The old man was in a hurry to get a job.

Japanese Street.

Rocky's clinic.

Rocky sat in front of the computer and looked at several emails, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

After a morning, three prosthetic clinics where Rocky had put samples had completed the drug testing and sent order applications to Rocky.

I believe it won't take long to form a cooperative relationship with most of the prosthetic clinics in Night City.

After all, as the drugs slowly flow into the market, no one should refuse the opportunity to share a piece of the pie.

After ordering another batch of raw materials with the remaining deposit, Rocky began to speed up the production of stimulants.


The next day.

Underground clinic in the North Industrial Zone.

As soon as it opened, the prosthetic doctor Sidney received a visitor application.

"Who is it? You come so early in the morning. It seems that there is no appointment at this time."

Sidney opened the door of the clinic with some doubts, and saw a young man in a black jacket standing in front of him.

"What's the matter?"

Looking at the unfamiliar face in front of him, Sidney vaguely guessed the other party's intention, but still asked.

The man did not answer his question, but asked: "Are you Sidney?"

"It's me." Sidney nodded.

"Someone asked me to send something to you, and you have to pay 4,500 euros."

Hearing Sidney's affirmative answer, the man took out a bag of things and put it in front of Sidney.

Seeing the bag in front of him, Sidney also confirmed his guess, took the things in the man's hand, opened it, and saw dozens of green medicines lying quietly inside.

"Who asked you to come?" Sidney asked with some curiosity.

"I'm only responsible for delivery, I don't know anything else. Give me the money."

The man's answer was within Sidney's expectations. He knew from the way he was dressed that the man was a mercenary from Night City.

They were paid for work, and even they themselves didn't know who their employer was. If they wanted to know the information, they would probably have to find their middleman.

But the mercenaries would not reveal the information of the middleman to him. Obviously, the so-called Ascension Technology didn't want them to find themselves.

Sidney didn't plan to be careful about the payment for the goods, and he readily transferred the money into the man's account.

Since the other party had hired mercenaries to deliver the goods and collect the payment, Sidney naturally didn't want to experience the debt collection service of the Night City mercenaries. He still knew the methods of these guys.

After confirming that the payment had been received, the man didn't say much nonsense and turned around and left.

He was still in a hurry to deliver to the next one.

This man was none other than Rocky.

After a day of fermentation yesterday, Rocky received orders from seven clinics, basically ordering about 20 to 30 stimulants, and planned to try the effect first.

After Rocky finished producing the stimulants, he chose to distribute them uniformly today.

Originally, Rocky was going to issue a commission to have someone deliver them, but then he thought that he had no one trustworthy to help him, and although Jack was feasible, he did not want to trouble Jack to do these simple things.

It is naturally a good choice to issue commissions through middlemen, but it is obvious that middlemen are not trustworthy guys.

If the companies find the middlemen when the time comes, Rocky's secrets will definitely be exposed by them mercilessly, and it is unrealistic to expect them to keep secrets from big companies.

Rocky had no choice but to deliver them himself. Fortunately, he already had the identity of a free mercenary in Night City. As long as he disguised himself well, the companies would not associate him with the manufacturer behind him.

The clinics with orders were distributed in different places in Night City, and Rocky took a lot of time to deliver all the goods.

Fortunately, there were no obstacles in collecting the money, but it was a pity that Rocky's proficient means of debt collection could not be used.

Rocky did not return to the clinic until noon. Looking at the deposit of nearly 30,000, Rocky was very happy.

It has not been long since the cost recovery was basically completed. I believe that more modules will be installed soon.

After Rocky ordered another batch of raw materials from the supplier, he started the clinic today.

Today, the number of customers in the clinic has gradually increased. Under the care of Wakako, and Rocky's craftsmanship has been recognized by customers, Rocky's clinic is slowly gaining reputation in Japan Street.


Time flies, and it has been three days since Rocky opened for the first time.

In addition to the first batch of orders, Rocky has received orders from several clinics, but they are not many.

It is estimated that there will be more orders before the second batch of orders arrives.

These days, I think those clinics can't sell out the stimulants so quickly when they are first launched.

The Japanese street is very lively at night.

The TURBO restaurant under the skyscraper is even more so.

Many street vendors use the open space in front of the restaurant to sell drinks and food.

Several cars are parked together on the open space, and a group of people are drinking and reveling.

Most of them are free mercenaries in Night City, which can also be called cyberpunks.

And the Mann team in the Edgewalker is also among them. They have just completed a mission and are gathering here to celebrate.

The dark-skinned strong man Mann and Dolio are arm in arm on the steps, chatting about something, and the gibbon Pila and Falco are mixed in the crowd to cheer for the performers.

The hacker Qiwei is drinking by herself, and Lucy, another hacker in the team, did not appear here, perhaps not participating in this mission.

And the cyber loli Rebecca in the team is also standing aside drinking a drink and watching the cheerful crowd.

"Huh? Why has that store changed?"

Rebecca seemed not very interested in the hard work being performed. She shifted her sight and suddenly found that a store opposite the restaurant was different from the previous time.

In the past, the store opposite would have been closed at this time, but now it still had a sign saying it was open for business.

"Pila! What is that?" Rebecca called her brother Pila and pointed at the store opposite with her petite finger.

"What? How should I know? There is not even a sign. Maybe it sells harp and Mewtwo."

Pila said in a mean tone while using his flexible and long mechanical fingers to express vividly.

"Get lost!" Seeing her brother's mean look, Rebecca went berserk in an instant, gave Pila a middle finger, and then stretched out her fleshy calf to kick Pila away.

At this time, Qi Wei, who was drinking on the side, was attracted by the two people's playfulness and looked in the direction Rebecca had just pointed.

The artificial eye installed on Qi Wei flashed a stream of data, and soon found the information about the store.

"It's a prosthetic clinic, opened three days ago." Qi Wei quickly found the relevant information of the store through the Internet. These things are naturally easy to find for experienced hackers.

And Mann, who was originally flirting with Dolly, suddenly raised his head and looked at her after hearing Qi Wei's words.

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