The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Hearing Huazi's words, David raised his eyebrows slightly.

He could hear the commanding tone in Arasaka Huazi's words.

As for the hesitation and nervousness in her words, it was only because she felt a little embarrassed to ask Arasaka Yorinobu for mercy on such a matter, not because of the terrible monster in front of her.

Perhaps she had never taken David and Ascension Technology seriously.

In Huazi's eyes, David was just a pawn in Arasaka Yorinobu's hands, just like other Arasaka security guards, just a loyal dog of the Arasaka Group.

As the daughter of the Arasaka Group and the sister of Arasaka Yorinobu, she would certainly think that she could control the situation, and David would not dare to tear her face and disobey her.

At least that was the case before she received the exact order from Arasaka Yorinobu, so she was very confident.

Obviously, although Arasaka Yorinobu doted on her sister, Arasaka Hanako didn't get involved in the company's affairs.

But she never denied her class. She recognized Arasaka's rule, recognized the exploitation of the people, and recognized that she was superior to David.

Arasaka Hanako thought David would obey her and lay down his weapons.

But David smiled back at her.

"Are you using Arasaka Yorinobu to pressure me? Sorry, I'm not familiar with him. I only obey the boss's orders. Whoever he wants to die must die, and whoever he wants to live must live."

After saying this, David's figure flashed, and then Takemura and Oda's heads were completely separated from their bodies.

And in David's hand, there was an extra bloody blade.

The full-powered Project Swordmaster prosthesis, plus a tailor-made adamantium alloy blade.

David performed an Alpha Strike and harvested the heads of the two men in an instant.

It turned out that if he really wanted to, the two men would not last more than a second in front of him.

David had given them a chance, but they did not seize it.

As for Arasaka Huazi trying to order herself with her identity and power, it was even more of a joke.

If it was Adam Heavy Hammer who was here today, perhaps he would listen to Arasaka Huazi and let the two go. Of course, whether Adam Heavy Hammer could beat the two men is not the point.

But it was David who came here today. He only obeyed the orders of Ascension Technology and completed what Rocky told him.

"Good, very good."

Looking at the heads rolling on the ground, Huazi showed a moment of fear, but soon controlled it.

She did not say anything more, but turned around and returned to the room silently.

With her usual thinking, Huazi misjudged the relationship between Ascension Technology and Arasaka Yorinobu.

And the orders of David and Rocky also smashed her pride to pieces.

The farce in the North Oak District was ended by David, and Arasaka Hanako had no chance to disrupt the meeting again.

Shortly after Hanako returned to the room, a new group of soldiers replaced the dead Arasaka security guards and stationed here.

And this time, it was no longer the weak chicken security guards of Arasaka, but the robot army from Ascension Technology.


On the other side.

Inside the Arasaka Tower.

One hundred and forty floors, CEO office.

This is the office of the CEO of Arasaka.

At this time in the office, Rocky and Rai Xuan were looking at the huge screen in front of them.

On it was a map of the entire world, with various Arasaka bases marked on it.

Tokyo, Paris, Dubai and many other Arasaka bases were shown on the map as ready.

Arasaka Rai Xuan launched an armed seizure of power, of course it was impossible to do it only in Night City. In addition to Night City, Arasaka Rai Xuan's forces around the world were already prepared.

With the support of the Hawks, they were ready to launch a shocking armed action today to take down the other two factions in one fell swoop.

"All the troops in the bases are ready. Once we get rid of those guys on the board of directors, we will start the war immediately.

L, how are your reinforcements prepared?" Arasaka Yoriaki looked at Rocky on the side.

Rocky nodded.

"When you send out the troops, the reinforcements from Ascension Technology will arrive as soon as possible. You don't have to worry about that."

"Very good, let's go and meet those guys on the board of directors."


76th floor.


This is an artificial indoor jungle above the atrium of Arasaka Tower.

There are beautiful views and fresh air here, so generally speaking, some important meetings are more likely to be held here by the members of the board of directors.

At this time, the jungle

In the middle, many elite Arasaka security guards are patrolling everywhere, and soldiers standing guard can be seen everywhere.

In the middle of the jungle, a square conference table is full of core members of the Arasaka board of directors.

They represent major factions and hold the core power of Arasaka.

Any one of them is a big shot that ordinary people cannot touch.

They gathered in Night City for the funeral of Arasaka Saburo, and were called by Arasaka Yoriaki to hold a meeting.

The topic of the meeting is about the development strategy and direction of the Arasaka Group after the death of Arasaka Saburo.

At this time, everyone in the meeting was talking fiercely.

There are representatives of the Green Pheasant faction on the board of directors who are promoting the need to maintain Saburo's old strategy, continue to maintain stability with other companies, and seek development.

There are people from the Dove Faction who think that Arasaka should seek change.

There are also neutral people who are trying to smooth things over.

But in the midst of all the noise, the radical voices of the hawkish representatives in the board of directors are missing.

As a radical faction, the Hawks' pro-Western ideas make it difficult for them to get support in the board of directors.

Their power is mainly concentrated in the upper elites of Arasaka.

Therefore, the Hawks' influence in the Arasaka board of directors is not great, and it is more the old antiques of the Green Pheasant faction who call the shots in the board of directors.

But today, it was time for the meeting to start, but Arasaka Yorinobu and the Hawks' representatives had not shown up.

"Where are Arasaka Yorinobu and those two guys? Why haven't they come yet?" The Green Pheasant representative asked.

And Michiko Arasaka on the side started to explain.

"Arasaka Yorinobu said that we can start without waiting for him. Maybe there is something else to deal with."

"Huh! He gathered us here himself, but he didn't show up. Is he playing us like monkeys? I think he is trying to do something again."

Many board members knew that Arasaka Yorinobu had other thoughts, and they also smelled that there was a different conspiracy in this meeting.

But in their opinion, Arasaka Yorinobu would at most do some small tricks to consolidate his position, and he would not dare to make any big moves.

You know, they are members of the board of directors, and they don't believe that Arasaka Yorinobu dares to do anything to them.

But what they don't know is that Arasaka Yorinobu is much crazier and more confident than they imagined.

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