left, Rocky did not forget to ask them to help advertise.

After all, underground clinics have no way to advertise publicly. Relying on customers and local snakes to spread the word is the best way to accumulate customers.

"Huh, we're finally open."

After sending the two away, the store returned to silence, and Rocky came to the production area inside.

Holding a bottle of finished medicine, Rocky was thinking about how to sell it and how much to sell.

According to the value, such a powerful effect should be worth more than 500 euros, and Rocky selling it to the black clinic for more than 300 euros is also a relatively ideal state.

But Rocky thought carefully and found that it was not the case. In his opinion, his main customers are mercenaries and gang members.

First of all, the effect of stimulant type 1 is good, but the introduction also clearly states that it will cause harm to people with low physical strength.

At present, Rocky has only done experiments on himself, but if the prosthesis is not counted, Rocky's current physical strength has exceeded more than 90% of gang members and free mercenaries.

Stimulants have no effect on him, but it is hard to say for others.

And these guys fight to make money. It is not realistic to spend a lot of money to use consumables every time. At most, they will buy a little and keep it for emergency use, which will have a huge impact on sales.

But if the price is simply lowered, it will become unreasonable, and even have a huge impact on the entire drug market. At that time, it is estimated that those pharmaceutical companies will go crazy to dig him out.

'It would be perfect if the efficacy could be reduced a little. '

After thinking about it, Rocky decided to experiment. After all, stimulants are made of two secondary potions in a certain ratio and fusion materials.

And the formula of the alchemy table is just a fixed preset, not that the formula ratio cannot be customized. Maybe you can make potions with different efficacy.

If it can be achieved, not only can it reasonably enter the market, but it can also ensure that the best technical drugs are firmly grasped by itself without all the trump cards flowing into the market.

So Rocky began to experiment with different formula ratios of stimulants.

Fortunately, Rocky still has enough materials, and he also has the help of the workbench analyzer.



[After injection, the user feels very fast, but there is no actual effect]


[Contaminated potion]

[Unfortunately, drinking it will cause diarrhea, injection is not recommended]


[Deformed stimulant]

[A strange potion born from a very twisted refining formula. Injecting it into the human body will greatly increase the movement speed (80%) in a short period of time, but it will cause the user to become overly excited and unable to stand the body stopping. At the same time, it will inhibit the body's self-healing. Repeated use will cause multiple organ failure]

Looking at the results analyzed by the workbench analysis interface, Rocky complained wildly: "What the hell is this, it's all useless. Well, this one is still a little useful. Remember the formula."

After writing down the formula of this deformed stimulant, Rocky continued to experiment with different formulas. But most of them are useless.

Fortunately, hard work pays off. With Rocky's trial and error corrections, he finally found a suitable formula.

[Weakened Stimulant]

[The weakened stimulant produced after the formula adjustment sacrifices the self-healing ability in exchange for a longer duration and a lower drug burden. After injection, it increases the user's action speed (35%) for a certain period of time, which lasts for 60 seconds]

'That's it, a lower usage threshold and a higher duration. With a good speed bonus, it is very practical. '

With Rocky's formula adjustment, the cost of this weakened stimulant has now dropped to 30 euros.

Rocky plans to distribute it to black clinics around the country at a price of 150 euros, and the final market price is expected to be around 200 euros.

In this way, it becomes acceptable for mercenaries to use one injection per battle. After all, even shooting bullets costs money, and you can only make money if you are willing to spend money.

After finalizing the formula, Rocky used the remaining materials to produce 100 weakened stimulants. And engraved labels on the bottles one by one.

[Flying Technology Manufacturing]

[Power Stimulant Type II]

Put away the medicine, switch the sign at the door to "resting", and Rocky rides back to the apartment to rest.

Rocky slept very well that night. The first day of opening was generally a good harvest. Although there was only one customer, it was at least a good start.

The stimulant plan also successfully entered the second stage and was ready to try to open up the market.


Early the next morning.

Rocky did not choose to open so early, but prepared to sell the medicine first.

It is not so easy to form a cooperative relationship with black clinics, and a secret cooperative relationship.

Take thirty bottles of medicine, divide them into ten parts and seal them. Rocky put on a hooded sweatshirt and a mask.

Although the jammer in his artificial eye can prevent him from being photographed by the surveillance, it cannot prevent other people from seeing him, so wearing a mask is still very effective.

Riding on a motorcycle, Rocky began to deliver goods in Night City.

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