The first time, the second time, the second time.

"Success!" said No. 2 holding the camera.

"Success..." No. 1 had a happy expression on his face, but changed the next moment, "No! He is going to run out!"

In the flat space where Li Xuan was, there was a sudden shaking.

The shaking gradually became heavier...even making a series of piercing buzzing sounds.


A figure suddenly emerged from the flat space.

It was Li Xuan's wooden clone who ran out!

He was not blocked by the camera with a seal, but broke the seal.

But the Tao-seeking jade around him and the tin staff and black sword in his hand had disappeared.

Obviously, he was not completely unaffected.

None of these things were brought out, and they were completely sealed in the plane.

After all, they were powerful trump card props for the fourth-stage reincarnationist, so it was impossible to say that they had no effect at all.

But the moment his body emerged in the world, a strong gust of wind came from the side.


The body of Li Xuanmu's clone was suddenly smashed away!

In mid-air, the power was completely reduced before it stayed floating in the air.

Very strong power.

Completely reached the Six Paths level.

The same level as himself.

Floating, Li Xuanmu's clone made a judgment.

The attack just now had to be said to be the strongest attack he had received so far.

He moved his eyes down and looked at the guy who had just attacked him.

Is that so...

After seeing the object that attacked him, Mu's clone was a little confused.

In his eyes, it was a child, whose appearance was no different from the thousands of children he had seen before.

But... the only difference was in the difference in size...

This child was much bigger! A lot!

It is simply a collection of thousands of children...

Combined from separate individuals into a concentrated individual... The separate individuals were originally Kage-level, but now they are combined to enhance to the level of the Six Paths... Abandoning quantity, transforming all quantity into quality...

Li Xuan's wooden clone thought in his mind.

"Wild wind tornado!"

Before the thought stopped, there was another violent howling of wind and dust from the other side.

Number One rolled up the wind and sand, forming two large sand and dust tornadoes that rolled up the wind and clouds, rushing towards Li Xuan. The mixed power and might seemed to roll everything into pieces.

Losing the Seeking Dao Jade that could change its form at will, Li Xuan's wooden clone could only rely on ninjutsu to resist.

"Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique."

Chakra surged, and hundreds of huge wooden dragons quickly appeared in the air, rushing towards the large tornado with unparalleled momentum, determined to disperse the tornado.

"Domain." After using the disposable prop camera, No. 2 also showed his power at this time. His ability suddenly burst out, and an invisible force spread, seemingly surrounding several kilometers in an instant.

This is No. 2's ultimate ability.

Create a domain with itself as the center, where zippers can be opened and closed at will.

Within a certain period of time and within the scope of this domain, all his zippers can be opened and closed without relying on media and physical strength.


No. 2 waved his hands quickly, and hundreds of large chain mouths suddenly appeared in front of each wooden dragon, allowing all wooden dragons to rush into the illusory and chaotic space.

Then he suddenly opened the chain mouths on all sides of Li Xuan's wooden clone.

For a moment, all the wooden dragons poured out from the chain mouths.

No. 2 intended to let him swallow the attack he launched!

And after the zipper, there were two tornadoes launched by No. 1!

"Interesting..." Li Xuan's wooden clone continued the character of the original body, and at this time there was no panic at all, but whispered in a low voice.

Under his own rebound attack, he clasped his hands together and silently chanted: "Wood Style: Tree World Descends."

Chakra instantly gushed out like a flood, and with the chakra came wildly growing trees, attacking in all directions with Li Xuan's wooden clone as the center.

Smashed all the attacking wooden dragons, and suddenly penetrated into the chain mouth opened by No. 2.

All the trees kept growing! Keep growing!

The space in the zipper can carry and penetrate things that are not infinite!

Therefore, under the erosion of the infinitely growing trees, No. 2 suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and had to close the zipper in front of Li Xuan's wooden clone, allowing the trees to truly extend into reality.

In an instant, the trees were like a flood of beasts, attacking down, suddenly breaking up the double tornado, growing and extending at an incredible speed, and soon covering the entire Rain Village!

If Nagato hadn't already taken Rain Village

The people in the village and the surrounding areas have already been evacuated... Then all the living people will not be spared...

"Is that guy a monster? Won't such an exaggerated energy consumption drain all the life energy in his body?" Number 4, whose body was made up of thousands of children, said loudly while constantly smashing the attacking trees.

"Hold on a little longer." Number 1, whose head was condensed into a solid body, said to the two and three who were resisting.

His body turned into wind and sand, contacting the ground, as if he was doing something...

For a moment, the battle situation at this time only became that Li Xuanmu's clone, who was sitting cross-legged and floating in the air, constantly consumed chakra to enhance the power of the tree world's descent, and attacked the enemy reincarnation with endlessly extended and stretched thick trees, as if he was intending to consume chakra to complete the purpose of exhausting the opponent's strength and physical strength.

As for the enemy reincarnation, number 1 didn't know what he was doing, and number 2 kept opening the chain mouth, allowing the trees to connect and die. Sometimes, he would open some chain mouths around Li Xuanmu's clone again to let the attack rush to him.

However, Li Xuanmu's clone, who was concentrating on releasing the tree world, could naturally anticipate the rebound of his attacks. Once an attack came to him, he would avoid it at a clever angle, and at the same time, he would extend other trees to hit No. 2, blocking him from continuing to manipulate the chain.

No. 3 had disappeared for a long time, and his whereabouts were also unknown.

And No. 4 continued to bombard the attacking trees with the power of the Six Paths, causing them to explode.

At this time, he was quite powerful when Might Guy opened the Eight Gates and fought with physical skills.

However, No. 4 only reached the Six Paths level with pure brute force. The qualitative change of power formed by the pure fat superposition was destined to make him unable to fully master and use the power like Might Guy.

Therefore, of course, he could not derive a trick similar to "Night Guy".

So it was obviously not very easy to deal with the Six Paths enhanced version of the tree world of Li Xuanmu's clone.

"That's it..."

When No. 2 gradually reached the time limit of the field and No. 4's child-like white skin gradually turned yellow, No. 1 finally made a sound of ending.

"Enter No. 2's zipper space! Quick!" No. 1 shouted in a deep voice.

The two did not hesitate. No. 2 opened a large zipper for No. 4, and No. 4 jumped in directly. Then No. 2 opened the zipper for himself and hid in.

After the two teammates dodged, No. 1 did not hesitate at all and burst out with all the preparations.

"Sky Burial Explosion Sand!!!"

The moment the voice fell, the entire Rain Village and even the surrounding area of ​​dozens of kilometers suddenly shook, as if something huge had changed.

The earth shook! The roar resounded!

The ground of the Rain Village and the surrounding area of ​​dozens of kilometers suddenly collapsed, and instantly turned into endless sand!

The sky is dark!

Li Xuanmu's clone suddenly felt it.

Looking up, it turned out that it seemed that endless sand had closed in from all directions to the sky, completely covering the sky!

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