The old man was very ambitious.

"Ambition? You're right, I am indeed ambitious, but who isn't?

In order to develop steadily, Ascension Technology doesn't want to attract too much attention, so it has been hiding its shortcomings until today.

But Arasaka Yorinobu, aren't you the same? In order to achieve your goal, you hide your inner edge, stay by Arasaka Saburo's side, and accumulate your own strength."

Facing Arasaka Yorinobu's concerns, Rocky smiled.

Then he continued.

"Arasaka Yorinobu, we are actually very similar, and we want to achieve the same goal. That's why I came to find you and want to change the world with you."

Rocky's words made Arasaka Yorinobu silent for a moment.

He really had no right to judge Rocky's ambition, but what he wanted to know was whether Rocky and he really had the same goal.

"My goal is not just to destroy Arasaka, I hope you know that."

Although Arasaka Yoriki has always advocated the complete destruction of the Arasaka Group, and has always done so.

But Arasaka Yoriki's real ambition is not just to make Arasaka disappear.

What he really wants to achieve is to eliminate all capital companies and liberate people from oppression.

What he wants to do is to fight against the entire unbridled social system, just as Johnny Silverhand said.

If Ascension Technology only helps him fight Arasaka, although he is also happy, he hopes that Ascension Technology can help him achieve his real goal.

Only when Rocky and his goals are truly consistent, he dares to fully trust him and ally with him.

Otherwise, Ascension Technology may be just a larger and more terrifying capital company.

And Rocky is also very clear about this.

"Arasaka Yorinobu, of course I know it. I am the same.

Not only Arasaka, but also Military Technology, WCN, etc., all these disgusting capital enterprises that oppress people and control resources, I will not let any of them go.

My real goal is not the company, but to liberate this unbridled social system, but these companies are the culprits."

Hearing Rocky's words, Arasaka Yorinobu couldn't help but smile.

"Is what you said true?" Arasaka Yorinobu seemed a little excited.

It was like a frustrated person finally met a soulmate.

Arasaka Yorinobu knew that there was never a shortage of people who wanted to rebel against the company in the world.

But most of them were the bottom people oppressed by these companies.

They suffered from the oppression of the company and the suffering imposed on them.

So they rebelled and they were angry, which can be said to be justified.

But Arasaka Yorinobu was different.

He was born as the prince of the Arasaka Group and was destined to be a top person in the Arasaka Group.

He stood on the side of the oppressors from the beginning.

Originally, he could have enjoyed all this as a matter of course, using the money he had robbed from the people to enjoy wealth and glory.

But he didn't, he woke up, and he thought the world was corrupt.

And this also destined him to be the lonely one.

Because in his class, no one has ever thought about these oppressed people like him.

And he was ready to fight alone on this road.

But now, he met an ally, a person who, like him, stood at the top of the company, but still thought about the people below.

Looking at Arasaka Yorinobu's excitement, Rocky smiled even more.

"Of course, I have always thought so.

I have witnessed companies taking away farmers' water sources and finally their land. I have also witnessed Night City becoming a machine, fueled by people's broken spirits, broken dreams and the people's blood and sweat. Companies have long controlled people's livelihoods, taken away everything, and now even their souls are not spared.

This is a battle against a runaway social system, and you, Arasaka Yorinobu, will join me in declaring war on these shitty companies."

Rocky said Johnny Silverhand's classic quote.

As Johnny Silverhand's number one fan, Arasaka Yorinobu was naturally touched.

But just as Arasaka Yorinobu was still immersed in joy, Rocky's words changed again.

"I think you should understand that our goals are the same. But these ideals and goals must be achieved step by step.

It's time to talk about practical things. After all, it's not so easy to truly achieve this goal."

Rocky's words dragged Arasaka Yorinobu back to reality.

Nodding, Arasaka Yorinobu will

He drank the wine in his hand and then spoke.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. I will help you completely control Arasaka first, and then use the power of Arasaka and Ascension Technology to declare war on companies all over the world, and finally send Ascension Technology to the top of companies all over the world and completely control all companies."

Rocky said his plan without hesitation.

But Arasaka Yoshinobu was stunned, which seemed to be a little different from his plan.

"I know what you are thinking. If I am not mistaken, you originally planned to control Arasaka.

Use Arasaka to start a war with other companies to weaken the power of all companies, and then destroy these companies.

But have you ever thought that such a war can really destroy these companies? Johnny Silverhand sent a nuclear bomb into Arasaka Tower and blew it up.

But now, Arasaka Tower still stands in Night City, and the company is far from being destroyed so easily.

To completely eliminate the era of corporate domination, a company that is countless times stronger than them is needed to completely suppress and control them and create a brand new world.

Ascension Technology is developing with this goal, and I have this confidence."

Rocky's words once again exposed Arasaka Yoshinobu. He didn't expect that this person would know what he was thinking so well. His ideals and his plans were all seen through by him.

Arasaka Yoshinobu's face once again showed a struggle.

He knew that what Rocky said made sense. If Ascension Technology could really become the most powerful company in the world and had the ability to challenge and control the entire world, it could indeed create a brand new world.

But Ascension Technology is still a company after all. He is not sure whether Ascension Technology will bring greater oppression to the world after completing this goal.

"Arasaka Yorinobu, you should know that you have no choice. This is the only chance. If you fight alone, how much chance do you think you have?

Don't worry, Ascension Technology is different from other companies. You should understand that I am a mercenary and a cyborg doctor. The whole company is just me and some like-minded friends.

No matter now or in the future, Ascension Technology will only be under my control and become the embodiment of my will. You don't have to worry about this."

Rocky filled Arasaka Yorinobu's glass with wine and motioned him to clink glasses.

After hesitating for a moment, Arasaka Yorinobu still raised his glass and clinked it.

Rocky was right. He had no choice but to trust him.

"Happy cooperation."

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