The two sides have been in a state of chaos, and the situation is not good.

Given the relationship between Ascension Technology and Arasaka, going to war with Ascension Technology is basically equivalent to going to war with Arasaka.

Not to mention that according to their speculation, the promotion of the Ascension Network is definitely assisted by Arasaka.

Recently, their intelligence department has collected that Arasaka has connected all the networks internally to the Ascension Network.

This behavior of abandoning the original private network and using the Ascension Network, in their eyes, can almost be concluded that the Ascension Network is one of Arasaka's works.

"Arasaka... is indeed difficult to deal with, but the network communication industry is not something they can get involved in. Their ambitions are too big.

Just after experiencing an internal war, they are thinking about expanding outward. I think the newly appointed Arasaka Yorinobu is just a fool."

Some senior executives sneered. The entire network communication industry is complicated. WCN is the top of the pyramid, but it does not mean that only WCN controls this industry.

There are countless city network suppliers in various cities. They basically have deep connections with local governments. Grabbing their market is basically going against local governments.

In addition to various network communication companies, network security companies are also part of this industry.

Under normal circumstances, the construction of a new network often does not affect the network security industry.

But the difference of Feisheng Network is that it is too safe and does not recognize the supervision of network monitoring.

In other words, Feisheng Network has its own network supervision methods, and network monitoring has no way to enforce the law in Feisheng Network.

If the Ascension Network is really promoted worldwide, it will undoubtedly bring a huge impact on the authority and interests of Network Monitoring.

This is what Network Monitoring absolutely does not want to see.

It can be said that this time the Ascension Network has not only affected communication companies in various places, but also provoked WCN and Network Monitoring, two European giants representing the network industry.

"Network Monitoring, large and small network companies and governments in various places, plus Military Technology, which is eyeing Arasaka.

Arasaka has indeed developed at an unpredictable speed in the past year, but they have been severely damaged by the internal war. If they want to challenge so many companies at the same time, it is definitely a suicide act."

"Contact Military Technology and Network Monitoring, and prepare for action."

Listening to the high-level discussions below, the chairman on the main seat issued an order.

Ascension Technology suddenly extended its hand to the global network communication industry, which undoubtedly wanted to provoke a new round of corporate wars.

And in the face of the provocation of Ascension Technology, WCN was not panicked at all.

Even though Ascension Technology has the support of Arasaka, with WCN's strong foundation, it is not difficult to hire Military Technology to start a war, not to mention that Military Technology is just preparing to take advantage of Arasaka's setback to hit it hard.

Soon, WCN successfully found the top management of Military Technology and completed the cooperation docking.

Although Military Technology does not want to provoke a new round of corporate war, after all, it is not as good as the previous situation where the two companies dominate.

Under Arasaka and Military Technology, there are companies like Kangtao who are eyeing them.

Once both sides lose, it is very likely that other companies will benefit.

But facing the generous rewards proposed by WCN and this great opportunity to suppress Arasaka, Military Technology still finds it difficult to refuse.

And Ascension Technology has taken root in Night City, a city that the New United States of America failed to occupy and rule in the unification war.

Military Technology can take this opportunity to take it down and let Night City be incorporated into the New United States.

After weighing the pros and cons, Military Technology still accepted the war commission from WCN.

In this way, the two companies that were enough to shake the world, Arasaka and Military Technology, seemed to be about to start a war again and repeat the fourth corporate war.

Only this time, the culprits who provoked the war between the two companies changed from CINO and OTEC, the two maritime transport companies, to Ascension Technology and WCN.

Unlike the situation where CINO and OTEC were basically equal in strength and influence, the influence of Ascension Technology and WCN was very different.

After WCN hired Military Technology as the main force of the war, it then contacted the network monitoring.

I believe that the network monitoring will not refuse to help in the fight against the Ascension Network. After all, if the Ascension Network really rises, the network monitoring can almost be said to be unemployed.

What WCN did not expect was that the network

The supervisors showed great interest in WCN's request, but they had no intention of helping.

Because the network supervisors were overwhelmed by another matter at this time.

That was the riot from the black wall.

Network Supervisory Headquarters.

The black wall management department is one of the most important departments of the network supervisors, managing everything related to the black wall and behind the black wall.

Just as the Ascension Network was officially opened to the world, the peaceful black wall began to have problems.

The black wall, which was originally indestructible and divided the two cyberspaces, began to have frequent loopholes. Many roaming AIs behind the black wall began to break through the black wall and came into the cyberspace.

Although the network supervisors can still barely control this situation, timely discover loopholes and solve those roaming AIs.

But with the current situation of the black wall loopholes getting worse, one day the black wall will completely collapse and release a large number of roaming AIs.

In this case, the network supervisors can only do their best to repair the damage to the black wall and try to completely repair it, and there is no extra energy to get involved in the affairs of Ascension Technology.

WCN can only lose the ally of Network Monitoring.


Night City, Arasaka Tower.

Rocky came here every day to discuss the plan with Arasaka Yoshinobu.

As the original office building of Ascension Technology has been vacated long ago, the headquarters has also moved to the Black Star.

So now on Earth, Ascension Technology no longer has a strictly sense of the main base.

And the new Night City branch building of Ascension Technology is still under construction, just on the other side of the center of the company square.

It will take a lot of time for a new super building to rise from the ground.

Rocky did not hesitate, and directly used Arasaka Yoshinobu's office as his temporary office on Earth.

"The Ascension Network has been thoroughly promoted, and the response from all over the country is also expected. WCN can no longer sit still. It will soon join forces with military technology to attack Ascension Technology and Arasaka."

With the intelligence discovered by Lissandra, he has also learned about the news that WCN has joined forces with military technology.

And this is exactly what Rocky and Arasaka Yoshinobu want.

Use the fifth corporate war to fire the first shot in declaring war on all companies and capital in the world.

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