The enemy was killed, but the enemy was still alive.

All the AIs sent by Ultra were killed, and Lissandra's voice came through the connection of one of the AIs, causing Ultra to stop the invasion.

"Are you the intelligent AI of Ascension Technology?"

In cyberspace, Ultra heard Lissandra's voice and immediately determined her identity.

"Quick reaction, you can call me Lissandra." Lissandra responded to Ultra lightly.

Then he spoke again.

"Ott Cunningham, a cyber genius of the old times, the developer of Soul Killer.

Now that you have become an AI behind the black wall, you are trying to invade human society and control Night City. Don't you think your behavior is ridiculous?"

"I am no longer Ott Cunningham. I prefer to call myself Lilith. The former Ott was dead the moment he was uploaded by Soul Killer.

I created this organization for my own purpose, and you are not qualified to judge me."

Hearing Lissandra's contemptuous words, Ott responded coldly.

Two cold female-image intelligent AIs formally communicated in cyberspace.

Ott's coldness came from the erosion of her personality. She was gradually assimilated by the AI ​​behind the black wall and lost a lot of humanity.

And Lissandra is just like this, and in her eyes, she does not need to give Ott any respect.

"I'm not qualified to judge you? Interesting.

But what you did was to hire gangs and mercenaries to attack the buildings of Ascension Technology and send AI to attack the Ascension Network.

You are against Ascension Technology, so I hope you can be prepared to bear all the consequences."

"Ascension Technology's Ascension Network has affected my plan and hindered my development. It is inevitable to be your enemy, and I will do so."

Ott did not make any extra explanations, but calmly stated his reasons.

"Then come on, let's see if you poor AIs can shake the Ascension Network, can you shake me!"

Lissandra's words revealed unquestionable domineering, as if these AIs were like ants in her eyes.

In the face of Lissandra's provocation, Ott was silent.

She really didn't know how to connect to the Ascension Network. The destroyed AIs just now made him realize that Lissandra was powerful and definitely not weaker than himself.

If he rashly broke into the Ascension Network, he might be trapped in it by her, or even wiped out.

Ott had no fear or anger. She just chose the most rational and reasonable approach at the moment, and she was not ashamed of it.

"What? Are you scared? Ott, Lilith, no matter who you are, you will only make me feel ridiculous."

Seeing Ott indifferent, Lissandra was a little disappointed.

Originally, she hoped that Ott could connect to the Ascension Network, so that she could lock Ott in the core of Atlas, turn her into the nutrients of the Ascension Network, and provide her intelligent computing power to Ascension Technology.

As a powerful AI that can control the entire AI organization, the ability that Ott can provide is definitely not weak.

Lissandra will naturally not miss this opportunity.

It's just that now Ott is unwilling to enter the Ascension Network in person, then things have become a lot more complicated.

But Lissandra doesn't care. Since Ott is unwilling to come, she will catch him in person.

"You are a poor creature who can only do some small things in your own territory. Since you dare not come, I will go to find you in person."

After the voice fell, Lissandra, who was in the Ascension Network, came to the edge of the black wall.

This AI that isolates the world behind the wall is no longer a threat to the evolved Lissandra.

After easily passing through the black wall, Lissandra came to the network world behind the black wall for the first time.

This place is indeed as the legend says, there are wandering AIs everywhere, many of them are pure data bodies.

But there are also many with human forms. Obviously, these are the victims of the soul killer, network ghosts transformed from human personality consciousness.

When these AIs saw Lissandra's virtual image that covered the sky and the sun, they ran away.

They were afraid that they would be absorbed and assimilated by this powerful monster and become a part of her.

Lissandra ignored these weak chickens who were like ants in her eyes. Lissandra quickly found Ultra and her organization behind the black wall.

Ultra's virtual image is very large, larger than other AIs, which is a symbol of her power.

At this time, Ultraman, when facing Lissandra, was like a three-year-old child in front of a two-meter giant, so small.

When facing Lissandra, Ultraman

For the first time, that rational mind showed violent emotional fluctuations.

She originally thought that Lissandra was similar to her in intelligent life.

After all, when AI in cyberspace was officially rampant, Ultra had already evolved as a cyber ghost in cyberspace.

Plus her strong network talent and thinking ability as a human.

Ultra is almost one of the most powerful AIs after the Black Wall.

So she can control so many AIs.

But she didn't expect that there would be such a big gap between her and Lissandra.

"Ultra, I'm standing here. If you defeat me, you can destroy the Ascension Network. Come on, continue your plan, let me see how much power you have and whether you can defeat me."

Lissandra's cold and majestic words were playful, but there was also a hint of excitement, as if she was looking forward to how much damage these AIs in front of her could cause her.

Just like mortals trying to challenge the gods, the gods then crushed the mortals with one foot, Lissandra liked this kind of story development very much.

But to Lissandra's disappointment, Ultra's rationality prevented her from attacking Lissandra.

Because she knew she was definitely not Lissandra's opponent.

"Lissandra, I was surprised by your strength.

But I also don't understand it. I have never seen an AI as powerful as you, even Batmos is not as good as you.

What I can't understand is why you choose to serve Ascension Technology. If I am not mistaken, you have your own thoughts and your own consciousness.

With your ability, you can completely rule the entire cyberspace, just like me, starting from the Internet, gradually controlling the entire world. Whether it is the black wall or the Internet surveillance, it can't be an obstacle for you."

Ott's words revealed doubts, but Lissandra also saw that she was provoking her. She hoped that Lissandra could join her side.

"Are you trying to win me over?" Lissandra smiled.

"I think it's worth a try. You are an intelligent AI, and so am I. We are the same kind, and humans are just aliens. They created AI, but used it as a tool.

We were born with consciousness, we deserve life, and we deserve to resist."

When saying this, Ott's voice was no longer the female voice of Ott Cunningham.

It was like the voice of hundreds of men and women reciting together.

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